City of Athens to replace a Richland Avenue bridge this summer
The city of Athens will replace a small bridge on Richland Avenue near the intersection of Greenbrier Drive and the Summit at Coates Run apartment complex entrance. Work will start May 6 and end by late August.
The bridge, originally constructed in 1935, is no longer rated to meet 帝王会所 roadway load requirements and must be completely replaced with a modern structure. The new bridge structure will match the existing bridge鈥檚 width, which will allow for the same 10-foot wide vehicular lanes, five-foot wide bicycle lanes, and five-foot wide sidewalks to remain.
It is the intent of the City to maintain to maintain half the width of Richland Avenue open during construction, which will allow two-way traffic to continue through the use of a temporary signal at the bridge. Pedestrian detours will be provided to open sidewalks, adjacent businesses will remain open according to their normal schedules, and bus services will also continue according to their regular schedules.
The City requests that all motorists who utilize Richland Avenue this summer drive carefully in the construction zone, watch for changing conditions, and adhere to the posted traffic safety signs, temporary signals, and flaggers directing traffic. Construction updates will be posted on the City website at , and questions may be directed to the City of Athens Engineering and Public Works Office at 740-593-7636.