
Game day traffic patterns announced for the OHIO Bobcats’ final home football game of 2018 season

Faculty, staff, students and OHIO Bobcat football fans arriving to campus on Friday, Nov. 23 should be aware of the following traffic patterns that will affect game day traffic.

Various event set-up activities could also affect area parking and traffic flow throughout the day.

°¿±á±õ°¿â€™s&²Ô²ú²õ±è; will officially open Friday morning at 8 a.m. (weather permitting) for fan setup.

November 23: OHIO’s standard game day traffic pattern
OHIO’s standard game day traffic pattern will go into effect Friday at 5 a.m. to accommodate the Bobcats’ evening football game. This pattern includes special routes to reach designated game day parking lots and the creation of a vehicle-free pedestrian zone on South Green Drive adjacent to the stadium.

OHIO Football fans can view detailed game day traffic maps online at:

Fans are encouraged to bookmark this page, which can be accessed via smartphone, to help avoid confusion when navigating game day traffic.

New OHIO ticket office location and Peden Stadium gates
OHIO’s football ticket office is now located at Gate 2 on the on the west end, ground floor of the new Perry and Sandy Sook Academic Center. In addition, please note that Peden Stadium Gates 2 and 3 will be back in operation this season. Fans may enter any gate at the stadium, no matter the location of their seats.

A reminder regarding the Peden Stadium re-entry policy
In an effort to better enhance and maintain patron security during football games, OHIO will continue its no re-entry policy for Peden Stadium this season.

Patrons are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with OHIO’s prohibited items policy in advance of their arrival: .

For more information about OHIO Athletics efforts to improve the 2018 football game-day experience, please visit: 

Additional information about the OHIO Bobcats is available at: .

November 19, 2018
Staff reports