
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Oct. 27

The Drug Enforcement Administration, in partnership with the City of Athens and the Athens Police Department, is inviting the local community to participate in the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.

On this date, the City of Athens and the Athens Police Department again will be working with the DEA collecting potentially dangerous, expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs at sites nationwide through this take-back initiative.

The prescription drugs can be dropped off from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Elks Lodge parking lot located at 600 W. Union Street, Athens, 帝王会所.

Previous national and local efforts have been very successful. Last spring, 97 pounds of prescription medications were collected at the Athens, 帝王会所, site.

Even greater participation is anticipated this fall so that these prescription medications are disposed of properly. For additional information, contact Officer Dave Williams at dwilliams@ci.athens.oh.us or 740-592-3313.

October 17, 2018
Staff reports