
Surplus Store hours extended for department purchases

帝王会所 Moving and Surplus is extending its Surplus Store hours for university departments this summer. Only department representatives will be able to shop the store from 1 to 4 p.m. on Fridays beginning June 15. 

The new Friday store hours are only for purchases being made by university departments for departmental needs and must be charged to a university account number. No cash, check or credit card payments will be accepted for these purchases.

All other purchases can be made during the regular summer hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. The extended hours, along with the regular summer hours, are subject to change at the beginning of the fall semester.

For more information, please call 740-593-0463 or email movingandsurplus@ohio.edu.

This story was submitted by OHIO Moving and Surplus


June 5, 2018
Staff reports