
News and Announcements

Payroll reminds employees about end of fiscal year reconciliation of leave usage


As the end of FY18 approaches, faculty and staff are reminded to record all planned and/or confirmed absences through June 30 in the appropriate system to ensure that leave balances are appropriately reflected and carried over into FY19.

Classified and administrative hourly staff using WorkForce time entry can view up-to-date usage and balance information through WorkForce as data is entered and submitted each pay period. Earned PTO is added the first Friday of each pay period. Salaried Faculty and Administrators should refer to Absence Management in My Personal Information (MPI) to obtain current leave balances and should report all vacation and sick leave usage in Absence Management.

Personal Days – Administrators and Classified Staff
The University provides a personal leave benefit to all classified employees as indicated in Policy #40.028. AFSCME and FOP Classified Bargaining Unit employees follow policy #40.028 as modified by Article 35(J) and 27L respectively of the Collective Bargaining Agreements. Salaried Administrators, Administrative Hourly, and Classified Non-Bargaining Unit staff are provided identical personal leave benefits. The policy states that at the end of the fiscal year, unused personal days will be added back to an individual’s sick leave balance.

Last day to use Personal Days for FY18

Hourly Staff

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hourly Administrative Staff

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Salaried Administrative Staff

Saturday, June 30, 2018








Personal Days for FY19

On July 1, personal days for FY19 will be established.

  • For employees assigned eight-hour shifts with a sick leave balance of at least 120 hours (15 days), 24 hours of time will be converted.
  • For classified employees assigned 10-hour shifts with a sick leave balance of at least 150 hours (15 days), 30 hours of time will be converted.
  • All permanent and provisional full-time and part-time classified employees and administrators, who have a sick leave balance in excess of the amounts noted above as of the dates listed below, will have three days of sick leave time converted to personal leave for FY19.
    • Classified and administrative hourly staff may use their newly accrued personal hours on or after July 1, 2018. Please note that accrual totals will not be visible in WorkForce until July 2. 
    • Salaried administrative staff may use their newly accrued personal hours on or after the pay period beginning July 1, 2018.

The employee’s sick leave balance will be reduced by these hours while the personal leave balance will be increased by the same number of hours.

Relevant Information

Personal time must be used in one-hour increments. Employees may not report half-hour increments.

Please refer to the following policies for more information on leave:

  • Personal Days for Classified Staff –
  • Vacation & Winter Break Closure for Administrative and Classified Employees –
  • Paid sick leave for faculty and administrative staff –
  • Paid sick leave for classified –
  • Leaves of Absence for faculty and administrative staff –
  • Leaves of Absence for classified staff –

Questions? Please contact the Employee Service Center at uhr@ohio.edu or 740-593-1636.

Thank you,

µÛÍõ»áËù Payroll Department

May 11, 2018
Staff reports