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Spring 2018 Edition
Alumni & Friends Magazine

In harmony

Senior music therapy major Rebecca Day sees a cappella—an ensemble that sings without music accompaniment—as a fun yet sophisticated art form.

Anita Martin, BSJ, ’05 | May 14, 2018


“It takes a lot for 19 people to emulate a song using their voices,” she says, describing Picardy Thirds, a co-ed a cappella group she helps lead. Such student-led groups are on the rise at OHIO, with a mix of all-male, all-female, and co-ed ensembles taking form.

Picardy Thirds describes “a song that goes from a solemn sound to a happy one” in the music field. For Day, who hopes to work with at-risk, inner-city students or at a psychiatric hospital, the analogy particularly resonates.

Four of ’s a cappella singing groups—Title IX, Picardy Thirds, Leading Tones, and New Chords on the Block—show how noteworthy leadership takes more than just the perfect pitch. Though the groups typically perform separately and share a spirit of friendly competition, they joined forces in a hearty sing off for visitors.

Feature photo by Sarah Holm BSVC ’18

Video by Mallory Golski, BSJ ’19