
Call for Participants: Faculty Learning Communities to Assess Student Achievement of OHIO’s Common Learning Goals

OHIO holds as its central purpose the intellectual and personal development of its students. Meaningful assessment of learning – gathering evidence of the knowledge, skills, and competencies students gain through the college experience – is one tool that enables faculty and staff to achieve OHIO’s central purpose.

To advance institution-wide assessment efforts, OHIO seeks faculty to participate in one of four Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) dedicated to assessing one of OHIO’s common learning goals for baccalaureate programs. The FLCs have been developed through a collaboration among the Office of the President, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Institutional Research, the Office of Instructional Innovation, the Teaching, Learning, & Assessment Committee, and the Faculty Senate’s University Curriculum Council.

Each FLC will pilot assessment plans for single common learning goal: quantitative literacy, critical thinking, written communications, or teamwork. Each FLC will be asked to (a) develop processes to assess student learning, (b) use rubrics to evaluate student demonstrations of learning, and (c) evaluate and communicate assessment results.

The following provides additional information about each FLC:

  • Length: Three semesters – Fall 2018, Spring 2019 and Fall 2019
  • Composition: One faculty leader and 5 to 7 participants
  • Meetings: A maximum of seven times per semester (likely 3:05 to 4:25 p.m.) plus one three-hour orientation the week prior to Fall 2018 start of classes. (Remote meeting attendance options will be available.)
  • Time Commitment: 15 to 20 hours for leaders and 10 to 12 hours per semester for participants
  • Stipend(s): $1,000 per semester for leaders and $500 per semester for participants


We are seeking faculty from across campuses and disciplines who have an interest in one or more of the FLC topics, undergraduate education, and assurance of learning through assessment. Any full-time OHIO faculty member who plans to teach an undergraduate course with the FLC topic as a course learning outcome during the Spring 2019 semester is welcome to apply.

Please APPLY ONLINE no later than May 4, 2018. 

Please direct questions to Dr. Katie Hartman (project coordinator) via email at hartmank@ohio.edu.

May 1, 2018
Staff reports