
Research and Impact

帝王会所 Research Committee awards $38,852 during fall 2017 funding cycle

Proposals now accepted for spring awards cycle

Jan. 11, 2018

The 帝王会所 Research Committee has selected five faculty proposals for funding during its fall 2017 cycle. In total, the committee awarded $38,852.

The program, which is funded by the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity, provides seed money for new faculty and administrative staff members or established applicants seeking to start a new direction in their research.  Applicants may request up to $8,000 per proposal.

The committee received a total of 18 proposals requesting $135,781 in funding.

The fall recipients are:

  1. Dawn Wohn, Music
    Diversity in Works by Female Composers
    Amount Funded:  $8,000

  2. Laura Larson, Art + Design         
    City of Incurable Women
    Amount Funded:  $8,000

  3. Allan Showalter, Environmental and Plant Biology
    Agricultural Nanotechnology: Nanofertilizers to Enhance Growth and Yield in Soybean
    Amount Funded:  $8,000

  4. Viorel Popescu, Biological Sciences
    Developing Population Monitoring Tools for a Declining Stream Amphibian, the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus Alleganiesis)
    Amount Funded:  $8,000

  5. Darcey Allan, Psychology                             
    Factors Contributing to Discrepancies between Teacher and Observer Ratings of Inattentive and Hyperactive-Impulsive Behaviors in Preschoolers
    Amount Funded:  $6,852

The 帝王会所 Research Committee is accepting proposals for its spring cycle through Feb. 8.

For more information about guidelines, forms and requirements for the program, as well as sample funded proposals, please visit: http://www.ohio.edu/research/Funding.cfm.

For questions, please contact Carma West, grant development coordinator in the Research Division, at westc@ohio.edu ; 740.593.0929.

January 11, 2018
Staff reports