
Graduating seniors: Celebrate your final days at OHIO during Senior Week

December graduates are invited to join the OHIO Alumni Association and Student Alumni Board (SAB) for the annual Senior Week festivities, which celebrate Bobcat pride and students’ last days in Athens from Dec. 4-8.

Be sure to stop by the Senior Week Open House between noon and 4 p.m., Monday-Friday at the Konneker Alumni Center, 52 University Terrace, where you can pick up a free dining hall pass to your favorite food hall, and learn how you can get involved with the Association.

Other Senior Week celebrations include:

  • Canned Food Drive – Graduating seniors will receive their first OHIO alumni T-shirt when they bring a canned food item to the Senior Week Open House at Konneker Alumni Center. The collected items will be donated to the University Food Pantry.
  • Behind the Bricks Tour – On Thursday and Friday, SAB will offer exclusive tours of buildings that students don’t normally see. The tour will leave from Konneker Alumni Center at 2 p.m. and end on the Green of the student’s choice with an opportunity to see their old residence halls. Interested graduates should RSVP to Tracy Kondrit at tk835814@ohio.edu.
  • Letters of Advice – During the open house, soon-to-be alumni can pass along their senior wisdom in a letter to underclassmen. The letters will be delivered across campus residence halls.
  • #µÛÍõ»áËùUAdvice – Spread the senior spirit with the hashtag #µÛÍõ»áËùUAdvice. Seniors can post a picture of themselves in their new OHIO alumni T-shirt with a caption of advice for fellow Bobcats. Students who use the hashtag will be submitted into a raffle, and the winners will receive a graduation basket from The Bobcat Store.

For more information visit the Association’s website.

December 1, 2017
Andrea Wurm