Gain Another Family – Join Bobcat Student Orientation

The OHIO community takes pride in being one giant Bobcat Family, and joining Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO) is one way to deepen your roots into this culture of appreciation, love and commitment.

At the end of the most recent Orientation season, staff members gathered for the annual BSO awards ceremony. With tears in her eyes, Calley Cessna, Orientation Leader for the College of Health Sciences and Professions, accepted the award of “Best Orientation Leader.”

“Working with the BSO family was an amazing experience and with the tight bubble of nursing school, I often don’t branch out,” said Cessna. “I met so many diverse and amazing people.”

Between taking an intro to BSO course, living in the residence halls, working long hours and spending every fun-filled moment in Athens together, Orientation Leaders develop lifelong friendships while changing the lives of first-year students at . Working with new friends creates a strong team-orientated environment and even enhances your professional goals.

According to Cessna, everyone at Orientation had the same values and a passion for helping the new students. She believed the bond all of the staff members developed helped to make every goal achievable. Bobcat Student Orientation is all about building relationships, whether it be with your coworkers, new students and even university faculty members.

One of Cessna’s most memorable moments came from the College of Health Sciences and Professions. As the summer ended, the faculty of HSP pulled her aside and began to explain how helpful she was to their daily operations. In that moment they shared hugs, tears, and memories. Cessna never fully understood how much she had impacted faculty as well. Not only are these comforting relationships to develop, but now they can serve as references for Cessna’s future career.

Building relationships, improving your public speaking skills, and serving as a campus leader are only a few of the many ways working with BSO helps to enhance your resume and professional abilities. Orientation Leaders are given the tools to jumpstart their careers and enter the professional world.

Applications to become an Orientation Leader are now available. The deadline to apply is on Monday, Jan. 29. Information sessions will take place on Dec. 5, Jan. 17, 18, 22 and 23. You must attend one session in order to apply. Applicants must have sophomore status and complete availability from May 29 to June 30.

“Being around all of those excellent people makes you figure out who you are and it makes your love for grow in ways that you could never imagine,” said Cessna.

Fall in love with all over again and make this a summer you’ll never forget. Apply now for BSO. For more information, visit .

December 12, 2017
Brigitte Meisse