
University Community

Employee professional development opportunities coming in 2018-19


Earlier this year, Human Resources’ Office of Organizational and Talent Development spearheaded an effort to develop OHIO’s Competency Training Framework (CTF) to document knowledge, skills, and behaviors required for success in several types of positions throughout the University. All planning units were invited to participate in this effort, and more than 115 employees ultimately provided input through focus group discussions and personal interviews.

As a result, six primary roles, or types of positions, have been identified, and a competency dictionary with detailed information about the knowledge, skills and behaviors required for success in each role will be available in early 2018. This dictionary will help define and clarify behaviors that lead to effective performance and will serve as a key resource to support the new performance management process and to guide individual development efforts. It will also serve as a starting point for the creation of new professional development opportunities in 2018 and beyond.

As the Competency Training Framework and associated dictionary nears completion, a gap analysis will be conducted early next year to compare the CTF with the learning experiences currently available at the University. Knowledge, skills and behaviors that are critical for success, but are not supported by existing learning opportunities, will be identified and mapped to new learning experiences. In addition, employees and their supervisors will be encouraged to use the competency dictionary to help structure and take advantage of on-the-job development opportunities within their own departments.

To support the implementation of the CTF, a project is underway to implement Blackboard as the employee Learning Management System. Blackboard can keep a record of employee learning experiences, both those that are instructor-led and those offered in an online interactive format. This will allow employees to track and demonstrate their learning experiences through one primary system.

As the implementation of Blackboard and the introduction of competencies through CTF progresses, the office of Organizational and Talent Development will be introducing a certification program for University employees. A project supporting this certification program has been initiated and communication milestones are being developed to inform campus of project progress through the winter and spring.

For questions or additional information please email professionaldevelopment@ohio.edu.


November 26, 2017
Staff reports