OHIO trustees discuss affordability, capital improvement

The µÛÍõ»áËù Board of Trustees discussed institutional priorities with an emphasis on affordability initiatives and capital improvement strategies at meetings on the Athens Campus Oct. 15 and 16.
Vice President for Finance and Administration Stephen Golding shared recommendations from the Governor's Task Force on Affordability and Efficiency’s final report during a joint meeting of the Academics and Resources committees. Gov. John Kasich created the task force in February to develop ideas for reducing the cost of higher education without sacrificing quality.
The report has recommendations spanning 10 categories, including procurement, administrative cost reform and time to degree. Specific suggestions range from using preferred vendors and setting revenue generation targets to optimizing building utilization and providing incentives for students to graduate on time.
The University formed the OHIO Task Force – which comprises 15 members representing faculty, staff and students – in response to the governor’s initiative and has been actively involved in providing feedback to the state committee and developing efficiency strategies that could be implemented here.
Even though the initial state report is complete, the OHIO Task Force plans to work with both Huron Consulting Group and the Educational Advisory Board in order to identify further opportunities for improved efficiency and to assess University course loads and scheduling, respectively. Huron will also help to ensure that the University’s efforts align with both state and institutional goals related to efficiency and affordability.
These groups will prepare an initial efficiency report with proposed plans and goals by July 1, 2016. The University community can provide feedback and suggestions via an online suggestion box on the OHIO Task Force’s website here.
During the Resources Committee meeting, Director of University Planning and Space Management Shawna Bolin and Vice President for Research and Creative Activity and Dean of the Graduate College Joseph Shields presented the Board with The Ridges Framework Plan. Faculty, staff, students and Athens community members contributed to this document through participation in a number of committees and subcommittees as well as several public open houses and workshops. Consultants Schooley Caldwell Associates and MKSK likewise provided significant input into the process
The plan – endorsed by both the Ridges Advisory Committee and the Ridges Master Plan Committee –offers in-depth analysis of the current condition of the land and buildings at The Ridges and gives guidance on potential opportunities for developing and protecting the property to provide value for the University and the community in years to come.
This study is meant to inform The Ridges portion of the Comprehensive Master Plan, which will articulate a vision for the future of the Athens and Dublin campuses and provide a strategic map for capital improvement over the next 10 years. The University plans to present a draft of the Comprehensive Master Plan document to the Board in January and the final version in March.
In other business, the Board approved:
- A resolution to approve the University’s submission of a 5 percent Senate Challenge Plan.
- A resolution to adopt an updated non-endowment investment policy to govern the University’s non-endowment funds.
- A resolution to approve and adopt the Ridges Framework Plan developed by The Ridges Master Plan Committee.
- A resolution to approve the State Capital Project plan – to be submitted to the state of µÛÍõ»áËù for state capital appropriation funding consideration – and the Century Bond deferred maintenance projects list. Both plans address funding needs for fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
- A resolution to approve a package of real estate transactions between the University and River Park apartments and between the University and the City of Athens that would allow the University to build a Rufus Street Extension. This would extend Rufus Street to Stewart Street.
- A resolution to proceed with the design phase of the Baker West 82 renovation project; the design through bidding phases of the Boyd Hall bathroom upgrade, the Crawford Hall electrical and fire system upgrade, the James Hall lobby, bathroom and apartment upgrades, and the MacKinnon Hall bathroom upgrade; the conceptual design through design development phases of the Seigfred Hall roof replacement; the conceptual design through design development phases of the Seigfred Hall window replacement; and an increase to the budget of the Jefferson Hall renovation project in order to pre-purchase necessary equipment.
- A resolution to proceed with construction for the design through construction phases of the Chubb Hall chiller replacement, the Copeland Hall chiller replacement, the Ellis Hall chiller replacement, the Ping Center chilled water connection and the West Green chilled water pump system repairs; the construction phase of the Alden Library roof replacement; the construction documents through construction phase, and a scope revision, for the College of Fine Arts (Lin Hall) infrastructure upgrade; the construction phase, along with a budget amendment, for the back south demolition project; and construction documents through construction phases of the Hwa Wei Lee Library Annex humidity control FY 2015.
- A resolution to accept the 2014-2015 Reviews of Centers and Institutes. This review granted a one-year extension to the Institute for the African Child and the Center for Law, Justice and Culture. The review also recommended the continuation of the following seven institutes/centers: African American Research and Service Institute; Astrophysical Institute; Institute for International Journalism; Center for Professional Development School Partnerships; Center for Higher Education; Center for the Study and Development of Literacy and Language; Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research.
- A resolution to appoint John Rheinscheld and Sherry Sivo to the Kennedy Museum of Art Advisory Board.
- A resolution to approve the University’s annual financial statement audit for fiscal year 2015.
- A resolution declaring the University-owned property underneath the University Courtyard apartments to be surplus and authorizing the sale of the property pursuant to a sales process approved by the president of the University and the Department of Administrative Services.
- A resolution to appoint Laura Brege to serve as a national trustee for a term that will expire on June 30, 2018.
- A resolution to appoint David Pidwell to serve as a national trustee for a term that will expire on June 30, 2016.