Biological Sciences
The Honors Tutorial College Program in Biological Sciences offers exceptional students the opportunity to study aspects of biology in one-on-one interactions with Biological Sciences and Biomedical Sciences faculty members. Students are encouraged to engage in tutorials and coursework that will support their academic and professional goals and, if applicable, fulfill admission requirements for graduate or professional school (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, etc.).
Program Overview
HTC Biological Sciences students work with the Director of Studies to create a curriculum that meets University, College, and Program requirements, while suiting the individual interests and career goals of the students. Courses may include the following:
Core Biological Sciences Requirements
- Introduction to Biological Sciences I & II
- General Genetics
- Fundamentals of Animal Cell Biology
- Principles of Evolutions
- Principles of Physiology
- General Microbiology
- Biochemistry
Molecular & Cellular Biology and Anatomy/Physiology course examples
- Human Anatomy
- Developmental Biology
- Biochemistry
- Mechanisms of Gene Regulation
- Laboratory Genetics
- Cell & Microbiology Techniques
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology course examples
- Animal Ecology
- Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
- Field Ecology
- Evolutionary Genetics
- Animal Behavior
- Animal Conservation Biology
Non-Biological Sciences course examples
- University Composition requirements
- Calculus and Statistics
- Physics
- Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
In addition to formal courses, tutorials must be taken every semester.
Freshman Year
In the freshman year each Biological Sciences HTC student takes group tutorials in the following subjects:
- Fall: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurobiology, and Physiology
- Spring: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Sophomore and Junior Years
In the sophomore and junior years, students take advanced tutorials each semester. Tutorial format, which may include directed readings, laboratory research, field research, etc., is determined by discussion between the student and the faculty tutor. There are no limits to the field of study, and upon permission, tutorials can be taken with a faculty tutor in any department on campus.
Senior Thesis
During the senior year in the program, each student will engage in an independent research project. Arrangements for the project will be made in consultation with the Director of Studies and a faculty thesis advisor in the area of interest. Each student is strongly encouraged to choose their thesis advisor by Spring semester of the junior year and to start designing their thesis project in spring semester of the junior year. Seniors must present their results in a public seminar during their final semester at 帝王会所. Presentation of the results at scientific meetings or publication in professional journals is highly encouraged.
Applicants are selected on the basis of superior academic ability and the potential for self-motivated undergraduate study and research.
Director of Studies

Corinne Nielsen, PhD
Associate Professor
Irvine Hall 301
PhD, Harvard University