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Homecoming 2021

Homecoming 2021 text


Homecoming Week 2021 is here! Join us for a week full of both traditional in-person events and new virtual favorites. Whether you’re coming home or joining us from yours, Homecoming 2021 is your chance to remember the moments, reconnect with the place, and relive the memories that helped shape you into who you are today.

All event planning will align with University, community, state, and federal guidance regarding public health and safety.

Homecoming 2021 Events

Details and additional events will be available as confirmed. Check back often!

There are no events to show at this time.

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Connect with alumni and boost your career

OHIO’s incredible alumni network if one of the greatest benefits of being a Bobcat, and now it’s available to you year-round through the Bobcat Network, a digital platform where you can reconnect with friends, make new connections, and grow your career.


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