
Well-being Presentations

The staff of WellWorks and Healthy OHIO invite µÛÍõ»áËù departments to request well-being presentations at your next staff meeting. Read the descriptions of our current offerings below and then utilize the to get your preferred presentation scheduled. 

Employee Well-being Overview

  • Employee Well-being and Healthy OHIO Overview (20-30 minutes)

    During this presentation, participants will receive an overview of each of the components of the University’s employee well-being program, Healthy OHIO. This program includes the mobile well-being platform, Virgin Pulse, biometric health screenings, Wellness Champions, 100 Day Challenge, Risk Reduction, Mindful Eating, Practical Nutrition and more! Time permitting, the presenter will also highlight HR services such as the Employee Assistance Program. Presenter: Annie Laurie Cadmus, Associate Director of Healthy OHIO. Format availability: Live, Virtual via Teams. 


  • Mindful Eating (45 minutes)

    Do you find yourself snacking when you’re not hungry? Are you a pantry shopper in the evening after a stressful day? Maybe you are looking for a way to get off the diet rollercoaster. In this workshop you will learn the basics of mindful eating. The WellWorks Registered Dietitian Nutritionist will teach participants some techniques that will help change your relationship with food and discover what your body really needs. Presenter: Louise Cruz, WellWorks Nutrition Program Coordinator. Format availability: Virtual and in-person (Athens).

  • Diet Trends (45 minutes)

    Keto, Intermittent fasting, the Mediterranean diet, vegan diet, Atkins…. It’s all so confusing! In this workshop, participants will learn about the latest diet trends and the best healthy eating plan there is. The WellWorks Registered Dietitian Nutritionist will show you some practical and inexpensive ways to maintain your diet. Presenter: Louise Cruz, WellWorks Nutrition Program Coordinator. Format availability: Virtual and in-person (Athens).

  • Nutrition Tips for Heart Health (45 minutes)

    Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death? On average, someone dies of heart disease every 33 seconds. In 2021, 693,021 people died from heart disease followed by Cancer (604,553), and Covid (415,399). The good news is that it is never too late to take steps to keep your heart healthy. In this workshop, participants will learn about the foods that can reduce your risk and how to incorporate them into your everyday diet. You will also receive some easy, nutritious and delicious recipes. Presenter: Louise Cruz, WellWorks Nutrition Program Coordinator. Format availability: Virtual and in-person (Athens). 


  • Proper Lifting Techniques and Warm-Up Exercises (45-60 minutes)

    Have you ever tweaked your low back picking something off the floor? Or have you ever reached high up on the shelf only to feel a pull in your shoulder? Learning proper lifting techniques are not only beneficial in the workplace but will also come in handy at home. In this presentation, you’ll learn helpful strategies to limit sprains and strains from happening while lifting everyday items. You’ll also learn why it’s important to learn and do warm-up exercises prior to more strenuous activities. Participants will be asked to participate in light exercises/movements during this presentation. Presenter: Jacob Hittle, WellWorks Fitness Program Coordinator. Format availability: in-person (Athens) and virtual.

  • Avoiding Injuries During Exercise (30-45 minutes)

    Injuries like sprains and strains can happen to anyone. If you’re nervous about starting an exercise program because of the risk of injury, had a previous injury or surgery, or simply want to know how to limit your injury risk while exercising, then this presentation is for you! You’ll learn helpful tips and strategies on ways you can decrease your injury risk while exercising. Participants will be asked to participate in light exercises/movements during this presentation. Presenter: Jacob Hittle, WellWorks Fitness Program Coordinator. Format availability: in-person (Athens) and virtual.

  • Exercise 101: How to Get Started (60 minutes)

    Are you ready to start exercising, but unsure where or how to start? In this presentation, you’ll learn when to speak with your doctor, the components of an exercise plan, tips for getting started, tools to help you succeed, and more! Participants will be asked to participate in light exercises/movements during this presentation. Presenter: Jacob Hittle, WellWorks Fitness Program Coordinator. Format availability: in-person (Athens) and virtual.

  • Exercise and Its Impact on Healthy Aging (45-60 minutes)

    As you age, it’s normal to not have as much energy or stamina as when you were younger. However, research has shown physical activity (aka exercise) can have a positive impact on how you age. This presentation will educate you on the importance of exercise and how it can improve your overall quality of life as you age. Presenter: Jacob Hittle, WellWorks Fitness Program Coordinator. Format availability: in-person (Athens) and virtual.

Stress Management

  • Resilience and Thriving Series (Three 1-hour workshops)

    Do you find yourself just coping with work and life? This 3-part workshop will give you and your team the tools to thrive by providing easy-to-use and practical skills for identifying and reducing stress at home and work. Participants will have an opportunity to evaluate their current stress and coping strategies, create ongoing goals for addressing stress and learn mind-body tools for adapting a positive mind-set in the face of stress, both personally and in the workplace. This 3-part specialty program will meet every other week for three sessions (60 minutes each). This is an employee well-being offering available to units within µÛÍõ»áËù at no cost thanks to the Healthy OHIO program. A minimum of eight people from a single operational unit is required for the series to run. Each series will accept a single unit, so as to offer meaningful team-based discussions and follow-through. Presenter: Jenn Bennett, Executive Director of WellWorks and Healthy OHIO. Format availability: in-person (Athens) and virtual.

To request any of the above presentations, please utilize our Presentation Request Form. A member of the WellWorks/Healthy OHIO team will be in touch to schedule your presentation within five business days.