Multicultural Greek Council Constitution & Bylaws
Multicultural Greek Council
We, the members of the Multicultural Greek Council at the µÛÍõ»áËù, recognizing a need to unify the Multicultural Greek organizations with similar goals and purposes while appreciating their uniqueness and value to the campus community, do resolve to increase awareness and promote a positive image of these organizations through the encouragement of community service, philanthropy, promoting cultural awareness and diversity, support for high academic standards, and the developments of campus and community leaders, thus committing ourselves as individuals and organizations to honor and abide by the tenets of the following constitution and bylaws.
Article I. Name
Section 1.01 The name of the organization shall be the Multicultural Greek Council.
Article II. Purpose and Goals
Section 2.01 The primary purpose of the Multicultural Greek Council is to unite its member organizations in order to share ideas and resources, promote mutual respect and equity, and provide a support network for involved students.
Section 2.02 The goals of the Multicultural Greek Council are:
- To serve as the governing body of the organizations for membership in the Multicultural Greek Council at the µÛÍõ»áËù.
- To organize and implement activities and events that will build and support member organizations and relations between them and the campus and local community.
- To serve as a forum for discussion and debate on issues and concerns important to the University in general, and the Multicultural Greek community in particular.
- To promote scholarly excellence in the member organizations and to provide academic support to substantially improve the retention and graduation rate of individual members.
- To coordinate programs and services to promote and foster the development of strong individual leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.
- To serve as a mediator of disputes and conflict between Multicultural Greek Council organizations or between member organizations and external entities.
- To establish a positive relationship and serve as a liaison between its member organizations and other Greek organizations, student organizations, the student body, the University administration and faculty, and the local community in an effort to cooperate on educational programming, cultural awareness opportunities, community service initiatives and social activities.
- To promote higher education opportunities by supporting University efforts.
Article III. Council Structure
Section 3.01 The Executive Board
- The Executive Board of the Multicultural Greek Council shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programming.
- Members of the Executive Board shall serve a one year term to begin January 1st of the year after their election and to end December 31st of that year.
- No member may be elected to office with advance knowledge that they will not be able to complete their term of office.
- No member shall be elected to the same Executive Board position for more than two consecutive terms.
- No member of the Executive Board shall serve as their organization’s delegate or vote for their organization.
- Qualifications and duties of the Executive Board shall be prescribed in the Bylaws of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Any member of the Executive Board may be impeached for dereliction of duty or violations of the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws, µÛÍõ»áËù Code of Conduct, or local, state, or federal law.
- Procedures for election and impeachment of officers are provided for in Article VI of the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution.
- The powers of the Executive Board are prescribed in Article IV of the Constitution of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- All powers not expressly prescribed to the Executive Board are reserved for the General Body.
Section 3.02 The General Body
- The General Body shall consist of all admitted member fraternities and sororities in good standing with the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Each member chapter shall send one voting and one alternate delegate to each General Body meeting.
- The voting and alternate delegate shall be the voice of the organization therefore all council business must be conducted through the delegate.
- Qualifications for delegates shall be determined by member fraternities and sororities.
- Each member organization shall have one general body vote so long as they are in good standing with Sorority and Fraternity Life.
- Organizations that have less than five active members shall only be required to send one delegate to general body meetings.
- The following powers are reserved to the delegates of the membership of the general body:
- To vote on all council business.
- To elect and impeach members of the Executive Board.
- To offer amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- The Vice President of the Multicultural Greek Council shall also be able to offer amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Multicultural Greek Council.
Section 3.03 The Delegates
- The delegate and alternate will remain constant throughout the semester. If there is any change in delegate and alternate, the Executive Board shall be notified as soon as possible.
- In the event that neither of the specified delegates can attend the general body meeting, an unspecified alternate may vote only if a written proxy signed by the President of the respective organization is provided.
- Delegates shall serve as a liaison between the Multicultural Greek Council General Body and their respective member chapter.
- Delegates shall speak on behalf of and make decisions for their respective organizations and should be able to do so without adjournment or consultation with other chapter officers.
- Delegates shall inform their member chapter of the actions, discussions, and workings of the Multicultural Greek Council General Body.
- Organizations are responsible for the actions, conduct, and fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities of their delegates.
Section 3.04 Council Advisor
- The advisor to the Multicultural Greek Council shall be appointed by the µÛÍõ»áËù Sorority and Fraternity Life Office.
- The council advisor will have the following duties:
- To advise the general body and the Executive Board in all matters pertaining to the operation and activities of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- To attend all general body and Executive Board meetings.
- To supervise the count of all ballot votes.
- To complete any such duties for the Sorority and Fraternity Life Office.
Article IV. Regulations and Powers
Section 4.01 The Multicultural Greek Council derives its power as an agency of the Sorority and Fraternity Life Office to regulate the affairs of its membership.
Section 4.02 The Constitution shall be the supreme governing agency of the Multicultural Greek Council at µÛÍõ»áËù and shall remain paramount to any conflicting bylaws. The Constitution does not supersede µÛÍõ»áËù policy, the Student Code of Conduct, local, state or federal law.
Section 4.03 The powers of the Multicultural Greek Council are:
- To levy and collect dues and fines.
- To regulate the relations among individual member organizations and between member organizations and the council itself.
- All other power required to achieve its purposes and goals as stated in this Constitution.
Section 4.04 All member organizations shall abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Multicultural Greek Council. Failure to do shall result in referral to the Internal Judicial Committee for adjudication and sanctioning.
Section 4.05 The Multicultural Greek Council shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, disability, religion, gender, or sexual preference.
Section 4.06 The Multicultural Greek Council and its member organizations shall abide by the policies and rules of the µÛÍõ»áËù and all local, state, and federal laws.
Section 4.07 The Multicultural Greek Council at µÛÍõ»áËù does not permit any action taken or situation created intentionally, whereto on or off University premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. The Multicultural Greek Council’s Hazing Policy can be found in the Bylaws of the Multicultural Greek Council.
Section 4.08 The Multicultural Greek Council shall be a registered student organization at µÛÍõ»áËù through the BobcatConnect system. The Multicultural Greek Council shall comply with all local, state and federal laws as well as µÛÍõ»áËù regulations, policies and procedures. Such compliance includes but is not limited to the University’s regulations related to: non-discrimination, hazing, commercial activity, and student leader eligibility.
Section 4.09 In compliance with µÛÍõ»áËù Non-Discrimination Policy (µÛÍõ»áËù Revised Code Section 4112.02), the Multicultural Greek Council will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, military status, national origin, disability, age, or ancestry with regard to employment, public accommodation, and housing.
Article V. Membership
Section 5.01 Membership
- The membership shall consist of active member organizations of the Multicultural Greek Council upon the ratification of this Constitution.
- Provisional membership shall be granted to organizations selected through the Sorority and Fraternity Life Office expansion process.
- An organization’s provisional status begins on the first day of classes for the semester approved for expansion.
- An organization will receive active membership after the successful initiation of members and the conclusion of the new member education window in the semester of expansion.
- Provisional members shall have all rights and responsibilities of membership, except where specified in the MGC Constitution and Bylaws.
- The following shall be the requirements for an organization to be in good standing with Multicultural Greek Council:
- Be a Greek-letter organization with a clear emphasis on cultural awareness or multiculturalism oriented in community service and/or social activities.
- Be registered and in good standing with µÛÍõ»áËù’s Sorority and Fraternity Life Office.
- Adhere to the rules and regulations contained in the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws.
- Actively participate in Multicultural Greek Council sponsored events.
- Regularly attend general body and committee meetings of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Failure to attend general body and/or committee meetings shall be grounds for penalties to be prescribed in the Multicultural Greek Council Bylaws.
- Pay dues by the stated due date by the Multicultural Greek Council Treasurer each fall and spring semester of an amount of $30 per member chapter plus $12 per active member.
- Receive a 2.7 for the previous semester and maintain a 2.7 cumulative grade point average as calculated by Sorority and Fraternity Life Office.
- Any organization failing to comply with this provision will be in bad standing.
- Organizations that are in bad standing as a result of Student Code of Conduct violations will remain in bad standing for the duration of their conduct sanctions.
- Organizations may appeal their status to the executive board one calendar year after receiving notification of responsibility for violating the Student Code of Conduct.
- The executive board may choose to return privileges or re-evaluate the organization’s standing based on positive progress displayed by the organization.
- The following shall be the rights of membership:
- To be involved in all Multicultural Greek Council activities as specified in this Constitution.
- To initiate and vote on all matters of business at general body meetings.
- Active members in bad standing will have voice but will lose voting privileges.
- To initiate amendments to the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws.
- To hold office on the Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board.
- Membership in this organization is open to enrolled students at µÛÍõ»áËù.
Section 5.02 Disaffiliation
- According to the µÛÍõ»áËù Policy, all Greek-letter organizations must be recognized by a Greek Council in order to be recognized by the University as such. Nevertheless, member organizations of the Multicultural Greek Council are free to leave and disassociate without fear of harassment or retribution.
- Member organizations which disassociate, become defunct, or lose membership status for any reason, from the Multicultural Greek Council must complete the requirements of the Sorority and Fraternity Life Office expansion process.
Section 5.03 Loss of Recognition
- Organizations, regardless of membership status, shall lose Council recognition and membership for:
- Revocation of Chapter/Provisional Chapter charter by Inter/National Board.
- Having no active members for three or more consecutive semesters.
- As a result of any University and/or council judicial procedure.
- Voluntary disaffiliation from council.
- Any chapter which loses council recognition in this manner shall have to apply for membership to Sorority and Fraternity Life and complete the requirements of the expansion process, if it so chooses, to regain council recognition.
Article VI. Elections and Impeachment
Section 6.01 Election Guidelines
- The Vice President shall preside over elections, unless running for office, wherein the President shall preside. In the event that the Vice President and President are both unavailable for elections for any reason, the next highest ranking Executive Board member shall preside.
- Elections will be held no later than the first week of November, but in any event shall not be held earlier than the first general body meeting following candidates’ speeches and questioning.
- Each member organization in good standing may cast one ballot.
Section 6.02 Election Procedures
- Nominations
- The first round of nominations shall be held at the regularly scheduled general body meeting immediately preceding the meeting at which the speeches are scheduled.
- The Vice President shall provide notice either in writing or by electronic means to each member organization that nominations will take place at the general body meeting prior to nominations.
- The Vice President will read the qualifications for each office and then accept nominations for that office in the following order: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programming.
- Candidates must participate in the application process prior to elections taking place.
- All qualified candidates will be on the ballot.
- Candidates must be aware that their standing with the µÛÍõ»áËù will be checked once elected in order to confirm that they are eligible to hold a leadership position.
- Any candidate found not to meet the qualifications of the office of which they applied for shall be immediately removed from consideration. Delegates and Presidents will be notified via email.
- The first round of nominations shall be held at the regularly scheduled general body meeting immediately preceding the meeting at which the speeches are scheduled.
- Candidate Speeches
- Starting with the office of the President, each candidate shall make a three to five minute speech addressing how they would execute the office and their plans for the Multicultural Greek Council. Following their speech, the general body shall have the opportunity to ask the candidates three questions.
- Candidates will be excused from the meeting during other candidates’ speeches.
- The council will then be provided the opportunity for pro/con debate on the candidates for up to three minutes.
- This process will be repeated for every office until all candidates have been heard.
- Starting with the office of the President, each candidate shall make a three to five minute speech addressing how they would execute the office and their plans for the Multicultural Greek Council. Following their speech, the general body shall have the opportunity to ask the candidates three questions.
- Voting
- Each member organization in good standing shall cast one vote.
- Voting shall occur at the first general body meeting after the nomination closes.
- Voting will be conducted by secret ballot.
- A majority vote elects the candidate.
- In the event of a two-way tie, a run-off shall be held.
- In the event of a run-off the nominees will be required to give another speech that’s no longer than two minutes and answer one question provided by the council delegates.
- The presiding Vice President will tabulate the results following the vote in the presence of the Multicultural Greek Council advisor.
- In the event of a vacancy for any position after elections are held, there will be another application open for only the vacant positions.
- Elections for these vacant positions will occur during the next regularly scheduled general body meeting.
Section 6.03 Vacancies
- If a vacancy occurs in the Presidency or any Executive Board position of the Multicultural Greek Council, the council will be notified of the vacancy via email. The Vice President shall act as President until elections are held to determine a new President. Should the Vice President or any other Executive Board member declare candidacy for President, they will need to resign from their previous position if elected.
- Applications will open after the council has been notified of the vacancy.
- Speeches and elections will take place at the next regularly scheduled general body meeting following the application closure.
- Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Board during the summer semester or during intersession, the position is to be vacant until a special election may be held. Should the Presidency be vacant, the Vice President shall temporarily act as President.
Section 6.04 Impeachment Procedures
- Officers of the Multicultural Greek Council may be impeached for the following reasons:
- Dereliction of duty.
- Inappropriate conduct and/or behavior.
- Failure to meet requirements of office.
- Mismanagement or misuse of Multicultural Greek Council funds.
- Violation of the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws.
- Violation of µÛÍõ»áËù Code of Conduct or policies or the violation of local, state, or federal laws.
- Impeachment proceedings shall occur as follows:
- The alleged violations must be presented in writing to the Vice President and Multicultural Greek Council Advisor.
- The Vice President and Multicultural Greek Council Advisor shall review and investigate the alleged violations.
- The Vice President shall schedule a meeting between the Vice President, MGC Advisor and the accused officer to occur within two weeks of the violation notification.
- These officers will make its recommendation regarding impeachment to the general body based on its investigation.
- The general body will vote to accept or reject the recommendation.
- A simple majority of voting delegates present shall be required to remove the officer from office.
- Should the Vice President be the one implicated in the allegation the next highest ranking officer will lead the investigation with the MGC Advisor.
Article VII. Meetings
Section 7.01 General Body Meetings
- General body meetings shall be held bi-weekly on nights designated each semester by the Executive Board.
- Extraordinary sessions of the Multicultural Greek Council may be called by the council President 48 hours upon the written request of any member of the Executive Board or any member organization.
- Quorum for council business shall consist of a simple majority of the delegates and two-thirds of the Executive Board.
- Except where otherwise prescribed, a simple majority of delegates present shall carry a motion.
- All meetings shall follow parliamentary procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Delegates’ absence from roll call, to be taken both at the start and end of each general body meeting, shall result in fines and judicial action as prescribed by the Bylaws.
Section 7.02 Executive Board Meetings
- Executive Board meetings shall be held bi-weekly.
- Minutes of all Executive Board meetings shall be made available to the general body.
- Quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the Executive Board.
Section 7.03 Ad Hoc Directors
- The directors of the Multicultural Greek Council shall be: Community Service, Scholarship, Public Relations, Showcase and Social Media to promote awareness of the Multicultural Greek Council as well as to promote all social and philanthropic efforts by its member organizations.
- All directors will be held to the same standards as Executive Board members, as outlined by the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Directors will be appointed by the incoming Executive Board through an application and interview process.
Article XIII. Bylaws
Section 8.01 The Multicultural Greek Council at µÛÍõ»áËù shall establish Bylaws to this Constitution, provided that such Bylaws do not conflict with the provisions herein, by a simple majority vote of the affiliate member delegates.
Section 8.02 Proposed Bylaws must be read and voted on at separate general body meetings and must be given to the general body in writing at the meeting at which they are proposed.
Section 8.03 Bylaws can only be proposed by organizations holding membership in the Multicultural Greek Council or by the Vice President.
Article IX. Amendments
Section 9.01 Proposed amendments must be read and voted on at separate general body meetings and must be given to the general body delegates in writing at the meeting in which they are proposed.
Section 9.02 Amendments can only be initiated by organizations holding membership in the Multicultural Greek Council or by the Vice President.
Article I. Executive Board
Section 1.01 The qualifications of the executive board are:
- A candidate for an executive board position must be:
- An initiated member of a member chapter.
- In good standing (financial, conduct, and academic) Multicultural Greek Council at µÛÍõ»áËù and their affiliated chapter.
- Have and maintain a minimum of a 2.7 cumulative GPA at time of application and throughout their term.
- No more than three member(s) from the same member chapter shall hold office during the same term.
Section 1.02 The duties of the executive board are:
- President
- Provide guidance and focus to the efforts of the General Body and Executive Board.
- Preside over all meetings of the General Body and Executive Board.
- Cast the final vote in the event of an Executive Board Meeting tie.
- Build rapport and establish positive working relationships between the Multicultural Greek Council and its member chapter leaders.
- Serve as the official spokesperson for the Multicultural Greek Council community.
- Establish positive working relationships with campus and community partners.
- Regularly interact with the leaders of other governing councils and campus organizations.
- Other duties as assigned by the Multicultural Greek Council Advisor and/or SFL Staff.
- Vice President
- Review all Multicultural Greek Council governing documents, at least annually.
- Educate member chapters on the Multicultural Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws.
- Assist in conflict mediation between member chapters.
- Coordinate Health and Safety efforts with other councils and stakeholders.
- Reserve rooms for all Multicultural Greek Council meetings and events.
- Serve as the acting Multicultural Greek Council President in the absence of the Multicultural Greek Council President.
- Collect and distribute information about campus academic services, such as tutors, the writing lab, math lab, learning assistance programs, interest tests, career counseling, placement workshops, and library resources.
- Work individually with member chapter scholarship officers below the all-undergraduate’s grade point average to create a plan to address specific academic issues in their chapter.
- Publish important academic dates and deadlines.
- Build and maintain relationships with faculty, academic offices, and/or departments that support academic success.
- Provide advice and support to member chapter scholarship officers.
- Other duties as assigned by the Multicultural Greek Council President, Multicultural Greek Council Advisor, and/or SFL Staff.
- Treasurer
- Supervise the annual budget process.
- Distribute invoices and collect Multicultural Greek Council member chapter dues or other assessments as needed.
- Maintain accurate records throughout the year through invoicing and receipts.
- Review and approve all Multicultural Greek Council Expenditure Request Forms.
- Make all disbursements with a cosigner.
- Prepare financial statements monthly and at the end of each term for distribution to all member chapters.
- Make bank deposits when necessary and in a timely manner.
- Provide advice and support to member chapter financial officers.
- Other duties as assigned by the Multicultural Greek Council President, Multicultural Greek Council Advisor, and/or SFL Staff.
- Secretary
- Serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Maintain regular communication with Multicultural Greek Council Delegates.
- Maintain the schedule of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Create a directory of important Multicultural Greek Council contacts from member chapters, such as Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers, and Delegates.
- Call roll at all Multicultural Greek Council events requiring attendance of member chapters.
- Draft agendas for all Multicultural Greek Council General Body Meetings.
- Serve as the Parliamentarian over the Multicultural Greek Council General Body and Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board.
- Take meeting minutes during all Multicultural Greek Council General Body and Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board Meetings.
- Distribute minutes to all member chapters after Multicultural Greek Council General Body Meetings.
- Distribute minutes to all Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board Members after Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board Meetings.
- Monitor the Multicultural Greek Council BobcatConnect and report any form submissions to the Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board for review.
- Other duties as assigned by the Multicultural Greek Council President, Multicultural Greek Council Advisor, and/or SFL Staff.
- Programming
- Be responsible for all programming initiatives of the Multicultural Greek Council.
- Determine goals for providing beneficial and engaging programs on a variety of topics, such as academic achievement, career preparation, civic engagement, and leadership development, for the Multicultural Greek Council community at the beginning of their term.
- Develop service projects and philanthropic events for member chapters.
- Collaborate with all Greek councils to plan Greek Week and Homecoming activities that will foster Greek relations and promote community relations.
- Be responsible for promoting all Multicultural Greek Council sponsored events and programs.
- Collaborate with Multicultural Greek Council member chapters to promote content that showcases the community values on social media platforms.
- Keep the media informed on upcoming events or potential news.
- Establish a positive working relationship with external constituents.
- Assist in the development of various Multicultural Greek Council publications and outreach programs.
- Provide advice and support to member chapter programming officers, philanthropy officers, community service, officers, and social media officers. scholarship officers.
- Other duties as assigned by the Multicultural Greek Council President, Multicultural Greek Council Advisor, and/or SFL Staff.
Article II. Hazing Prevention Policy
Section 2.01 Statement on Hazing
- The Multicultural Greek Council at µÛÍõ»áËù will follow all regulations, policies, and definitions as designated in µÛÍõ»áËù Policy 23.010 regarding hazing.
- According to µÛÍõ»áËù Policy 23.010, hazing includes, but is not limited to:
- Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into, or affiliation with, any student organization or group regardless of the person's consent to participate.
- Brutality of a physical nature including but not limited to paddling, whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, or exposure to the elements.
- Coerced consumption, including but not limited to any food, alcoholic beverage, liquid, drug, or any other substance that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm.
- Acts intended to cause mental stress, including but not limited to sleep deprivation, transportation or abandonment, confinement to a small space, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could result in embarrassment, any forced activity that is designed to shame or humiliate, or any action of harassment (as defined in the "Student Code of Conduct").
- Coerced activities, including but not limited to violation of local, state, or federal laws, violation of university policies, rules, or regulations, and personal servitude.
- Acts of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking, as defined by µÛÍõ»áËù Policy 03.004.
Section 2.02 Hazing Prevention and Mandatory Training
- In Summer 2021, The µÛÍõ»áËù Legislature passed Senate Bill 126, a bill intended to address the problem of hazing that is affecting college and university students across µÛÍõ»áËù and put an end to this type of predatory behavior that may cause injury or death.
- A provision of the bill includes that all student organization members and advisors will complete hazing education training.
- In addition to abiding by the guidelines set forth in µÛÍõ»áËù's Hazing Prevention policy, Policy 23.010, members of our organization will complete µÛÍõ»áËù's mandatory hazing prevention training, which can be found here.
- Any advisor, member, or potential member who has not completed training will be removed from the organization by µÛÍõ»áËù and prohibited from participating in organization events.
Article III. Financial Management Policy
Section 3.01 The Multicultural Greek Council Fiscal Year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 3.02 The Treasurer shall propose a semester budget to the Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board by the second week of classes each semester. Upon adoption by the Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board, the budget shall be presented to the Multicultural Greek Council General Body for ratification.
Section 3.03 The Multicultural Greek Council Budget shall include a contingency account that equals 5-10% of the overall expenses. The contingency account shall be utilized for cost overruns in budgeted areas and/or unanticipated, unbudgeted items, such as new Multicultural Greek Council programs developed after the budget was finalized. At the end of the fiscal year, any amount remaining in the Multicultural Greek Council Contingency Account shall be carried over to the next fiscal year.
Section 3.04 Multicultural Greek Council funds are under the jurisdiction of the Multicultural Greek Council member chapters and shall only be used in a manner that benefits the Multicultural Greek Council community and that is congruent with the values of fraternity and sorority life. Multicultural Greek Council funds shall not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Section 3.05 The Multicultural Greek Council President and the Multicultural Greek Council Treasurer shall approve all budgetary expenditures. Requests for budgetary expenditures shall be made via email. All expenditure requests shall be submitted at least one week prior to the date of the requested disbursement.
Section 3.06 The signature of both the Multicultural Greek Council President and Multicultural Greek Council Treasurer shall be required on all Multicultural Greek Council financial accounts and transactions.
Section 3.07 The Multicultural Greek Council Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the Multicultural Greek Council General Body on a monthly basis including all income and expenses during the given period of time and in relation to the overall budget for each line item.
Section 3.08 The Multicultural Greek Council Treasurer shall maintain accurate and organized financial records consisting of all receipts and invoices, copies of all monetary disbursements and deposits, Multicultural Greek Council financial forms and reports, actual dues levied, canceled checks, ledgers, and journals.
Article IV. Member Chapter Financial Obligations
Section 4.01 The semester dues for each member chapter shall be $30 per member chapter plus $12 per active member
Section 4.02 Any proposed amendment to the established per member chapter or per initiated member dues in Section I of this Article shall be initiated utilizing the following protocol:
- If the Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board determines a need to amend the established per member chapter or per initiated member dues amount.
- The Multicultural Greek Council Executive Board shall consider any recommendations made to adjust the per member chapter or per initiated member dues amount and propose an amendment to the dues amount to the Multicultural Greek Council General Body.
- A simple majority vote of the Multicultural Greek Council General Body is required to amend the Multicultural Greek Council member chapter dues amount.
Section 4.03 The total of dues assessed shall be based upon each member chapter’s semester roster that is filed with the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life. The Treasurer shall invoice each member chapter by the fifth week of classes each semester. Invoices shall be paid within two weeks of receipt.
Section 4.04 Any amount unpaid by the due date shall result in a $25 per week penalty and loss of representation in the Multicultural Greek Council General Body until payment has been made.