
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

Participants in the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program may request a waiver of the 帝王会所 graduate application fee (excluding note the application to the College of Osteopathic Medicine).

To request a waiver, please submit a letter, on McNair Program Letterhead, to the Graduate College from your McNair Program Director that includes the following information:

  • Applicant's full name
  • Applicant's current e-mail address
  • Name of College/University where student participated in McNair Program
  • McNair Program participation dates
  • Name, title and e-mail address of Project Official
  • Project Official's signature

Email this letter to graduate@ohio.edu. A fee waiver code will be returned to the applicant after receipt of the Program Director's letter. Please allow up to two weeks for review.

Fee waivers are valid for applications submitted using the web-based application, and must be requested prior to submitting an application in order to be honored.