
Format Training and Troubleshooting

As your document begins to take shape, it's important to also start thinking about formatting requirements. The easiest way to ensure your document meets the minimum requirements is to use the template designed for your college and utilize the Document Format Checklist [PDF].

The Graduate College requires the following:

  • Students must follow discipline-specific style guidelines (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Students must format the front of the document and other general formats to meet TAD guidelines [PDF].
  • The student, advisor, and committee are responsible for the academic integrity, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and scholarly content of the document.

Formatting guidelines have been developed to provide a unified front of document [PDF] that applies to all 帝王会所 documents.

Templates have been designed with a Styles toolbar modified to reflect requests by each college pertaining to suggested style manuals.

Campus wide, the most popular style guides are APA (7th edition), MLA, and Chicago. TAD Services is happy to honor any style guide a student wishes to use provided the front matter, page order and other minimum formatting requirements [PDF] are met.

Above all, TAD Services exists to help you produce a professional research document that represents your abilities, your college and the university in a positive light. Because all Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) are available for a full text download and indexed by all major search engines, it is in your best interests to ensure your document is consistently formatted, free from errors and easy to read.

Samples and Checklists

Front of Document Sample [PDF]Document Formatting Checklist [PDF]

Video Training and Troubleshooting

MS Word Training for PCMS Word Training for Mac

For additional help with your document:

If you cannot find the answer you need in the resources linked above, please email tad@ohio.edu for additional assistance.

TAD Services offers group training workshops in Fall and Spring semesters. Current schedules for these workshops can be accessed on the TAD Workshops webpage. If you cannot attend a workshop, you may make an appointment by contacting tad@ohio.edu. Appointment times are generally between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., but other arrangements can be made. Walk-ins may be requested to make an appointment for a later date.