
PT Eduglobal

Physical Therapy Eduglobal Placements

Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program have the option of completing an 8-12 week clinical experience with Eduglobal within six rehabilitation centers in Italy either in the spring or summer of their 3rd year.

Eligibility Criteria:  You must be in good academic and judicial standing to participate in an international program. Academic and judicial checks are completed at application and prior to the departure date. Students who are not in good standing may forfeit their placement. Any costs paid to Eduglobal will be subject to Eduglobal鈥檚 reimbursement policies

To Apply:  

  1. Apply to Eduglobal by the Eduglobal deadline (February 15, April 15 or June 15) of the year prior to travel.
  2. Complete the for Italy: PT Eduglobal Placement prior to February 1 the year of travel. 

When you Have been approved (nominated) by e-mail: 

  1. Obtain the necessary visa if required by Italy for the length of travel.  Note that in 2025 there will be a new European Union Travel Authorization required: 
  2. Carefully read the nomination e-mail sent to you. Accept or decline your nomination through the application system.  Once you accept your nominations, new tabs will open in the application for uploads and other information to be added.
  3. Review the health and safety information at:  /goglobal/resources/health-safety
  4. Complete all the remaining tabs in the application system prior to travel.
    • Register your trip with the U.S. Dept. of State (embassy) at  by completing the STEP process. If you have already done this for Eduglobal, please log back in and include the Office of Global Opportunities and the Global Health Initiative as contacts so we may act on behalf of 帝王会所. Under the Traveler Profile section in the comments box, please include the following information: In case of emergency, also contact: The 帝王会所 Office of Global Opportunities, (740-593-4583), global.opportunities@ohio.edu) and the Global Health Initiative, (740- 593-2359) globalhealth@ohio.edu) 帝王会所, E118 Grover Center, Athens, OH 45701. You will confirm your travel information and that you have completed the registration process with the U.S. Department of State in the application system.
    • All participants are provided with international health insurance (including medical evacuation to the nearest appropriate facility and repatriation of remains).  This insurance is provided at no cost.  You can extend this insurance beyond your program dates for an extra cost by indicating the additional dates in the application system.
    • Enter your passport information and upload a copy of the photo page of your passport.
    • Enter your travel itinerary.
    • Complete and upload the
  5. Register your travel on MyTrips: /goglobal/resources/health-safety/mytrips.
  6. Complete the on-campus Bobcats Abroad or the online modules for Global Health Bobcats Abroad. A link and instructions will be forwarded to you from the Office of Global Opportunities.  This will include review and submission of the signature of Guidelines for Ethical Consideration to globalhealth@ohio.edu
  7. Obtain immunizations as recommended by CDC guidelines and your health care provider and provide documentation to the Clinical Education Records Manager for the Division of PT.
  8. Apply for travel awards from the Office of Global Opportunities: /goglobal/funding. 
  9. A $150 Administrative fee will be posted to your student account the term of your travel.
  10. For credit, follow the instructions provided by the PT Program.
  11. Complete the program evaluation that will be e-mailed to you after travel.
  12. Sends results of a post-trip TB test at 10 weeks to the Clinical Education Records Manager at the Division of PT.