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Leaves and Leaving the University

[Sections II F - J of Handbook]

F. Sick Leave Policy

Consult the Policy and Procedure Manual, No. 40.029, for the complete Sick Leave Policy. The following contains several pertinent sections of that policy. 

  1. Sick leave is the authorized absence from duties due to: 
    1. Personal illness, injury, or temporary disability. 
    2. Exposure to contagious disease that could be communicated to other members of the University community. 
    3. Illness, injury, or death in the individual's immediate family. Immediate family is defined as: spouse, domestic partner of same or opposite sex, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and a legal guardian or other person who stands in place of a parent (in loco parentis). Sick leave granted for a death in the immediate family shall not exceed five (5) working days. 
    4. Medical, dental, psychological, or optical examination or treatment of an employee or a member of their immediate family. 
    5. Birth, pregnancy, or related medical conditions receive the same consideration as other medical disabilities.
  2. Sick leave is granted on the approval of the department chair or the manager to whom the individual reports: such a request should be made on the first day of absence or in advance if possible. The individual, upon return to work, must complete a sick leave request form. The University reserves the right to require the individual to: 
    1. furnish medical evidence of illness, 
    2. provide medical verification of ability to return to work.
  3. A consecutive period of sick leave includes all institutional teaching days for faculty. For administrative personnel, it includes all normally scheduled work days except holidays observed by the University. No contract employee shall be charged with more than five (5) sick leave days in any seven (7) day period. 
  4. On July 1, 1976, the accumulated benefit for each participant was computed as follows: 
    1. Individuals with ten or more years of full-time service were credited with 150 days of sick leave. 
    2. Individuals with less than ten years of full-time service were credited with the product of the number of years of service days times 15 days (or the number of months of service times 1.25 days). 
  5. Starting with July 1, 1976, the benefit accumulates at the rate of 1.25 days per calendar month or fifteen days per year for all full-time contract employees. (A full-time contract employee, for purposes of this policy, is defined as anyone holding a regular nine-, ten-, eleven-, or twelve-month contract.) Accrual of sick leave is unlimited. Time spent on vacation, paid military leave, paid professional leave, or sick leave counts toward accumulation of benefits. There is no accumulation of benefits while on unpaid leave of absence.
  6. In case of sick leave or other cause of significantly reduced capacity lasting six months or longer, a probationary faculty member may request that the probationary period be extended by one year. This written request goes first to the departmental chair, then to the academic dean, and finally to the Provost with the understanding that normally it will be granted. If the extension is granted, subsequent contracts for the applicant will show the new probationary period date. The request should be made ahead of time if the sick leave or reduced capacity can be anticipated, but in any case, the request must be made within one year of the beginning of the period of sick leave or reduced capacity and before August 15 of the individual's penultimate probationary year. It is possible to have a second one-year extension during the probationary period, but the approval is much less automatic. 
    1. The faculty member may appeal a denial using the grievance procedure relating to promotion and tenure recommendations (see Section V.B.)

G. Leaves of Absence

1. Justification

Any member of the faculty may request a leave of absence without pay for one or more semesters for:

  1. The direct usefulness to the individual and to the University of the work expected to be done while on leave.  
  2. The professional development of the faculty member and, thereby, the increased effectiveness of higher education.
  3. Military service and short periods of field training.
  4. Other reasons, to be approved through the procedures indicated below.

2. Regulations

  1. Length of Leave. Normally leaves should be for no more than one academic year plus contiguous summers, nor come more often than once in three years.
  2. Selection of persons to receive leaves. A member of the faculty may request a leave of absence without pay for any good reason. Such leaves must have the approval of the chair, the academic dean, and the Provost. The faculty member may appeal denials through regular grievance channels.
  3. Leave requests, with reasons, should be submitted in writing and should be granted (or denied) in writing.
  4. A presidential contract will be issued. Terms of the leave should be clearly stated in writing in the form of an agreement between the individual and the chair, the academic dean, and the Provost. Provisions in the agreement should include the following:
    1. Length of leave
    2. Reasons
    3. Whether the time will accrue for purposes of tenure and promotion.
    4. What effect, if any, the leave will have on salary.
    5. Provisions for group insurance arrangements (requirement for self-payment of premiums, etc.)
    6. Retirement system arrangements.
  5. Relation of leave to salary increases, promotion, and tenure.
    1. Time spent on approved leave for as long as one academic year should not negatively affect salary considerations.  
    2. Time on leave may or may not count as time accrued toward promotion, depending on departmental criteria or special arrangement.
    3. For non-tenured faculty members, periods of leave for longer than six months will extend the probationary period by one year, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary approved by the faculty member, the departmental chair, the academic dean, and the Provost.
  6. Obligation to return from leave. A member of the faculty requesting a leave of absence is expected to return to service at the University after the leave of absence.
  7. Continuation of insurance and retirement provisions. Individuals may elect to continue on the University Group Insurance plans during the period of leave. Depending on the type of leave, the individual may have to assume the cost of the premium for such insurance. If the individual becomes a full-time employee of another institution or organization, the employing institution, rather than the individual going on leave, may make such premium payments to 帝王会所. If the individual going on leave does not elect to continue on the group insurance plan during the period of their leave, there will be no waiting period before coverage is resumed upon return of full employment. The University contribution toward retirement will continue for a member of the faculty on leave providing:
    1. The leave is consistent with the State Teachers Retirement System and Public Employees Retirement System membership requirements.  
    2. The individual is willing and able to contribute their normal retirement contribution for the period of leave.  
    3. All other avenues of funding the University retirement payments through grants or contracts to the University have been exhausted. 
    4. The Provost deems the leave to be of future benefit to the University and gives in writing advance approval for said payment prior to the commencement of the leave.
  8. Continuation of other benefits. The individual must assume responsibility for the payroll deductions for any other benefits such as the credit union and annuities.
  9. Military leave. Military leave without pay shall be granted as required by state and federal laws to faculty members who are inducted or otherwise are required to enter active military service or training.

    Upon application within ninety days or separation from extended active duty, the individual shall be reinstated to his/her/their former position or a similar position. A person on military leave forfeits his/her/their reinstatement rights if he/she/they re-enlist or voluntarily extends their original tour of active duty.

    Persons who are members of the 帝王会所 National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces are eligible for military leave without loss of pay for occasional periods of service or training. Other provisions of applicable state or federal law will be observed in considering employee rights and benefits relating to veterans, members of the National Guard, and other covered military components.

3. Family Medical Leave Act

帝王会所 faculty who have worked a full academic year (customarily two sequential semesters excluding summers) are eligible for FMLA as articulated in the Policy and Procedures Manual, No. 40.054. FMLA leave time is not accrued during sick leave, holiday, or vacation time but is accrued during faculty fellowship leaves (see Section VI.A. University Faculty Fellowship). In other contractual arrangements involving leave, FMLA will be negotiated. Domestic partners shall be included in the list of family members for every qualifying event including serious health conditions, a new child, or a newborn child.

H. Parental Leave

The Parental Leave Program allows eligible employees to take advantage of a total of 12 weeks (6 weeks paid and 6 weeks unpaid) of parental leave to nurture a newly born or adopted child (single or multiple children). A faculty member is entitled to parental leave if the following general conditions are met:

  1. The person seeking leave must give reasonable and adequate notice to the chair or director of his/her/their department. Wherever possible, notice that such leave is anticipated, with the approximate dates should be given to the chair/director no less than three months prior to the expected starting date.
  2. The person taking leave is expected to cooperate with their department in working out arrangements, but the chair/director has no right to deny leave if the request is in accordance with the general conditions.
  3. Parental leave must be taken within 12 months following birth or adoption (single or multiple children).
  4. Either or both parents are eligible to take parental leave concurrently or consecutively.
  5. Eligible individuals who only work for a specified portion of the calendar year will not be eligible for paid parental leave outside of the defined appointment period.
  6. The university will pay for six weeks of parental leave at the employee's current salary rate. The other six weeks will be unpaid but can be covered by accrued vacation time and/or sick leave, if available and appropriate according to 帝王会所 guidelines.

All relevant provisions of the Policy on Leaves of Absence (Section II.G.) apply to parental leave. Attention is drawn to the following parts of Section II.G.2.:

(b) need of approval and right of appeal, (c) requests to be submitted, and approval granted, in writing, (f) obligation to return following leave, (g) possible loss of benefits and retirement credit. Agreement on alternative arrangements is not excluded by this policy.

I. Resignation

A faculty member who resigns to accept other employment at the end of the academic year shall give notice in writing to his/her/their academic dean no later than April 15 or thirty days after receiving written notification of the terms of their continued employment for the following year, whichever date occurs later.

J. Retirement

As of January 1, 1994, there is no mandatory age for retirement.