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Faculty Newsmakers

Newsmakers Archive

2021 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationNumber of Placements
Adonis DuradoScripps College of Communication1
Aimee EdmondsonScripps College of Communication4
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences3
Alan Patrick KennyCollege of Fine Arts1
Alicya StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Allyson HughesHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2
Amy WhiteZanesville Campus1
Amy WolfeChillicothe Campus1
Andie WallaScripps College of Communication3
Andrew PueschelCollege of Business3
Andrew WeemsRuss College of Engineering and Technology1
Andy AlexanderScripps College of Communication2
Angela HillmanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Angela BohyerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Ani RuhilVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service6
April FelipeCollege of Fine Arts1
Ashley MetcalfCollege of Business2
Barry TadlockCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Basil Masri ZadaCollege of Fine Arts1
Ben BatesScripps College of Communication6
Berkeley FranzHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine4
Beth DelaneySouthern Campus1
Beth LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine4
Beth VanderVeerPatton College of Education1
Bill BurkeHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine4
Bill ReaderScripps College of Communication2
Brad SchwiegerCollege of Fine Arts2
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine16
Brian CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Brian SchoenCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Caitlin KrausCollege of Fine Arts1
Candace Thomas-MaddoxLancaster Campus1
Charles LinscottScripps College of Communication2
Charles LoweryPatton College of Education3
Cheryl HoweCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Chester PachCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Chip LinscottScripps College of Communication1
Christi Camper MooreCollege of Fine Arts1
Colin GablerCollege of Business5
Cory CroninCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2
Courtney KesselCollege of Fine Arts1
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education72
Cynthia AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Dami DaramolaRuss College of Engineering and Technology4
Dan SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine56
Daniel KarneyCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Darrell Fawley IIICollege of Arts and Sciences4
Darrell Fawley IIICollege of Arts and Sciences1
David JuedesRuss College of Engineering and Technology1
David KoonceRuss College of Engineering and Technology1
David NguyenPatton College of Education10
David RidpathCollege of Business259
Deb MurrayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2
Debra RentzCollege of Fine Arts2
Dina LopezCollege of Arts and Sciences5
Domique PetiteCollege of Fine Arts1
Dustin GroomsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Eddie AshworthScripps College of Communication1
Eddith DashiellScripps College of Communication6
Edmond ChangCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Ehsan ArdjmandCollege of Business1
Elisa SmithCollege of Fine Arts1
Elizabeth BeverlyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine66
Elizabeth CrockettCollege of Arts and Sciences5
Ellison McNuttHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine396
Emely PhelpsCollege of Fine Arts2
Eric LaPolambraCollege of Fine Arts1
Eric WilliamsScripps College of Communication2
Eve NgScripps College of Communication1
Faith KnutsenVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2
Faiz RahmanRuss College of Engineering and Technology1
Felipe Aros-VeraCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Frank Van GraasRuss College of Engineering and Technology4
Gary HolcombCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Geoff DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service7
Gillian IceHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine176
Glenn DutcherCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Greg SpringerCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering and Technology3
Hayley HaugenSouthern Campus2
Heather EdwardsCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Heather HarmonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Ian KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Ingo TrauschweizerCollege of Arts and Sciences2
J.W. SmithScripps College of Communication2
Jacob HilerCollege of Business4
Jacqueline WolfHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine19
Jamie LambertCollege of Business1
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences21
Jana HovlandCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Janet SimonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions6
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service22
Jason RawlsPatton College of Education3
Jason TremblyRuss College of Engineering and Technology4
Jatin SrivastavaScripps College of Communication4
Jay WilhelmRuss College of Engineering and Technology3
Jeff RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2
Jennie KleinCollege of Fine Arts1
Jennifer HinesCollege of Arts and Sciences10
Jennifer StevensCollege of Business21
Jesus PaganRuss College of Engineering and Technology2
Jim KahlerCollege of Business4
Jim MahoneyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2
Jody GeromeHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Joe GingerichCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Joe JohnsonCollege of Arts and Sciences3
John BowditchScripps College of Communication1
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2
John McCarthyCollege of Arts and Sciences1
John O'KeefeChillicothe Campus1
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts4
Jose RochaCollege of Fine Arts1
Joseph ShieldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Josh AntonuccioScripps College of Communication5
Julie PaxtonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences10
JW SmithScripps College of Communication7
Karen CoschignoHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences270
Katie HartmanCollege of Business2
Ken JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2
Kenneth HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences12
Kerri ShawCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Kevin MattsonCollege of Arts and Sciences39
Kevin SpikerEastern Campus11
Kim KefferSouthern Campus1
Kim ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Kimberly RiosCollege of Arts and Sciences12
Kirstein DabelkoCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Laeeq KhanScripps College of Communication3
Larry WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine32
Laura HarrisonPatton College of Education1
Leanne Chrisman-KhawamHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine15
Lindsay DhananiCollege of Arts and Sciences7
Lisa HarrisonPatton College of Education74
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2
Madappa PrakashCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Mark McMillsCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Martha EvansSouthern Campus2
Mashawna HamiltonSouthern Campus1
Mateo GalvanoCollege of Fine Arts2
Mathew Felton-KoestlerPatton College of Education3
Matt CacciatoCollege of Business1
Matthew CornishCollege of Fine Arts2
Matthew FoxEastern Campus1
Matthew JamesCollege of Fine Arts2
Matthew LaytonCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Matthew LoveScripps College of Communication6
Melissa DaviesCollege of Business8
Michael BraaschRuss College of Engineering and Technology1
Michael FinneyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service8
Michele MorroneCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2
Miki CrawfordSouthern Campus1
Molly Morrison College of Arts and Sciences1
Mona RobinsonPatton College of Education1
Nathaniel SzewczykHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine10
Nerissa YoungScripps College of Communication2
Nicole ReynoldsCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Nik AllanCollege of Arts and Sciences3
Nukhet SandalCollege of Arts and Sciences4
Pamela KaylorLancaster Campus3
Paschal YoungeCollege of Fine Arts1
Patrick Barr-MelejCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Patrick O'ConnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2
Patty StokesCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Paul ChaseCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Paula DeLormHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Peggy ZoccolaCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Rachel TermanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Randall LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine4
Renee MiddletonPatton College of Education3
Robert ColvinCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Robert FoehlCollege of Business124
Roger AdenScripps College of Communication1
Roger CooperScripps College of Communication1
Ronan CarrollCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Rosellen RocheHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences3
Sam DoddCollege of Fine Arts2
Sandy ChenPatton College of Education2
Sara HelfrichPatton College of Education2
Sarah AdkinsCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Sarah DavisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Scott MillerRuss College of Engineering and Technology4
Sergio RoblesCollege of Business5
Shad SargandRuss College of Engineering and Technology3
Sharon CasapullaCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2
Sherleena BuchmanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Sinnan GokkayaCollege of Business1
Srdjan NesicRuss College of Engineering and Technology2
Stevan WalkowskiHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Steven MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences4
Sumit SharmaRuss College of Engineering and Technology7
Susan BurgessCollege of Arts and Sciences12
Susan WilliamsHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine1
Tad MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2
Taylor KellerCollege of Business1
Terry Kolb DavisCollege of Fine Arts1
Thomas StevensonPatton College of Education1
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication57
Tiffany ArnoldCollege of Health Sciences and Professions1
Tim AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences1
Tim GoheenScripps College of Communication1
Tim JordanZanesville Campus3
Todd FredricksHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2
Tom BartelCollege of Fine Arts2
Tom FiocchiCollege of Fine Arts1
Tony VinciChillicothe Campus3
Tresa RandallCollege of Fine Arts2
Vic MattaCollege of Business2
Victoria LaPoeScripps College of Communication14
Victoria LeeCollege of Arts and Sciences3
Vincent JungkunzCollege of Arts and Sciences20
Vinny JustCollege of Arts and Sciences6
Viorel PopescuCollege of Arts and Sciences27
William TalleyCollege of Fine Arts2
Zac MeiselCollege of Arts and Sciences1

2020 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
Adam RappCollege of Business2019-1
Adrienne ErbyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Aimee EdmondsonScripps College of Communication2019-34
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-43
Alan Patrick KennyCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Allison WhiteChillicothe2019-1
Alycia StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-14
Amber HealeyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Amir FarnoudRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Ana Rosado-FegerCollege of Business2019-2
Andrea FrohneCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Andrew FodorCollege of Business2019-2
Andrew PueschelCollege of Business2019-2
Andrew RykerCollege of Fine Arts2019-4
Angela SprungerCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Angela HosekScripps College of Communication2019-1
Anirudh RuhilVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-43
Ann DietrichHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-2
Ann PaulinsPatton College of Education2019-4
Art OestrikeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Art TreseCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-4
Basil Masri ZadaCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Bayyinah JeffriesCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Ben BatesScripps College of Communication2019-1
Berkeley FranzHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Bernhard DebatinScripps College of Communication2019-5
Beth QuitslundCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Betty SindelarCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Bilal UrkmezCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Bill ReaderScripps College of Communication2019-3
Blake ReganCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Bob KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-10
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-4
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-18
Brian EvansCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Brian McCarthyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Carol SchaumleffelCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Caroline GoochCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Char MillerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Charlie MorganCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Chris ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Christopher FranceCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-4
Chuck BorgheseScripps College of Communication2019-2
Cory CroninCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-10
Courtney KesselCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education2019-1
Craig DavisScripps College of Communication2019-2
Craig NunemakerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-3
Dan DennisCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Dan HarperCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Daniel MoakCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Daniel SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-38
Daniel TorresCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Danielle DaniPatton College of Education2019-1
Darlene BerrymanHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-4
David BaylessRuss College of Engineering2019-1
David HaugenCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
David NguyenPatton College of Education2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201945
David RidpathCollege of Business2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2019514
David RosenthalCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
David YoungRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Dawn WohnCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Deborah HendersonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-13
Deborah MurrayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Dennis FoxCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Derek KauneckisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-2
Diane CiekawyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Dianne GutPatton College of Education2019-1
Dominik MischkowskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-10
Donal SkinnerHonors Tutorial College2019-2
Donald MilesCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-10
Donna BurgraffChillicothe2019-1
Dustin GroomsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-8
Eddie AshworthScripps College of Communication2019-2
Eddith DashiellScripps College of Communication2019-1
Edmond ChangCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Ehsan ArdjmandCollege of Business2019-5
Elizabeth BeverlyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201988
Emily GusemanHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Eric LeMayCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Eric WilliamsScripps College of Communication2019-2
Erin MurphyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-3
Eugene GeistPatton College of Education2019-1
Eve NgScripps College of Communication2019-6
Fabian BenenciaHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Faiz RahmanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Frank LoSchiavoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Frederick LewisScripps College of Communication2019-5
Gabe GiordanoCollege of Business2019-2
Gary HolcombCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Geoff BuckleyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Geoff DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-5
Gerard KrzicCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Ghirmai NegashCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-17
Gilbert MichaudVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-10
Greg SpringerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-11
Greg KremerRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Greg ObiChillicothe2019-1
Gursel SuerRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering2019-28
Haley DuschinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-34
Harvey BallardCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-5
Heather HarmonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Hee- Jong SeoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Holly RaffleVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-3
Hugh MartinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Ilana ChertokCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-22
Ingo TrauschweizerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Issam KhouryRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Jacqueline WolfCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-4
James KahlerCollege of Business2019-3
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-18
Jane BalboHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-2
Janet DuerrCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201973
Janet SimonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-4
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-1
Jason SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Jeff RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Jeffrey VancouverCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-111
Jenna Freeman ScudderCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Jennifaye BrownCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Jennifer FredetteCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Jennifer StevensCollege of Business2019-1
Jennifer YoderCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Jeremy MorrisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Jim KahlerCollege of Business2019-18
John BohuslawskyCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
John BowditchScripps College of Communication2019-4
John HoagScripps College of Communication2019-1
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-9
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts2019-25
John SchlabachCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Joseph BrownCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Joseph JohnsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-10
Joseph McLaughlinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Joseph ShieldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Josh AntonuccioScripps College of Communication2019-9
Josh BirnbaumScripps College of Communication2019-1
Julie ElmanScripps College of Communication2019-2
Julie FrancisPatton College of Education2019-3
Julie OwensCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Julie RocheCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-8
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Julie WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-6
jw SmithScripps College of Communication2019-1
Karen MammoneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Karla HackenmillerCollege of Fine Arts2019-4
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2019451
Katie HartmanCollege of Business2019-3
Keith MilamCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Kelly JohnsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Kelly WilliamsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Ken JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-5
Kenneth HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-6
Kerri ShawCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-5
Kevin CristRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Kevin MatthewsCollege of Business2019-3
Kevin MattsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-16
Kim ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Kitty ConsoloCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Kyle BerkleyCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Laeeq KhanScripps College of Communication2019-13
Lance MeKeelChillicothe2019-3
Larry WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2019146
Laura HarrisonPatton College of Education2019-6
Laura Miele PascoePatton College of Education2019-1
Leanne Chrisman- KhawamHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Lingying TongCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-16
Lisa BeelerCollege of Business2019-1
Loren LybargerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-6
Lucas BorgesCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201959
Lynn HarterScripps College of Communication2019-3
Manuel Aros-VeraRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Mario GrijalvaHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-7
Mark AlickeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Mark LucasCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Mark NevinLancaster2019-5
Mark WeinbergVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-2
Mary RogusScripps College of Communication2019-2
Matt CacciatoCollege of Business2019-5
Matthew JamesCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Melissa BrobeckCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Michael CarreraCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Michael LincolnCollege of Fine Arts2019-3
Michael McTeagueEastern2019-1
Michael OwenCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Michael SweeneyScripps College of Communication2019-6
Michele MorroneCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-3
Mingun LeeCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-4
Miriam ShadisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Mohammad Toufiqur RezaRuss College of Engineering2019-12
Molly MorrisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Monica BurdickRuss College of Engineering2019-2
Muriel GallegoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Myra WaterburyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Myrna Perez SheldonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2019178
Natalie Kruse-DanielsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Nathan AndaryCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Nicole Antionette SmithCollege of Business2019-1
Nicole ReynoldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Nik AllanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Nukhet SandalCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Ovril CambridgeScripps College of Communication2019-2
Pam SealoverZanesville2019-1
Pamela KaylorLancaster2019-2
Paschal YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Patrick Barr-MelejCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Patrick O'ConnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2019212
Patrick O'KeefeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Paul BarteCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Paul MassCollege of Business2019-4
Paul MilazzoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Peggy ZoccolaCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Peter HarringtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-4
Pittaya Paladroi-ShaneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Rachel TermanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Randy LeiteCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-40
Rebecca VernoyCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Rebecca RischinCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Richard SukCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Rifat HaiderCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-12
Robert ColvinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Robert FoehlCollege of Business2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201995
Robert IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Ronan CarrollCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Roy BoydCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Ruger PorterHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-28
Ryan ChornockCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-19
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-6
Samuel DoddCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Sara HartmanPatton College of Education2019-10
Sara HelfrichPatton College of Education2019-1
Sarah DavisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019-2
Sarah GarlingtonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-1
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Savas KayaRuss College of Engineering2019-3
Saw HlaRuss College of Engineering2019-14
Scott SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Scott HooperCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-13
Scott MillerRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Sean ParsonsCollege of Fine Arts2019-1
Shadi Abu-BakerZanesville2019-1
Shadrick ParisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Shelley DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2019-5
Sherleena BuchmanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-8
Shiyong WuCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-16
Sonia NajjarHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-6
Stephen HarveyCollege of Business2019-3
Stephen ScanlanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Steven EvansCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Susan BurgessCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-2
Susan DowellEastern2019-4
Tad MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-21
Terry Cluse-TolarCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Terry EilerScripps College of Communication2019-1
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2019-13
Tiffany ArnoldCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-4
Timothy GoheenScripps College of Communication2019-1
Timothy AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Tingyue GuRuss College of Engineering2019-1
Todd EisworthCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Tom FiocchiCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Tom JohnsonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-6
Tom O'GradyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-1
Tracy ShaubHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Travis GatlingCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
Trevor RoycroftScripps College of Communication2019-5
Vic MattaCollege of Business2019-1
Victor JonesLancaster2019-4
Viorel PopescuCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-22
Vishwajeet PuriHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-4
Willem RoosenburgCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-5
William TalleyCollege of Fine Arts2019-2
William Young IICollege of Business2019-1
Xiaozhuo ChenHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-3
Yegan PillayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019-2
Yeong KimCollege of Arts and Sciences2019-3
Yuanjie MaoHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-1
Zelalem HaileHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019-31
Zelma Badu-YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2019-2


2019 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018231
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018209
David RidpathCollege of Business2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018201
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018143
Ruger PorterHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018108
Tadeusz MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201882
Rick HodgesCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201849
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201835
Randy LeiteCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201832
Jeffrey RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019Top Ten Newsmakers of 201830
Geoffrey DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Steve MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Anirudh RuhilVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Gilbert MichaudVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
John O'KeefeChillicothe Campus2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Nukhet SandalCollege of Arts and Sciences2019Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2018"-
Donna BurgraffChillicothe2019--
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Alan McMillanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Alexander GovorovCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Alonzo HambyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Alycia StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Alyssa BernsteinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Amritjit SinghCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Amy LynchCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Amy WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Anthony StenderCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Art TreseCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Art (Andrew) OestrikeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Barbel SuchCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Bekka BrodieCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Beth QuitslundCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Bianca SpriggsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Bill BroachCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Brian CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Chester PachCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Christopher FranceCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Christopher SchwirianCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Christopher ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Claudia Gonz谩lez-VallejoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Cortney RodetCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Daniel PhillipsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Daniel TorresCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Danny BentleyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
David CraneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
David CurpCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
David WanczykCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Debra NicklesCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
DeLysa BurnierCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Dina LopezCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Dinty MooreCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Dominik MischkowskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Don DuddingCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Doug CloweCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Edmond ChangCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Elizabeth CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Eric LeMayCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Eric StinafCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Gar RothwellCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Geoff BuckleyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
George EbertsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Gerard KrzicCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ghirmai NegashCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Glenn DutcherCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Greg SpringerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Haley DuschinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Hayley HaugenCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Hee-Jong SeoCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Holly NingardCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ian KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ingo TrauschweizerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Jackie MaxwellCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
James MosherCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Jason ThayerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Jay RyuCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Jennifer HinesCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Joe McLaughlinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
John O'KeefeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Joseph JohnsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Joseph ShieldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Julie WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kathy NormansellCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kelly JohnsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kelly WilliamsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kenneth HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kevin MattsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kevin SpikerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Kimberly RiosCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Lisa HavenCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Loran MarsanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Loren LybargerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
M. Geneva MurrayCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Madappa PrakashCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mara HoltCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mariana DantasCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mark AlickeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mark LucasCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mary Lou MaloneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Matthew LaytonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Michael AshtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Mirna ZakicCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Molly MorrisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Morgan VisCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Morten BachCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Nicole ReynoldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Nukhet SandalCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Okey NapierCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Patrick O'KeeffeCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Peggy ZoccolaCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Peter HarringtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Robert CoopermanCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Robert IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Robert KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ryan ChornockCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ryan ShoreyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Scott MoodyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Shadi Abu BakerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Sherrie GradinCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Stephen BergmeierCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Steve MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Steven EvansCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Susan BurgessCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Tadeusz MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Tim AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Timothy AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Todd YoungCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Tom O'GradyCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Tony VinciCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Veena KasbekarCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Viorel PopescuCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Willem RoosenburgCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Zachary MeiselCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Ziad Abu-RishCollege of Arts and Sciences2019--
Adam RappCollege of Business2019--
Amy Taylor-BiancoCollege of Business2019--
Dan DahlenCollege of Business2019--
David RidpathCollege of Business2019--
David StoweCollege of Business2019--
Heather Lawrence - BenedictCollege of Business2019--
Hugh ShermanCollege of Business2019--
Jennifer StevensCollege of Business2019--
Jim KahlerCollege of Business2019--
Katie HartmanCollege of Business2019--
Kristine EnsignCollege of Business2019--
Lenie HolbrookCollege of Business2019--
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2019--
Matthew CacciatoCollege of Business2019--
Nicole SmithCollege of Business2019--
Paul BenedictCollege of Business2019--
Paul MassCollege of Business2019--
Robert FoehlCollege of Business2019--
Alan Patrick KennyCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Alex HibbittCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Alison Brown-SincoffCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Andre GribouCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Andrea FrohneCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Andrew RykerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Angela SprungerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Art WergerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Brad SchwiegerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Bradley NaylorCollege of Fine Arts2019--
C. Scott SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Christi Camper-MooreCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Christopher FisherCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Dan DennisCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Darren BakerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
David ColagiovanniCollege of Fine Arts2019--
David HaugenCollege of Fine Arts2019--
David ThomasCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Dennis DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Dennis FoxCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Duane McDiarmidCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Jason Roland SmithCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Jody LambCollege of Fine Arts2019--
John ButlerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts2019--
John SchlabachCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Josh BoyerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Kelly BurnsCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Kyle BerkleyCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Lance MekeelCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Laura BrownCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Laura LarsonCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Lucas BorgesCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Madeline ScottCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Matt JamesCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Matthew MorrisCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Matthew ShaftelCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Melissa HavilandCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Merri BiechlerCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Michael LincolnCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Michele FialaCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Paschal YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Paul MayhewCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Rafal SokolowskiCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Rebecca VerNooyCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Richard SukCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Roger BraunCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Samuel DoddCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Shelley DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Steven HuangCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Steven RossCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Thomas HayesCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Tom FiocchiCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Victor JonesCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Wendy BlackwoodCollege of Fine Arts2019--
William CondeeCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Zelma Badu-YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2019--
Betsy KunstelCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Betty SindelarCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Brandie NanceCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Caroline KingoriCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Charlotte McManusCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Debra CoxCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Dustin GroomsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Eliza HarperCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Gillian IceCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Gregory JansonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Ilana ChertokCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Jeff VasiloffCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Jeffrey RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Jennifer Yoder-ClevidenceCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
John McCarthyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Kerri ShawCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Lorna Jean EdmondsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Michele KabayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Michele MorroneCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Nicole PenningtonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Randy LeiteCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Rebekah CrawfordCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Rick HodgesCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Sarah GarlingtonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Sarah TaylorCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Sarah WebbCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Sharon PerryCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Sherleena BuchmanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2019--
Amber HealyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Berkeley FranzHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Daniel SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Darlene BerrymanHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Elizabeth BeverlyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Fabian BenenciaHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Jacqueline WolfHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Jane BalboHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Jane BroeckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Janis FranceHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Jody GeromeHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Kenneth JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Krista DuvalHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Leanne Chrisman-KhawamHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Melissa ThomasHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Patrick O'ConnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Randall LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Ruger PorterHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Scott AnzaloneHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Sonia Michael NajjarHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Todd FredricksHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Vishwajeet PuriHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Zelalem HaileHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2019--
Cary FrithHonors Tutorial College2019--
Patty StokesHonors Tutorial College2019--
Jim SmithLancaster2019--
Chris KennedyPatton College of Education2019--
Cindy HartmanPatton College of Education2019--
Connie PattersonPatton College of Education2019--
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education2019--
Danny TwilleyPatton College of Education2019--
Emmanuel Jean-FrancoisPatton College of Education2019--
Eugene GeistPatton College of Education2019--
Frans DoppenPatton College of Education2019--
Greg KesslerPatton College of Education2019--
Julia PaxtonPatton College of Education2019--
Julie FrancisPatton College of Education2019--
Kim CiroliPatton College of Education2019--
Marcy Keifer KennedyPatton College of Education2019--
Martha EvansPatton College of Education2019--
Matthew Felton-KoestlerPatton College of Education2019--
Paula McMurray-SchwarzPatton College of Education2019--
Renee A. MiddletonPatton College of Education2019--
Sara HartmanPatton College of Education2019--
Theodore HutchinsonPatton College of Education2019--
Tim CainResearch2019--
Amir FarnoudRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Bhaven NaikRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Dale MaselRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
David BaylessRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Dennis IrwinRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Dusan SormazRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Faiz RahmanRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Gerardine BotteRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Jason TremblyRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Monica BurdickRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Muhammad AliRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Munir NazzalRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Robert WilliamsRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Srdjan NesicRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Yoon-Seok ChoiRuss College of Engineering and Technology2019--
Aimee EdmondsomScripps College of Communication2019--
Andie WallaScripps College of Communication2019--
Andy AlexanderScripps College of Communication2019--
Andy EllingerScripps College of Communication2019--
Arthur CromwellScripps College of Communication2019--
Ben BatesScripps College of Communication2019--
Bernhard DebatinScripps College of Communication2019--
Beth NovakScripps College of Communication2019--
Bill ReaderScripps College of Communication2019--
Brian PlowScripps College of Communication2019--
Eddie AshworthScripps College of Communication2019--
Eddith DashiellScripps College of Communication2019--
Eric WilliamsScripps College of Communication2019--
Frederick LewisScripps College of Communication2019--
Jatin SrivastavaScripps College of Communication2019--
John AgnoneScripps College of Communication2019--
John BowditchScripps College of Communication2019--
John GrimwadeScripps College of Communication2019--
John HoagScripps College of Communication2019--
Josh AntonuccioScripps College of Communication2019--
Josh BirnbaumScripps College of Communication2019--
Julie ElmanScripps College of Communication2019--
Karen RiggsScripps College of Communication2019--
Kari Gunter-Seymour PetersonScripps College of Communication2019--
Laeeq KhanScripps College of Communication2019--
Lynn HarterScripps College of Communication2019--
Marilyn GreenwaldScripps College of Communication2019--
Michael SweeneyScripps College of Communication2019--
Nerissa YoungScripps College of Communication2019--
Purba DasScripps College of Communication2019--
Robert StewartScripps College of Communication2019--
Scott TitsworthScripps College of Communication2019--
Steve HowardScripps College of Communication2019--
Sue MorrowScripps College of Communication2019--
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2019--
Timothy GoheenScripps College of Communication2019--
Tom HodsonScripps College of Communication2019--
Victoria LaPoeScripps College of Communication2019--
William RawlinsScripps College of Communication2019--
Anirudh RuhilVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Cindy VoorhiesVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Faith KnutsenVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Floun'say CaverVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Geoff DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Gilbert MichaudVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Holly RaffleVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Jay JohnsonVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Jennifer BowmanVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Jim MahoneyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
John GlazerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Laura AllowayVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Lesli JohnsonVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Lissa JollickVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Loraine McCoskerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Megan Weber RiddlebargerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Natalie Kruse DanielsVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Nicole KirchnerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Sarah DavisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2019--
Jeremy WebsterZanesville2019--
Matthew FoxZanesville2019--

2018 帝王会所 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018812
David RidpathCollege of Business2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018150
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 2018107
Geoffrey DabelkoVoinovich School of Public Service2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201845
Joseph McLaughlinCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201837
Mercedes Sotos-PrietoCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201833
delfin bautistaCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201831
Benjamin BatesScripps College of Communication2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201830
Patrick O'ConnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201827
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201824
Ren茅e MiddletonPatton College of Education2018Top Ten Newsmakers of 201824
Anirudh RuhilVoinovich School of Public Service2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Tania BastaCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Randy LeiteCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Daniel SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Robert StewartScripps College of Communication2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Ziad Abu-RishCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Andrew AlexanderScripps College of Communication2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
David BaylessRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Susan BurgessCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Bernhard DebatinScripps College of Communication2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Dennis DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Tarig HigaziZanesville Campus2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Public Service2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Loren LybargerCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Kevin MattsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Bill ReaderScripps College of Communication2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Barry TadlockCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Jim TaylorZanesville Campus2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Steven MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2018Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2017"-
Donna BurgraffChillicothe Campus2018--
Lucinda EubanksChillicothe Campus2018--
Jamie HarmountChillicothe Campus2018--
Michael KoopChillicothe Campus2018--
Barbara MahaffeyChillicothe Campus2018--
Lance MekeelChillicothe Campus2018--
Martin TuckChillicothe Campus2018--
Tim AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Jim AndrewsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Carl BruneCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Geoff BuckleyCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Larry BurmeisterCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Edmond ChangCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Ryan ChornockCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Michele ClouseCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Douglas CloweCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Brian CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Francesca ColloredoCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Cory CrawfordCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Elizabeth CrockettCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Jared DeForestCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
David DraboldCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Haley DuschinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
George EbertsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Steven EvansCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Robert FrankCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Joseph GingerichCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Alexander GovorovCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Sherrie GradinCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Judith GrantCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Mark HallidayCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Steve HaysCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Kenneth HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Joshua HillCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Saw-Wai HlaCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Michael HollingsworthCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
David IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Daniel KarneyCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Yeong-Hyun KimCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Robert KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Elizabeth LeeCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Mark LucasCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Tadeusz MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Nancy ManringCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Katarzyna MarciniakCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Loran MarsanCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Eric MassonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Brian McCarthyCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Robert MiklitschCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Keith MilamCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Donald MilesCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Dinty MooreCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Theresa MoranCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Molly MorrisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
M. Geneva MurrayCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Thomas O'GradyCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
William OwensCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Chester PachCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Shadrick ParisCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Myrna Perez SheldonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Harold PerkinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Viorel PopescuCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Madappa PrakashCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Beth QuitslundCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Nicole ReynoldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Willem RoosenburgCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
David RosenthalCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Assan SarrCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Stephen ScanlanCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Chris SchwirianCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Miriam ShadisCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Joseph ShieldsCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Amritjit SinghCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Rebecca SnellCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Anthony S. StenderCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Alycia StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Eric StinaffCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Patty StokesCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Kim ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Daniel TorresCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Ingo TrauschweizerCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Arthur TreseCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Sergio UlloaCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Thomas Vander VenCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
David WanczykCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Edna WanguiCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Julie WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Travis WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Shiyong WuCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Peggy ZoccolaCollege of Arts and Sciences2018--
Matt CacciatoCollege of Business2018--
Robert FoehlCollege of Business2018--
Colin GablerCollege of Business2018--
Sinan GokkayaCollege of Business2018--
Katie HartmanCollege of Business2018--
James KahlerCollege of Business2018--
Emily KeenanCollege of Business2018--
Lori MarcheseCollege of Business2018--
Paul MassCollege of Business2018--
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2018--
Adam RappCollege of Business2018--
Tammy ReynoldsCollege of Business2018--
Ana Rosado FegerCollege of Business2018--
Hugh ShermanCollege of Business2018--
Jennifer StevensCollege of Business2018--
Nathan AndaryCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Zelma Badu-YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Tom BartelCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Brent BeesonCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Kyle BerkleyCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Lucas BorgesCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Joshua BoyerCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Roger BraunCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Charles BuchananCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Kelly BurnsCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Michael CarreraCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Matt CornishCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Shelley DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Brian EvansCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Tom FiocchiCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Christopher FisherCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Rajko GrlicCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Christopher HayesCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Alex HibbittCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Steven HuangCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Jennie KleinCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Jody LambCollege of Fine Arts2018--
David LaPalombaraCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Laura LarsonCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Michael LincolnCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Paul MayhewCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Matthew MorrisCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Bradley NaylorCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Sean ParsonsCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Debra RentzCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Rebecca RischinCollege of Fine Arts2018--
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Louis-Georges SchwartzCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Brad SchwiegerCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Matthew ShaftelCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Jason Roland SmithCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Richard SukCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Matthew TalbertCollege of Fine Arts2018--
David ThomasCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Andrew TrachselCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Art WergerCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Richard WetzelCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Paschal YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2018--
Robert BrannanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Jennifer ChabotCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Ilana ChertokCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Lorna Jean EdmondsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Sarah GarlingtonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Dustin GroomsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Eliza HarperCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Deborah HendersonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Gillian IceCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
John McCarthyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Rebecca MillerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Deborah MurrayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Jeff RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Timothy RyanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Janet SimonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Dhiraj VattemCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Sarah WebbCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Jennifer YoderCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2018--
Paul AbrahamEastern Campus2018--
Dennis FoxEastern Campus2018--
Sarah Mahan-HaysEastern Campus2018--
Jacqueline YahnEastern Campus2018--
Jane BalboHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Darlene BerrymanHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Elizabeth BeverlyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
William BurkeHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Leslie ConsittHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Christine FallHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Melinda FordHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Todd FredricksHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Mario GrijalvaHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Kenneth JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Terry JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Isaac KirsteinHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Timothy LawHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Kevin LeeHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Vishwajeet PuriHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Sherri ReynoldsHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Judith RhueHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Thomas RosolHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
John SchrinerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Daniel SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Susan WilliamsHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Jacqueline WolfHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2018--
Robert CoopermanLancaster Campus2018--
Sandra DotyLancaster Campus2018--
Patrick DrummLancaster Campus2018--
Victor JonesLancaster Campus2018--
Dan KlineLancaster Campus2018--
Scott MinarLancaster Campus2018--
Mark NevinLancaster Campus2018--
Gina OrrLancaster Campus2018--
Candice Thomas-MaddoxLancaster Campus2018--
Scott Seaman帝王会所 Libraries2018--
Areej AhmedPatton College of Education2018--
Gordon BrooksPatton College of Education2018--
Danielle DaniPatton College of Education2018--
Bill ElaskyPatton College of Education2018--
Adrienne ErbyPatton College of Education2018--
Mathew Felton-KoestlerPatton College of Education2018--
Tamarine ForemanPatton College of Education2018--
Theda Gibbs GreyPatton College of Education2018--
Laura HarrisonPatton College of Education2018--
Lisa HarrisonPatton College of Education2018--
Sara HartmanPatton College of Education2018--
Stephen HarveyPatton College of Education2018--
Theo HutchinsonPatton College of Education2018--
Sami KahnPatton College of Education2018--
Marcy Keifer KennedyPatton College of Education2018--
Michael KopishPatton College of Education2018--
Laura Miele-PascoePatton College of Education2018--
Susan NolanPatton College of Education2018--
Karen OswaldPatton College of Education2018--
Connie PattersonPatton College of Education2018--
Ann PaulinsPatton College of Education2018--
Mona RobinsonPatton College of Education2018--
Scott SparksPatton College of Education2018--
Thom StevensonPatton College of Education2018--
Christine Suniti BhatPatton College of Education2018--
Danny TwilleyPatton College of Education2018--
Deak ArchRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Michael BraaschRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Monica BurdickRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Harsha ChenjiRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Yoon-Seok ChoiRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Kevin CristRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Timothy CydersRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Saeed GhanbartehraniRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Dennis IrwinRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Neil LittellRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Munir NazzalRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Srdjan NesicRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Shawn OstermannRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Shad SargandRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Dusan SormazRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
John StaserRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Jason TremblyRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Maarten Uijt de HaagRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Frank van GraasRuss College of Engineering and Technology2018--
Julie AgnoneScripps College of Communication2018--
Stan AlostScripps College of Communication2018--
Josh AntonuccioScripps College of Communication2018--
Eddie AshworthScripps College of Communication2018--
Austin BabrowScripps College of Communication2018--
Atish BaidyaScripps College of Communication2018--
Christina BeckScripps College of Communication2018--
Josh BirnbaumScripps College of Communication2018--
Laura BlackScripps College of Communication2018--
Chuck BorgheseScripps College of Communication2018--
John BowditchScripps College of Communication2018--
Craig DavisScripps College of Communication2018--
Aimee EdmondsonScripps College of Communication2018--
Julie ElmanScripps College of Communication2018--
Patrick EvansScripps College of Communication2018--
Cary FrithScripps College of Communication2018--
Tim GoheenScripps College of Communication2018--
Kari Gunter-SeymourScripps College of Communication2018--
Lynn HarterScripps College of Communication2018--
Karl HenkelScripps College of Communication2018--
John HoagScripps College of Communication2018--
Thomas HodsonScripps College of Communication2018--
Angela HosekScripps College of Communication2018--
Steve HowardScripps College of Communication2018--
Parul JainScripps College of Communication2018--
Laeeq KhanScripps College of Communication2018--
Gary KirkseyScripps College of Communication2018--
Victoria LaPoeScripps College of Communication2018--
Frederick LewisScripps College of Communication2018--
Hans MeyerScripps College of Communication2018--
Jenny NelsonScripps College of Communication2018--
Eve NgScripps College of Communication2018--
Marcy NighswanderScripps College of Communication2018--
William RawlinsScripps College of Communication2018--
Karen RiggsScripps College of Communication2018--
Mary RogusScripps College of Communication2018--
Trevor RoycroftScripps College of Communication2018--
Joseph SladeScripps College of Communication2018--
J.W. SmithScripps College of Communication2018--
Michael SweeneyScripps College of Communication2018--
Stephanie TikkanenScripps College of Communication2018--
Scott TitsworthScripps College of Communication2018--
Andie WallaScripps College of Communication2018--
Eric WilliamsScripps College of Communication2018--
Judith Yaross LeeScripps College of Communication2018--
Nerissa YoungScripps College of Communication2018--
Jacki AdkinsSouthern Campus2018--
Randy BazellSouthern Campus2018--
Gary BelcherSouthern Campus2018--
Craig BoweSouthern Campus2018--
Bradie ChapmanSouthern Campus2018--
Maranda ClementSouthern Campus2018--
Beth DelaneySouthern Campus2018--
Mike DonleySouthern Campus2018--
Martha EvansSouthern Campus2018--
Kelly HallSouthern Campus2018--
Mashawna HamiltonSouthern Campus2018--
Ginger HardySouthern Campus2018--
Hayley Mitchell HaugenSouthern Campus2018--
Molly JohnsonSouthern Campus2018--
Mary Lou MaloneSouthern Campus2018--
Don MooreSouthern Campus2018--
Deron NewmanSouthern Campus2018--
Nicole PenningtonSouthern Campus2018--
Dana ScottSouthern Campus2018--
Joy ShytleSouthern Campus2018--
Michelle TheissSouthern Campus2018--
Jennifer BowmanVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Natalie Kruse DanielsVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Gilbert MichaudVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Holly RaffleVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Mark WeinbergVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Michael ZimmerVoinovich School of Public Service2018--
Kitty ConsoloZanesville Campus2018--
James FoxZanesville Campus2018--
Janelle HubbleZanesville Campus2018--
Tim JordanZanesville Campus2018--
Hannah NissenZanesville Campus2018--
Kathy NormansellZanesville Campus2018--
Teri PeasleyZanesville Campus2018--
Carol SchaumleffelZanesville Campus2018--
Pamela SealoverZanesville Campus2018--
Lisa Stein HavenZanesville Campus2018--
Linda TaylorZanesville Campus2018--
Darci WagnerZanesville Campus2018--
Liesta WalkerZanesville Campus2018--
Jeremy WebsterZanesville Campus2018--
Amy WhiteZanesville Campus2018--


2017 帝王会所 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
Benjamin BatesScripps College of Communication2017Keystroke Catalyst72
Michelle FerrierScripps College of Communication2017Keystroke Catalyst85
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Keystroke Catalyst1,031
Nicholas Kiersey帝王会所 Chillicothe2017Keystroke Catalyst275
Ian KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Keystroke Catalyst164
Kevin MattsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Keystroke Catalyst192
R. Damian NanceCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Keystroke Catalyst408
David RidpathCollege of Business2017Keystroke Catalyst230
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2017Keystroke Catalyst101
Charee ThompsonScripps College of Communication2017Keystroke Catalyst86
Ziad Abu-RishCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Andy AlexanderScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
delfin bautistaCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
DeLysa BurnierCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Michael BurtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Maria FanisCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Jennifer FredetteCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Thomas HodsonScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Laeeq KhanScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Michael McTeague帝王会所 Eastern2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Jerry MillerScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
William RawlinsScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Karen RiggsScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Kimberly RiosCollege of Arts and Sciences2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Robert StewartScripps College of Communication2017Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2016"-
Mark AlickeCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Cynthia AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Timothy G. AndersonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Harvey BallardCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Mark BarsamianCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
David BellCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Alyssa BernsteinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Dawn BikowskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Erik BoczkoCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
John BrobstCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Geoffrey BuckleyCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Susan BurgessCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Ronan CarrollCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Michele ClouseCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Doug CloweCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Brian CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Robert ColvinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Sabrina CurranCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jared DeForestCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
George EbertsCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Lauren Elliott-DoransCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Catherine EulerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Christopher FranceCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Christine A. GidyczCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Loreen GieseCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Alexander GovorovCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Sherrie GradinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Judith GrantCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Michael GrantCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jules GueiCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Patricia GunnCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Peter HarringtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Sally HatfieldCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Daniel HembreeCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Kenneth HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Joshua HillCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Klaus HimmeldirkCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Saw-Wai HlaCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Gary HolcombCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Robert IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jayum JawanCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Winfried JustCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Nicole KaufmanCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Greg KesslerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Yeong-Hyun KimCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Sarah KinkelCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Bob KleinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Matthew LaytonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Elizabeth LeeCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Alfred LentCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Kimberly LittleCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Mark LucasCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Loren LybargerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Tadeusz MalinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Keith MarkmanCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Loran MarsanCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Eric MassonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jaclyn MaxwellCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Joe McLaughlinCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Lauren McMillsCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Zakes MdaCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Keith MilamCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Steven MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Martin MohlenkampCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Dinty MooreCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Theresa MoranCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Molly MorrisCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Ghirmai NegashCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Tom O鈥橤radyCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Julie OwensCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Chester PachCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Julia Paxton PaganCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Paul PattonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Daniel PhillipsCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Beth QuitslundCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Willem RoosenburgCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Jill A. RosserCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Nukhet SandalCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Brian SchoenCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Aaron SchwartzCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Christopher SchwirianCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
William ShamboraCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Amritjit SinghCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Carey SnyderCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Alycia StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Eric StinaffCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Patty StokesCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Nancy TatarekCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Rachel TermanCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Chris ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Kim ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Ingo TrauschweizerCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Art TreseCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Kevin UhaldeCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Thomas Vander VenCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Julie WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Keith WoodallCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2017--
Gary CoombsCollege of Business2017--
G. Christopher CrawfordCollege of Business2017--
Michael EasterdayCollege of Business2017--
Andrew FodorCollege of Business2017--
Colin GablerCollege of Business2017--
Ann GabrielCollege of Business2017--
Kim JordanCollege of Business2017--
Jim KahlerCollege of Business2017--
Heather Lawrence-BenedictCollege of Business2017--
Nadege LevalletCollege of Business2017--
Paul MassCollege of Business2017--
Alan J. McMillanCollege of Business2017--
Norm O鈥橰eillyCollege of Business2017--
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2017--
Adam RappCollege of Business2017--
Greg SullivanCollege of Business2017--
Amy Taylor-BiancoCollege of Business2017--
Rebecca ThackerCollege of Business2017--
Yong WangCollege of Business2017--
Aaron WrightCollege of Business2017--
Nathan AndaryCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Zelma Badu-YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Paul BarteCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Tom BartelCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Merri BiechlerCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Lucas BorgesCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Roger BraunCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Alison Brown SincoffCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Joseph BrownCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Laura BrownCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Charles BuchananCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Kelly BurnsCollege of Fine Arts2017--
David ColagiovanniCollege of Fine Arts2017--
William CondeeCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Steve De JarnattCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Brian EvansCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Michele FialaCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Andrea FrohneCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Travis GatlingCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Andre GribouCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Rajko GrlicCollege of Fine Arts2017--
David HaugenCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Melissa HavilandCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Tom HayesCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Matthew JamesCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Youmee KimCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Dennis Lee DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Shelley DelaneyCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Tom FiocchiCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Steven HuangCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Jennie KleinCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Joanna KoefoedCollege of Fine Arts2017--
David LaPalombaraCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Laura LarsonCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Paul MayhewCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Mark PhillipsCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Lucas Rego BorgesCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Steven RossCollege of Fine Arts2017--
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Elizabeth SayrsCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Ciro ScottoCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Rafal SokolowskiCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2017--
C. Scott SmithCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Jason SmithCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Luke StettnerCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Richard SukCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Corinne TeedCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Andrew TrachselCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Arthur WergerCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Dawn WohnCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Paschal Yao YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2017--
Jane BalboHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Joseph BiancoHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Calvin B. JamesHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Melinda FordHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Dawn GrahamHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Amber HealyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Kenneth JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Timothy LawHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Randall LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Kelly McCallHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Felicia NowakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Craig NunemakerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Patrick O鈥機onnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Daniel SkinnerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2017--
RuthAnn AlthausCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Marcus BarrCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Joann BenignoCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Darlene BerrymanCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Angela BohyerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Jennifaye BrownCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Jenny ChabotCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Dustin GroomsCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Eliza HarperCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Fuh-Cherng JengCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Lisa KochCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
John McCarthyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Francis McFaddenCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Deborah MeyerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Juli MillerCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Deborah MurrayCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Sarah Allen O鈥橞rienCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Kim ResanovichCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Jeff RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Kerri ShawCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Janet SimonCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Solveig SpjeldnesCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Chad StarkeyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
James ThomasCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Lisa YehlCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Jennifer YoderCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2017--
Steve HowardCenter for International Studies2017--
Pittaya PaladroiCenter for International Studies2017--
Christine BhatPatton College of Education2017--
Sandy ChenPatton College of Education2017--
Rebecca ChoiPatton College of Education2017--
Bill ElaskyPatton College of Education2017--
Antoinette FrisoliPatton College of Education2017--
Trina GannonPatton College of Education2017--
Sara HartmanPatton College of Education2017--
Theodore HutchinsonPatton College of Education2017--
Marcy Keifer KennedyPatton College of Education2017--
Chris KennedyPatton College of Education2017--
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education2017--
Michael KopishPatton College of Education2017--
Giles LeePatton College of Education2017--
Charles LoweryPatton College of Education2017--
Krisanna MachtmesPatton College of Education2017--
Laura Miele-PascoePatton College of Education2017--
Mijeong NohPatton College of Education2017--
Ann PaulinsPatton College of Education2017--
Mona RobinsonPatton College of Education2017--
Alan SilverPatton College of Education2017--
Danny TwilleyPatton College of Education2017--
Beth VanDerveerPatton College of Education2017--
Adah Ward-RandolphPatton College of Education2017--
Lisa WilliamsPatton College of Education2017--
David BaylessRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Gerardine BotteRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Michael BraaschRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Yoon-Seok ChoiRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Paul DeeringRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Sarah HormoziRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
David JuedesRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Greg KremerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Douglas LawrenceRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Cindy MarlingRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Teruhisa MasadaRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Srdjan NesicRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Jesus PaganRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Shad SargandRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Diana SchwerhaRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
John StaserRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Jason TremblyRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Maarten Uijt de HaagRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Robert WilliamsRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Jim ZhuRuss College of Engineering and Technology2017--
Julie AgnoneScripps College of Communication2017--
Josh AntonuccioScripps College of Communication2017--
Eddie AshworthScripps College of Communication2017--
John BowditchScripps College of Communication2017--
Roger CooperScripps College of Communication2017--
Bernhard DebatinScripps College of Communication2017--
Aimee EdmondsonScripps College of Communication2017--
Daniel FarkasScripps College of Communication2017--
Marilyn GreenwaldScripps College of Communication2017--
John GrimwadeScripps College of Communication2017--
Lynn HarterScripps College of Communication2017--
John HoagScripps College of Communication2017--
Hugh MartinScripps College of Communication2017--
Hans MeyerScripps College of Communication2017--
Brittany PetersonScripps College of Communication2017--
Bill ReaderScripps College of Communication2017--
Mary RogusScripps College of Communication2017--
Rebecca SellScripps College of Communication2017--
J.W. SmithScripps College of Communication2017--
Kyle SnyderScripps College of Communication2017--
Stephanie TikkanenScripps College of Communication2017--
Daniel WestScripps College of Communication2017--
Eric WilliamsScripps College of Communication2017--
Nerissa YoungScripps College of Communication2017--
Geoffrey DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Sarah DavisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Derek KauneckisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Natalie Kruse DanielsVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Marsha LewisVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Judith MillesenVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Anirudh RuhilVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2017--
Donna BurgraffChillicothe Campus2017--
Tamela DixonChillicothe Campus2017--
Lucinda EubanksChillicothe Campus2017--
Maryjo Flamm-MillerChillicothe Campus2017--
Tanya HireChillicothe Campus2017--
Lance MekeelChillicothe Campus2017--
Theresa MikeshChillicothe Campus2017--
Greg ObiChillicothe Campus2017--
Teri RuslanderChillicothe Campus2017--
Barbara TrubeChillicothe Campus2017--
David CastleEastern Campus2017--
Dennis FoxEastern Campus2017--
Jay MorrisEastern Campus2017--
Jacqueline YahnEastern Campus2017--
Ruth Clifford-SprouseLancaster Campus2017--
Robert CoopermanLancaster Campus2017--
Mary DanaheyLancaster Campus2017--
Sandra DotyLancaster Campus2017--
Chris EatonLancaster Campus2017--
Victor JonesLancaster Campus2017--
Pamela KaylorLancaster Campus2017--
Emily LongLancaster Campus2017--
Gina OrrLancaster Campus2017--
Debra SmithLancaster Campus2017--
Miki CrawfordSouthern Campus2017--
Purba DasSouthern Campus2017--
Martha EvansSouthern Campus2017--
Hayley HaugenSouthern Campus2017--
Don MooreSouthern Campus2017--
Timothy W. SextonSouthern Campus2017--
Tom SuterSouthern Campus2017--
Wayne YoungSouthern Campus2017--
Shadi Abu-BakerZanesville Campus2017--
Mohannad Al-SaghirZanesville Campus2017--
Morten BachZanesville Campus2017--
Tim BlakeZanesville Campus2017--
Susan DowellZanesville Campus2017--
John FurekZanesville Campus2017--
Shahrokh GhaffariZanesville Campus2017--
Beatrice GiannandreaZanesville Campus2017--
Korcaighe HaleZanesville Campus2017--
Nancy Hamblin FanninZanesville Campus2017--
Tarig HigaziZanesville Campus2017--
Sheryl HouseZanesville Campus2017--
Timothy JordanZanesville Campus2017--
Thomas KamauZanesville Campus2017--
Pramod KanwarZanesville Campus2017--
Hannah NissenZanesville Campus2017--
Kathy NormansellZanesville Campus2017--
Viet Dung NguyenZanesville Campus2017--
Gabriela PopaZanesville Campus2017--
Charles SavageZanesville Campus2017--
Sheida ShirvaniZanesville Campus2017--
Lisa Stein HavenZanesville Campus2017--
Linda TaylorZanesville Campus2017--
Jim TaylorZanesville Campus2017--
Christy VickersZanesville Campus2017--


2016 帝王会所 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
David RidpathCollege of Business2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 20161203
delfin bautistaCollege of Arts and Sciences2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 2016382
Robert BolandCollege of Arts and Sciences2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 2016353
Michael BraaschRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 2016145
Alan SilverPatton College of Education2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 2016104
Jeff DiGiovanniCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201696
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201690
Greg KremerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201678
Michael PfahlCollege of Business2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201668
Michelle FerrierScripps College of Communication2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201667
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016Top Ten Newsmakers of 201661
Ben BatesScripps College of Communication2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
William BenoitScripps College of Communication2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Jennifer FredetteCollege of Arts and Sciences2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Jerry MillerScripps College of Communication2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Mark Nevin帝王会所 Lancaster2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Jim Taylor帝王会所 Zanesville2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Amy White帝王会所, Zanesville2016Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2015"-
Ziad Abu-RishCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Mark AlickeCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
James BruningCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Douglas CloweCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Brian CollinsCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Elizabeth CrockettCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Lowell GallawayCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Ken HicksCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
David IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Daniel LassiterCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Brian McCarthyCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Zakes MdaCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Steven MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Dinty MooreCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Charlie MorganCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Damian NanceCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Thomas O鈥橤radyCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Julie OwensCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Julia PaxtonCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Sarah PoggioneCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Sarah RacineCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Stephen ScanlanCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Caitlin RyanCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Kim ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Deborah ThorneCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Sarah WyattCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Peggy ZoccolaCollege of Arts and Sciences2016--
Alexa FoxCollege of Business2016--
Jim KahlerCollege of Business2016--
Norm O鈥橰eillyCollege of Business2016--
Laura Miele-PascoeCollege of Business2016--
Luke PittawayCollege of Business2016--
Adam RappCollege of Business2016--
Zelma Badu-YoungeCollege of Fine Arts2016--
David ColagiovanniCollege of Fine Arts2016--
John SabrawCollege of Fine Arts2016--
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2016--
Tania BastaCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Brooke HallowellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
David HolbenCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Cheryl HoweCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Randy LeiteCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Jeff RussellCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Solveig SpjeldnesCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Chad StarkeyCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2016--
Jane BalboHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Eric GorscakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Gillian IceHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Ken JohnsonHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Katy KropfHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Randall LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Kelly McCallHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Felicia NowakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Patrick O鈥機onnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Frank SchwartzHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Jacqueline WolfHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2016--
Christine Suniti BhatPatton College of Education2016--
Marcy Keifer KennedyPatton College of Education2016--
Courtney KoestlerPatton College of Education2016--
Dave BaylessRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Gerardine BotteRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Scott MillerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Srdjan NesicRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Wouter PelgrumRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Guy RieflerRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Shad SargandRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Diana SchwerhaRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Robert ThomasRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Jason TremblyRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Maarteen Uijt De HaagRuss College of Engineering and Technology2016--
Andy AlexanderScripps College of Communication2016--
Vibert CambridgeScripps College of Communication2016--
Roger CooperScripps College of Communication2016--
Dan FarkasScripps College of Communication2016--
Marilyn GreenwaldScripps College of Communication2016--
Lynn HarterScripps College of Communication2016--
Elizabeth HendricksonScripps College of Communication2016--
Thomas HodsonScripps College of Communication2016--
Yusuf KalyangoScripps College of Communication2016--
Julia KellerScripps College of Communication2016--
Frederick LewisScripps College of Communication2016--
Hugh MartinScripps College of Communication2016--
Bill RawlinsScripps College of Communication2016--
Karen RiggsScripps College of Communication2016--
Joseph SladeScripps College of Communication2016--
Robert StewartScripps College of Communication2016--
Jen BowmanVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2016--
Geoffrey DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2016--
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2016--
Natalie Kruse DanielsVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2016--
Mike ZimmerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2016--
Ken LarimoreChillicothe Campus2016--
Nicholas KierseyChillicothe Campus2016--
Andrea BakerLancaster Campus2016--
Charles JarrettSouthern Campus2016--
Gary TillisSouthern Campus2016--
Hannah NissenZanesville Campus2016--
Mark ShatzZanesville Campus2016--
Lisa Stein HavenZanesville Campus2016--


2015 帝王会所 Faculty Newsmakers

NameAffiliationYearAward TypeNumber of Placements
Jim KahlerCollege of Business2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015364
Yusuf KalyangoScripps College of Communication2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015337
Katherine JellisonCollege of Arts and Sciences2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015313
David RidpathCollege of Business2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015292
Geoff DabelkoVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015243
Benjamin BatesScripps College of Communication2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015209
Gerardine BotteRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015124
Lawrence WitmerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015124
Patrick O鈥機onnor and Eric GorscakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015112
Alan SilverPatton College of Education2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 2015111
Robert StewartScripps College of Communication2015Top Ten Newsmakers of 201576
Hans KruseScripps College of Communication2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Steven MinerCollege of Arts and Sciences2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Wouter PelgrumRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Caitlin RyanCollege of Arts and Sciences2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Robert ThomasRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Maarten Uijt de HaagRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015Associated Press' "Top 10 Stories of 2014"-
Ziad Abu-RishCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Mark AlickeCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
James BruningCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Ryan FogtCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Jennifer FredetteCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Lowell GallawayCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Jana HouserCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Akil HoustonCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
David IngramCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Brandon KendhammerCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Joseph KittleCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Daniel LassiterCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Brian McCarthyCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Keith MilamCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Dinty MooreCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Charlie MorganCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Robin MuhammadCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Damian NanceCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Thomas O鈥橤radyCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Kimberly RiosCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Julie RocheCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Stephen ScanlanCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Alycia StigallCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Patricia StokesCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Julie SuhrCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Debra ThompsonCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Thomas Vander VenCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Morgan VisCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Matthew WhiteCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Harold WinterCollege of Arts and Sciences2015--
Travis DavidsonCollege of Business2015--
James KahlerCollege of Business2015--
Heather Lawrence-BenedictCollege of Business2015--
Norman O鈥橰eillyCollege of Business2015--
Charles SmithCollege of Fine Arts2015--
David HolbenCollege of Health Sciences and Professions2015--
Brian ClarkHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Eric GorscakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
John KopchickHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Randall LongeneckerHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Kelly McCallHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Jacob McCartneyHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Felicia NowakHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Patrick O鈥機onnorHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Frank SchwartzHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Nancy StevensHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine2015--
Valerie ConleyPatton College of Education2015--
Christine Suniti BhatPatton College of Education2015--
David BaylessRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Michael BraaschRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Munir NazzalRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Michael PfahlRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Luke PittawayRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Shad SargandRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Diana SchwerhaRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Maarten Uijt De HaagRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Robert WilliamsRuss College of Engineering and Technology2015--
Roger CooperScripps College of Communication2015--
Daniel FarkasScripps College of Communication2015--
Michelle FerrierScripps College of Communication2015--
Donald FlournoyScripps College of Communication2015--
John HoagScripps College of Communication2015--
Julia KellerScripps College of Communication2015--
Frederick LewisScripps College of Communication2015--
Hugh MartinScripps College of Communication2015--
Gregory NewtonScripps College of Communication2015--
William RawlinsScripps College of Communication2015--
William ReaderScripps College of Communication2015--
Karen RiggsScripps College of Communication2015--
Trevor RoycroftScripps College of Communication2015--
Joseph SladeScripps College of Communication2015--
Thomas SuddesScripps College of Communication2015--
Lawrence WoodScripps College of Communication2015--
Jason JolleyVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2015--
Scott MillerVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service2015--
Michael McTeagueEastern Campus2015--
Nicholas KierseyChillicothe Campus2015--
Lisa WallaceChillicothe Campus2015--
Donald HutchersonLancaster Campus2015--
Gary LockwoodLancaster Campus2015--
Mark NevinLancaster Campus2015--
Charles JarrettSpouthern Campus2015--
Mohannad Al-SaghirZanesville Campus2015--
Hannah NissenZanesville Campus2015--
Lisa Stein HavenZanesville Campus2015--
Jimmy TaylorZanesville Campus2015--
Amy WhiteZanesville Campus2015--