
PIF Frequently Asked Questions

Will everyone have access to e-Builder?

Not every employee at 帝王会所 will have access to e-Builder. Users who are involved with capital project processes and clients who are included on a project team will have access to the system.

Can I be included to receive reports on the status of my departments Project Initiation Forms (PIFs)?

Yes, anyone who is a part of the respective department can receive a copy of the weekly report showing where the PIF is in the process. Please email the system administrator (Amber Mock, mocka@ohio.edu) to be added to your Planning Unit's weekly report distribution.

Can I start a PIF and return to it at a later time?

Due to the restricted functionality of the system, you cannot. If this is needed, it is advised to view the webpage of the PIF you will be submitting and to document the different questions that are asked. You can then draft your PIF outside of the webpage, vet the information as necessary, and submit when you are ready.

What if an approver needs to change a PIF?

If an approver would like to request a change to the submitted PIF, they should do so by capturing the change in the 'Comments' section of the process.

What is the difference between a 'Brief Description' and 'Project Scope'?

A brief description would be "Arts & Sciences needs a new building". Project scope would be "Arts & Sciences needs a new building on East Green that can hold 20,000 people and has five floors".

Will my Planning Unit still need to fill out Journal Entries to fund capital projects?

No. When the CFAO approves either the PIF or the PAR, that serves as authorization for Capital Projects Finance to conduct a transaction according to the funding source notated on the document.

When can I expect to hear from someone regarding my PIF submission?

There are many touchpoints with the PIF submitter throughout the process that are facilitated by the Administrative Support Specialist and Facilities Programmer within Design and Construction.

  1. Once a PIF is submitted, the Administrative Support Specialist will send an e-mail to the PIF submitter providing them with a copy of the PIF and communicating that the PIF has been routed to the submitter's CFAO for approval.
  2. After the PIF has been approved by the CFAO, Associate VP/Dean, and VP/Provost, the Administrative Support Specialist will send an e-mail to the PIF submitter communicating one of the following:
    1. The PIF has been approved and it has been routed to the Facilities Programmer for a brief preliminary review (Brenda Slack, slackb@ohio.edu).
    2. The PIF has been voided and the reasoning why.
  3. While the Facilities Programmer is conducting a brief preliminary review of the PIF, they may be in contact with the PIF submitter to gather more information or receive clarification on the submission.
  4. After the PIF has been reviewed by the Facilities Programmer, it will then be reviewed by Work Coordination. The Administrative Support Specialist will send an e-mail to the PIF submitter communicating one of the following:
    1. Work Coordination has approved the PIF and it has been assigned to a department (Facilities Management and Safety, University Planning, or Design and Construction) who should be in contact with the PIF submitter within seven (7) business days.
    2. Work Coordination has voided the PIF and the reasoning why.