Confidential Resources
The following resources may be consulted in confidence:
Counseling and Psychological Services
24/7 Crisis Intervention Service
CPS is staffed by clinical and counseling psychologists and licensed professional counselors. For students seeking help with sexual harassment or sexual assault issues, this office provides confidential counseling and psychological support to assist in understanding the wide range of feelings and experiences associated with these issues and in making decisions about whether one should take action. Services are available free of charge to all students.
Campus Care (Student Health Center):
The physicians and nurse practitioners who staff Campus Care provide primary medical care. Such care includes the diagnosis and treatment of minor illnesses and injuries, gynecologic problems, testing and treatment of STIs, physical exams required for academic courses, and the suture repair of minor lacerations.
Survivor Advocacy Program (SAP):
24 Hour Hotline: 740-597-SAFE (7233)
Employee Assistance Program:
Provides 24-hour crisis assistance for employees and referrals for medical and counseling services.