Engineering Technology and Management Student Outcomes
The following learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology & Management were identified by department faculty, combined with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ desired outcomes, and verified with the department’s Industrial Advisory Board, program graduates, and employers.
- Be a productive member of society by attaining gainful employment.
- Apply the technical, engineering and business concepts to help the organization meet its goals and objectives.
- Apply engineering fundamentals (design, statistics, physics, and chemistry) to complex technological challenges and opportunities.
- Purpose and apply technology to better the human condition.
- Differentiate common material properties and characteristics.
- Distinguish between the impacts of manufacturing processes with emphasis on:
- Metal machining, CNC
- Metal fabrication and casting
- Plastics processes including molding, casting, forming and composites
- Hydraulics, pneumatics and power transmission
- Electronics, controls, robotics, and automation
- Justify the impact of process selection on productivity, costs, quality, and safety.
- Demonstrate competence in the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software including 2D and 3D solid modeling.
- Identify the fundamental relationship between product design, processes selection, costs and quality to manufacture a product according to specifications.
- Develop product and process documentation (drawings, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, standard routings, bills of material, product structures, workflow, and work instructions).
- Demonstrate the ability to design and build tooling.
- Identify and interpret the basic principles of leadership and supervision.
- Apply business concepts (management, finance, marketing, and business law) when solving problems or assessing opportunities.
- Calculate cost estimation and justification (return on investment, payback, etc.) and standard costs.
- Effectively manage technology, projects, financials, and people to meet organizational goals and objectives.
- Justify the key measures of business success including costs, quality, delivery, and service.
- Apply technical and business concepts to the management of inventory including supply chain logistics, lean concepts, vendor selection, and qualification, economic order quantity (EOQ), warehousing, and "make versus buy" decisions.
- Identify the requirements and expectations of a manager to create and maintain a safe working environment.
- Identify and apply appropriate principles and processes of quality management (cost of quality, continuous improvement, six sigma, customer focus, and ISO standards).
- Demonstrate competence using statistical process control and quality analysis tools.
- Name and illustrate the structure and operation of a business enterprise.
- Apply advanced computer competencies using hardware, software, networks, and systems integration to effectively manage a business enterprise.
- Professionally express technical topics orally, in writing, and graphically, both individually and as a team member.
- Be aware of the international aspects of business.
- Relate cultural differences as they apply to business situations.
- Value and respect diversity in the workforce.
- Be honest, trustworthy, and accepting of ethical standards.
- Demonstrate positive professional behavior.
- Continuously improve individual skills and abilities.
- Work effectively in a team environment
Project Management
- Students will be able to effectively communicate with stakeholders using standard terminology from the project management lexicon.
- Students will be able to synthesize a project management plan to effectively manage the execution of a project.
- Students will be able to document and integrate project changes back into the project plan with respect to the original project constraints.