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ICMT Books

"Mathematical Modeling of Uniform CO2 Corrosion" [PDF] in, "Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies", A. Kahyarian, M. Achour, S. Nesic, 1st edition, edited by A. M. El-Sherik, Woodhead Publishing (2017).

"Part VI: Advancements in Modeling and Prediction Top-of-the-Line corrosion " [PDF] in, "Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies", M. Singer, 1st edition, edited by A. M. El-Sherik, Woodhead Publishing (2017).

"Top-of-the-Line corrosion" [PDF] in, "Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies", M. Singer, 1st edition, edited by A. M. El-Sherik, Woodhead Publishing (2017).

"Under Deposit Corrosion" [PDF] in, "Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies", B. Brown, J. Moloney, 1st edition, edited by A. M. El-Sherik, Woodhead Publishing (2017).

"Part III: Corrosion Mechanisms: Current Knowledge, Gaps and Future Research CO2 Corrosion of mild steel" [PDF] in, "Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies", A. Kahyarian, M. Achour, S. Nesic, 1st edition, edited by A. M. El-Sherik, Woodhead Publishing (2017).

"Carbon Dioxide Corrosion of Mild Steel" in, "Uhlig鈥檚 Corrosion Handbook", S. Nesic, 3rd edition, edited by W. Revie, p. 229, John Wiley and Sons Inc. (2011).

"Erosion-Corrosion in Single and Multiphase Flow" in, "Uhlig鈥檚 Corrosion Handbook", J. Postlethwaite, S. Nesic, 3rd edition, edited by W. Revie, p. 215, John Wiley and Sons Inc. (2011).

"Erosion-Corrosion Recognition and Control" in, "Uhlig鈥檚 Corrosion Handbook", J. Postlethwaite, S. Nesic, 3rd edition, edited by W. Revie, p. 907, John Wiley and Sons Inc. (2011).

"Acid Gas Corrosion" in, "Shrier鈥檚 Corrosion", S. Nesic, W. Sun, 2nd edition, edited by J. A. Richardson et. Al., Vol. 2, p. 1270, Elsevier (2010).

"Erosion-Corrosion in Single and Multiphase Flow" in, "Chinese edition of Uhlig鈥檚 Corrosion Handbook", J. Postlethwaite, S. Nesic, 2nd edition, Edited by W. Revie, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, China (2005).

"Erosion-Corrosion in Single and Multiphase Flow" in, "Uhlig鈥檚 Corrosion Handbook", J. Postlethwaite, S. Nesic, 2nd edition, Edited by W. Revie, John Wiley and Sons Inc. (2000).

"Modeling of CO2 Corrosion Mechanisms" in, "Modeling Aqueous Corrosion", S. Nesic, J. Postlethwaite, NATO ASI Series, Eds. K. R. Trethewey and P. R. Roberge, publ. Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 317 (1994).

"Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow" in, "Modeling Aqueous Corrosion", J. Postlethwaite,Y. Wang, G. Adamopoulos, S. Nesic, NATO ASI Series, Eds. K. R. Trethewey and P. R. Roberge, publ. Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 297 (1994).

"Prediction of Transport Processes in CO2 Corrosion" in, "Progress in Understanding and Prevention of Corrosion", S. Nesic, Eds. J.M. Costa and A. D. Mercer, publ. Institute of Materials, London, UK, Vol.1, p. 539 (1993).

"Modeling Local Mass Transfer Controlled Corrosion at Geometrical Irregularities" in, "Material Science Forum", J. Postlethwaite, S. Nesic, G. Adamopoulos, publ. Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland, Vol. 111-112, p. 53, (1992).