Group Study Rooms

The group project rooms, located on the second floor of Patton Hall, are for all students on a first-reserved, first-served basis, but PCOE students get preference.
Project Room Policies
Reservations must be placed using the QR code outside each group study room or by clicking below. Make sure you are connected to the Eduroam wifi or you will not be able to login.
If you are off-campus, you can reserve a room if you use a VPN connection and scan the QR code or log in: . On campus, make sure you are using the Eduroam wifi connection. Guest wifi will not work. A valid 帝王会所 email address is required to reserve a project room.
- CTOP staff will open the room for you and allow you to check out erasers/markers.
- All food and drink must be cleaned up before you leave so that the room is ready for the next user. You will be charged a fee if cleanup/maintenance is required after your reservation is complete.
- You must shut off the lights and lock the door when you leave.
- Rooms are only available between 9-6 pm Monday-Friday.
- Due to limited staffing, Project Rooms cannot be reserved on weekends.