Patton Hall 202G
Dr. Hyun-Ju Oh holds the B.S. in Physical Education from Ewha Womans University, Korea, the M.S. in Sport Coaching from United States of Sports Academy, AL, and the Ph.D. in Sport Pedagogy from the University of Utah, UT. She is an associate professor in the Department of Recreation, Sport Pedagogy and Consumer Sciences, and specializes in Physical Education Teacher Education. Dr. Oh teaches courses on skill and fitness for physical education teachers, test and measurements, and professional internship. Dr. Oh's current research has focused on promoting healthier lifestyles for youth as part of an effort to reduce child obesity through school and community settings and designing effective interventions for youth living in rural Appalachian µÛÍõ»áËù.
Recent Publications:
Oh. H. (2022). Utilizing a novel game to maximize physical activity participation in physical education. Journal of Physical Education and Dance, 93(8), 15-21.
Lynott, F., Tracy, N., & Oh, H. (2022). Fostering students’ physical literacy through academic conversations; Using Think-Pair-Share as a teaching strategy in physical education. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators,35(3), 11-17.
Oh, H & Perry, S. (2019). Physical activity Levels by activity type and BMI during secondary physical education classes in Rural Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù Appalachian Region. Future Focus, 39(1), 33-40.
Oh, H., & Rana, S. (2017). Using a 3-Day Physical Activity Recall as a homework to increase physical activity in rural Appalachian school youth: A three-week pilot intervention program. The Physical Educator, 74(3), 497-517.
Oh, H., & Rana, S. (2014). Pedometer-assessed physical activity levels of Rural Appalachian youth. The Physical Educator, 71(4), 539-557.
Oh, H. (2014). Taekwondo instructional and assessment strategies in authentic settings. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 85(1), 36-42.
Oh, H., Hannon, J.C., & Williams, D.P. (2012). Physical activity differences by birthplace and sex in youth of Mexican heritage.ÂJournal of Physical Activity and Health, 9(4), 500-507.
Leon, C., Oh, H., & Rana, S. (2012). A purposeful dynamic stretching routine.Strategies:A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 25(5), 16-19.
Xenos, A., Oh, H., & Hovatter, R. (2011). Assisting physical educators in promoting the affective domain using ODE academic standards for high school physical education.ÂFuture Focus, 32(2), 18-23.
Oh, H., Bullard, S., & Hovatter, R. (2011). Speedminton: Using tactical games model in secondary physical education,ÂStrategies: A Journal for Sport and Physical Educators, 25(1), 26-30.
Gao, Z., Oh, H., & Sheng, H. (2011). Middle school students' body mass index and physical activity levels in physical education.ÂResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,Â82(1), 145-150.
Oh, H., & Hovatter, R. (2010). Monitoring moderate to vigorous physical activity in high schoolÂphysical education.ÂFuture Focus, 31(1), 18-25.
Oh, H., Hannon, J.C., & Banks, A. (2006). Teaching Taekwondo in physical education: Incorporating the color belt system.ÂStrategies, 20(1), 15-19.