Patton Hall 309F
Dr. Jen Newton holds the B.S. in Speech-Language-Hearing and the M.S. Ed in Early Childhood Special Education, both from the University of Kansas. She also earned the Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Kansas. Dr. Newton teaches courses in special education teacher education in assessment, behavior, and interventions.She served as an early interventionist and an inclusive prekindergarten teacher prior to pursuing doctoral studies. Dr. Newton's research interests include strengths-based approaches to families, early childhood inclusion and equity, and inclusive teacher preparation.
Research, Engagement, and Outreach Interests: anti-racist, anti-ableist education, early childhood inclusion, and inclusive teacher preparation.
Recent Publications:
Newton, J. R., & Williams, M. C. (2021). Instagram as a special educator professional development tool: A guide to teachergram. Journal of Special Education Technology. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F01626434211033596
Blanchard, S. B., Newton, J. R., Didericksen, K.W., Daniels, M., & Glosson, K. (2021). Confronting racism and bias within early intervention: The responsibility of systems and individuals to influence change and advance equity. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 41(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/0271121421992470
Newton, J. R, Williams, M. C, & Feeney, D. M (2020). Implementing non-traditional assessment strategies in teacher preparation: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 3(1), 39-51. https://doi.org/10.46303/jcve.03.01.3.
Newton, J. R., Ottley, J., Coogle, C., & Hartman, S. L. (2019). Simultaneous renewal: An inclusive approach to collaboration and teaming. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-based Research and Practice, 2(1), 17. DOI: http://doi.org/10.33596/coll.43
Beneke, M. R., Newton, J. R., Vinh, M. E., Blanchard, S. B., & Kemp, P. (2019). Practicing inclusion, doing justice: Disability, identity, and belonging in early childhood. Zero to Three Journal, 39(3), 26-35.
Hill, C. F., Newton, J. R., & Williams, M. C. (2017). Check your judgment: Reframing techniques to support strengths-based approaches to family-centered practices. In C. M. Trivette & B. Keilty (Eds.), DEC Recommended Practices Monograph Series: Using DEC Family Practices with All Families. Arlington, VA: Division for Early Childhood.
Barbour, N. B., Wilson, D. R., & Newton, J. R. (2016). Making the shift from preschool to laboratory school. In N. B. Barbour & B.A. McBride (Eds.), The future of child development laboratory schools: Applied developmental science in action. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Kennedy, M. J., Kellems, R. O., Thomas, C. N., & Newton, J. R. (2014). Using content acquisition podcasts to deliver core content to preservice teacher candidates. Intervention in School and Clinic. DOI: 10.1177/1053451214542046
Kennedy, M. J., Aronin, S., Newton, J. R., O鈥橬eal, M., & Thomas, C. N. (2014). Creating multimedia-based vignettes with embedded evidence-based practices: A tool for supporting struggling learners. Journal of Special Education Technology, 29(4), 15-30.
Kennedy, M. J., Thomas, C. N., Aronin, S., Newton, J. R., & Lloyd, J. W. (2014). Improving teacher candidate knowledge using content acquisition podcasts. Computers & Education, 70, 116-127. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.08.010
Newton, J. R., Kennedy, M. J., Walther-Thomas, C., & Cornett, J. (2012). Implications of NCATE Blue Panel Report on Transforming Teacher Education on Early Childhood Special Education. Focus on Exceptional Children, 45, 1-14.
Kennedy, M. J., Newton, J. R., Haines, S., Walther-Thomas, C., & Kellems, R. O. (2012). A triarchic model for teaching 鈥渋ntroduction to special education鈥: Case studies, content acquisition podcasts, and effective feedback. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 20, 251-275.
* Kennedy, M. J., Ely, E., Pullen, P., Thomas, C., Newton, J. R., Lovelace, S., Cole, M., & Ashworth, K. (2012). Using multimedia tools to support teacher candidates鈥 learning. Teacher Education and Special Education, 35, 243-257. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0888406412451158