Patton Hall 102L
Dr. Lisa Harrison holds the B.S. in Mathematics from Spelman College and the M.S.T in Secondary teaching from Pace University. She also holds the Ph.D. in Middle School Education from The University of Georgia. Dr. Harrison teaches courses in middle childhood education and teacher action research. Additionally, she serves as the Middle Childhood Education program coordinator. Her major research interests include black young adolescent identity construction, teacher education preparation, and teaching for social justice.
Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: Equity; Culturally Responsive Practices; Racial Identity.
Recent Publications:
Kennedy-Lewis, B., Brinegar, K., Hurd, E., & Harrison, L. M., (2016) Synthesizing middle grades research on cultural responsiveness: The importance of a shared conceptual framework, Middle Grades Review, 2(3), 1-19.
Harrison, L. M. (2016). G. Stanley Hall. In S. B. Mertens, M. M. Caskey, & N. Flowers (Eds.), Encyclopedia of middle grades education (pp. 187-188). (2nd ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Harrison, L. M., & Keifer Kennedy, M. (2016). Supporting middle-level students, teacher candidates, and teachers through forming professional developmental school partnerships. In P. B. Howell, J. Carpentar, & J. P. Jones (Eds.), Clinical preparation at the middle level: Practices and possibilities (pp. 59-77). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Harrison, L. M. (2015). Teaching social justice through mathematics: A self-study of bridging theory to practice. Middle Grades Review, 1(1), 1-13.
Harrison, L. M. (2015). Redefining intersectionality theory through the lens of African American young adolescent girls’ racialized experiences. Journal of Youth and Society. Advance Online Publication DOI: 10.1177/0044118X1556921
Chung, J. Y., & Harrison, L. M. (2015). Toward an ethnic studies critique for teacher education. Multicultural Perspectives, 17(1), 4-12.
Harrison, L. M. (2013). Service learning and its impact on middle-level preservice teachers’ learning from field experiences. Research in Middle Grades Education, 8(3), 23-38.
Howley, M., Howley, A., Helfrich, S., Harrison, L., Gillam, M. B., & Safran, J. (2012). A research-focused honors program for high-ability teacher education students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 35(4), 319-343.
Harrison, L. M. (2010) Black adolescent identity, double-consciousness, and a sociohistorically constructed adolescence. In K. Lee & M. Vagle (Eds.), Developmentalism in early childhood and middle grades education: Critical conversations on readiness and responsiveness (pp. 131-148). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.