Patton Hall 309BB
Dr. Frans H. Doppen holds a Doctorandus degree in Modern History from Utrecht University, the Netherlands, as well as an Ed.S. in Educational Leadership and a Ph.D. in Social Studies Education from the University of Florida. Dr. Doppen has taught courses in Social Studies Education and currently teaches graduate courses in Curriculum. His research focuses on place-based education as well as the intersection between multicultural and global education.
Most Recent Publications
Kirkwood-Tucker, T.F. & Doppen, F.H. (Eds.). (2023). The power of oral history narratives: Lived experiences of international global scholars and artists in their native country and after immigrating to the United States. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Hooghoff, H. & Doppen, F.H. (2022). Lessons we can learn today from World War II: Roosje Glaser’s war story. Journal of International Social Studies, 12(2), 52-63.
Hollstein, M.S., & Doppen, F.H. (2021). Socio-scientific issues-based instruction: The case of fracking as a controversial environmental issue. In R.W. Evans (Ed.), Handbook on Teaching Social Issues (2nd Ed. (pp. 163-176). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Doppen, F.H., Winnenberg, J.M., Kopish, M.H., & Shahri, B. (2021). Out of the bubble: Service learning in the Little Cities of Black Diamonds. In M. Morrone & T. Arnold (Eds). From surviving to thriving in Appalachia: Place, passion, and possibilities (pp. 14-27). Athens, OH: µÛÍõ»áËù, The Appalachian Rural Health Institute.
Kieninger, K. & Doppen, F.H. (2021). Exploring rurally located graduate teacher candidate perspectives on urban education. µÛÍõ»áËù Journal of Teacher Education, 35 (1), 4-20.
Hollstein, M.S., Hinkle, J.K., Doppen, F.H., & Guedel, E.A. (2020). Fostering media literate global citizens: Tools for understanding. µÛÍõ»áËù Social Studies Review, 56(2), 21-33.
Doppen, F.H., & Wentworth, L.F. (2020). The Belize Project: A host school perspective. Journal of International Social Studies, 10(1), 138-153.
Doppen, F.H., & Shahri, B. (2019). Overseas student teachers’ reflections on American national identity: A longitudinal study. Journal of International Social Studies, 9(1),72-92.
Amira, M., & Doppen, F.H. (2019). The struggle for national identity: Islam in Egypt, the Netherlands and the USA. In A. Rapoport (Ed). Competing frameworks: Global and national in citizenship education (pp. 71-91). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Co.
Doppen, F.H., Winnenberg, J.M., & Hinkle, J.K. (2017). Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù reflects on the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty. µÛÍõ»áËù Social Studies Review 54(1), 7-1
Doppen, F.H. (2016). Richard L. Davis and the color line in µÛÍõ»áËù coal. A Hocking Valley mine labor organizer, 1862-1900. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Doppen, F.H., An, J., & Camara, K. (2016). Why do student teachers go global? Journal of Social Studies Research 40, 85-95. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jssr.2015.05.002
Doppen, F.H. (2015). Student teaching in South Africa: An intercultural experience. µÛÍõ»áËù Social Studies Review, 52(1), 55-65.
Feinberg, J.R., Doppen, F.H., & Hollstein, M.S. (2014). Equal protection, immigration, and education: Plyler v. Doe. Social Education,78(4), 183-188.
Doppen, F.H., Feinberg, J.R., & Arrowood-Shultheis, C. (2014). Young adolescents’ knowledge and notions of citizenship. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 13(1), 14-25.
Doppen, F.H., & An, J. (2014). Student teaching abroad: Enhancing global awareness. International Education 43(2), 59-75.
Doppen, F.H. (2013). Book review. [Review of the book A young people's history of the United States: Columbus to the War on Terror, by H. Zinn & R. Stefoff]. µÛÍõ»áËù Social Studies Review, 48(1), 81-83.
Doppen, F.H. (2012). E Unis Pluribum: The search for diversity in Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù. In M. Gail Hickey & Brian Lanahan (Eds.) Even the janitor is white: Educating for cultural diversity in small colleges and universities (pp. 169-184). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Doppen, F.H., & Tesar, J.E. (2012). The Mwanje Project: Engaging preservice teachers in global service learning. Journal of International Social Studies 2(2), 52-65.
Patterson, N., Doppen, F., & Misco, T. (2012). Beyond personally responsible: A study of teacher conceptualizations of citizenship education. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice 7, 191-206. doi:10.1177/1746197912440856
Misco, T., Patterson, N., & Doppen, F. (2011). Policy in the way of practice: How assessment legislation is affecting social studies curriculum and instruction in µÛÍõ»áËù. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 6(7), 1-13.
Doppen, F.H.,ÂFeinberg, J.R., O'Mahony, C., Lucas,A.G., Bohan, C.H., Lipscomb, G., & OgawaM. (2011). Social studies preservice teachers' citizenship knowledge and perceptions of the U.S. Naturalization Test. Action in Teacher Education 33(1), 81-93. doi: 10.1080/01626620.2011.559445
Doppen, F.H. (2010). Incorporating archives in social studies methods. In E.E. Heilman, R. Fruja Amthor, & M.T. Missias (Eds.). Social studies and diversity education: What we do and why we do it (pp. 93-95).New York, NY: Routledge.
Doppen, F.H. (2010). Overseas student teaching and national identity: Why go somewhere you feel completely comfortable? Journal of International Social Studies, 1(1), 3-19.
Doppen, F.H. (2010). Citizenship education and the Dutch national identity debate. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice, 5(2), 131-143.
Feinberg, J.R., & Doppen, F.H. (2010). High school students' knowledge and notions of citizenship. The Social Studies, 101(3), 111-116.
Bohan, C.H., Doppen, F., Feinberg, J., & O’Mahony, C. (2008). Citizens of today and tomorrow: An exploration of preservice teachers’ knowledge and their professors’ experiences with citizenship. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 10(1-2), 117-134.
Doppen, F., Misco, T., & Patterson, N. (2008). The state of K-12 social studies instruction in µÛÍõ»áËù. Social Studies Research and Practice, 3(3), 1-25.
Doppen, F.H., & Tesar, J. (2008). Social studies preservice teachers’ first order documents. Social Studies Research and Practice, 3(2), 1-10.
Doppen, F.H. (2007). Now what? Rethinking civic education in the Netherlands. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice, 2(2) 103-118.
Doppen, F.H. (2007). The influence of a teacher preparation program on preservice social studies teachers’ beliefs: A case study. Journal of Social Studies Research, 31(1), 54-64.
Tesar, J.E., & Doppen, F.H. (2007). Propaganda and collective behavior: Who is doing it, how does it affect us, and what can we do about it? The Social Studies, 97(6), 256-261.
Doppen, F.H. (2006). Preservice social studies teachers’ perceptions of high-standards-high stakes. The International Journal of Social Education, 21(2), 18-45.
Doppen, F. (2006). Before the Silk Road: Historical inquiry and the mummies of Xinjiang. The µÛÍõ»áËù Council for the Social Studies Review 42(1), 57-69.
Doppen, F.H., & Gunsel, S.M. (2006). Teacher perspectives on student health: Implications for professors of middle level education. Current Issues in Middle Level Education, 12(1), 16-25.