
Visiting Faculty Scholars

The Visiting Faculty Scholars program enables academic departments and schools to hire exceptional faculty members who would enhance the quality and diversity of the department or school. Visiting Faculty Scholars are expected to diversify OHIO faculty in ways that increase representation from diverse intellectual traditions, educational institutions, life experiences, and/or backgrounds, including (but not limited to) gender, race, ethnicity, and culture. 

Deans, department chairs, and school directors are encouraged to engage with their colleagues and seek out exceptional prospective faculty who would add diversity to our campus community through one-year Visiting Professor appointments. 

The Visiting Faculty Scholars program is best suited for departments/schools that have identified a candidate for a one-year visiting appointment yet do not currently have funding resources. The funding for the visiting faculty scholars’ program is non-renewable. But colleges, schools and departments may continue with the appointment, in keeping with the Faculty Handbook stipulations/policies, if they have their own funding beyond one year.

Recruitment and Appointment

Visiting Faculty Scholars candidates may be hired as one-year Visiting Professors (OHIO Faculty Handbook, II.C.3.d).  Academic units may request a waiver from UHR in order to hire without a job posting. If the job waiver is granted, the candidate must still be interviewed, and the department, school, and college must approve the hire.

A 40-40-20 TRS workload distribution is recommended for Visiting Faculty Scholars. In addition to teaching and/or research consistent with college expectations, Visiting Faculty Scholars will be provided an opportunity to participate in university-level professional development and networking programs such as the Diverse Faculty Mentoring Program, Employee Affinity Organizations, and Women’s Center Women’s Mentoring Program as a component of their service contributions.


The Division of Diversity & Inclusion will support successful hires at 75% of the combined salary and benefits (up to $75,000) for the first year of employment. Academic units are welcome to continue the visiting professor appointment for up to two more years but will be responsible for 100% of the cost of salary and benefits for years two and three.

Funding Criteria

Strong applications will address:

  • Expectations for teaching, research, and service 
  • How hiring a Visiting Faculty Scholar would increase the diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and/or belonging through their teaching, research, and/or research in the department
  • How hiring a Visiting Faculty Scholar aligns with the strategic goals of the department
  • Why Visiting Faculty Scholars resources are being requested
  • A detailed professional development, networking, and mentorship plan for the appointment, including but not limited to Diverse Faculty Mentoring Program, Employee Affinity Organizations, and Women’s Center Women’s Mentoring Program.
  • Whether there is a request for a hiring waiver

Note: If a candidate has been identified before submitting the application for funding, the application should include details about the candidate’s excellence in teaching, research, and/or service, potential contributions to the department/college and a statement of the strength of the department’s support of the candidate.

Note: We expect that candidates will include individuals in different stages of their professional careers, including ABD, new PHD or doctoral holders, mid-level and seasoned professionals. In addition, applications may include requests for professional courtesy titles (e.g., Writer-in-Residence, Artist-in-Residence, Executive-in-Residence, Scholar-in-Residence, etc.) consistent with expectations and qualifications.

Application Procedures

To apply for funding, please create a single PDF file that includes:

  1. Dean’s cover letter stating support for the application.
  2. A document that responds to the 6 items in the above application criteria.
  3. Candidate’s curriculum vitae, if the candidate has been identified. (Note: Preference will be given to proposals where a candidate has already been identified).

Note: Any request without all required materials will not be considered for review.

Application deadline is the 25th of each month. Applications will be reviewed on the first week of each month or thereabout, with a decision made and communicated in writing before the end of the month. Up to five applications will be approved each year. Preference will be given to departments/units not funded during the previous year/cycle. 

Note: Funds will not carryover to the next fiscal year.