
Faculty/Staff Strategic Hire Initiative

The Faculty/Staff Strategic Hire Fund is available to all academic and administrative units across the campus. The Faculty/Staff Strategic Hire Fund seeks to encourage the recruitment and hiring of employees who enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and/or belonging through their academic and/or administrative expertise and/or job functions. The proposed position must fit within the area’s strategic plan for growth and be fully funded by the sponsoring unit within two years.


Funding will be provided at 75% of the combined salary and benefits (up to $75,000) for the first one year of employment. If necessary, units may request a second year of funding (up to $75,000).

Funding Request Requirements

  • Rationale statement as to how the applicant brings unique contributions and perspectives that enhances diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and/or belonging through their academic and/or administrative expertise and or job functions.
  • Rationale statement as to how this position will fit within the area’s strategic plan for growth.
  • Justification plan as to how the position will be fully funded within two years.
  • A detailed professional development, networking, and mentorship plan for the appointment, including but not limited to Diverse Faculty Mentoring Program, Employee Affinity Organizations, Women’s Center Women’s Mentoring Program, and Diverse Staff Mentoring Program.
  • Proposed applicant's resume/CV.
  • For Faculty Positions: 
    • Letter of recommendation and support from the college dean
    • Teaching, Research, and Service Requirements
  • For administrative positions: 
    • Letter of recommendation and support from the division head
    • Position description and Compensation results

Note: Any request without all required materials will not be considered for review.

In addition to teaching/research/work/duties consistent with college/department/administrative units’ expectations, strategic faculty/staff hires will be provided an opportunity to participate in university-level professional development and networking programs such as the Diverse Faculty Mentoring ProgramEmployee Affinity OrganizationsWomen’s Center Women’s Mentoring Program, and Diverse Staff Mentoring Program as a component of their service contributions.

Review Process

Applications are accepted at any time. Applications will be reviewed during the first week of each month or thereabout, with a decision made and communicated in writing before the 15th of the month. *This process may be delayed if selection committee determines more information is needed. Up to five (5) applications will be approved each year. Preference will be given to departments/units not funded during the previous year/cycle.