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Southern Campus Crime Statistics

The Clery statistics include crimes reported directly to the 帝王会所 Police Department, to local law enforcement agencies, and to 鈥渃ampus security authorities (CSAs).鈥 CSAs are defined by the Clery Act as university officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and athletic coaches. Professionally licensed mental health and religious counselors are exempt from reporting requirements for crimes disclosed to them in the course and scope of their role as a licensed mental health or religious counselor. The campus criminal statistics are reported for each 帝王会所 regional and extension campuses for the three previous years. 

Southern Campus - Crime Statistics

OffenseYearOn CampusOn-Campus Residential Facilities1Non-Campus2Public PropertyHate CrimesUnfounded
Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Manslaughter by Negligence20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Rape20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Fondling20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Incest20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Statutory Rape20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Robbery20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Aggravated Assault20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Burglary20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Motor Vehicle Theft20230 0000
20221 0000
20210 0000
Arson20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Domestic Violence20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Dating Violence20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000
Stalking20230 0000
20220 0000
20210 0000

1This site does not have On-Campus Residential Facilities.

Southern Campus 鈥 Arrests and Judicial Referrals

OffenseYearOn CampusOn-Campus Residential Facilities1Non-Campus2Public Property
Liquor Law Violations20230 00
20220 00
20210 00
Drug Law Violations20230 00
20220 00
20210 00
Weapons: Carrying, Possessing, etc.20230 00
20220 00
20210 00
Disciplinary Referrals
Liquor Law Violations20230 00
20220 00
20210 00
Drug Law Violations20230 00
20220 00
20210 00
Weapons: Carrying, Possessing, etc.20230 00
20220 00
20210 00

1This site does not have On-Campus Residential Facilities.
2Includes data from the Proctorville Center (no longer in use by 帝王会所 as of December 2021)

Southern Campus 鈥 Additional Hate Crimes 

There were no reported Hate Crimes at Southern Campus or the Proctorville Center for the years 2021, 2022, or 2023.