Clinical Professor and DNP Associate Director, Dublin
DIEC Rm 262 Dublin, OH 43016
- DNP, Nursing, Rush University, 2009
- PhD, Nursing, The µÛÍõ»áËù State University, 2000
- MS, Maternal/Child Nursing/Nursing Administration, The µÛÍõ»áËù State University 1990
- BSN, Nursing, Carlow University, 1977
- Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner, Otterbein University, 1999
- Post-Master’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, The µÛÍõ»áËù State University, 1996
Research/Professional Interests
- Children with chronic illness
- Nursing education/technology
- Cultural nursing care
Clinical Experience
- Current FNP at Immediate Health Associates Urgent Care
- Previously at Delaware Smith Clinic Family Practice, and Sunbury Family Practice
- Vogt, M. (2022). Evidence based history and physical examinations for sports participation evaluation. In Gawlik, K., Melnyk, B. & Teall, A. (eds). Evidence-Based Physical Examination (2nd ed), Springer Publishing Co.
- Seton, J., Hovan, H., Bogie, K., Murray, M., Wasil, B., Banks, P., Burant, C., Miller, C., & Vogt, M. (2022). Interactive evidence-based Pressure injury education program for hospice nursing: A quality Improvement approach. Journal of Would, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 49(5), 428-435.
- Vogt, M. DeJesus, L., Justice, S. (June). Medical Missions: Role of the Nurse, µÛÍõ»áËù Nurse (June)
- Vogt, M. (2022). Camp Nursing – Is it for YOU?? µÛÍõ»áËù Nurse, (March).
- Brandau, M., Vogt, M., & Garey, M. L. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to distance learning on university faculty. International Education Studies, 15(3), 14-25.
- Vogt, M., Coonfare, L. & Schaumleffel, C. (2021). Graduate nursing students’ Scholarly writing: A program evaluation, International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science, 1(8), 2021-42
- Vogt, M. (2021). Evidence based history and physical examinations for sports participation evaluation. In Gawlik, K., Melnyk, B. & Teall, A. (eds). Evidence-Based Physical Examination, Springer Publishing Co.
- Schaumleffel, C. & Vogt, M. (2020). Accreditation readiness and satisfaction With performance management raining among public health employees, International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research, Doi:10.29011/2688-9501.101200
- Vogt, M., & Schaffner, B. (2016), Evaluating interactive technology for an evolving case study on learning and satisfaction of graduate nursing students, Nurse Education in Practice, 19, 79-83.
- Bulfin, S., Ellis., Moore, K., Nichasch, B., Vogt, M., Benbenek, M., Biernacki, P., Bourret, R., Brennan, M., Gray, K., Hudock, K., LaRue, L., Mattern, M., Olson, C., Pavill, B., Pierre, N., Polvado, K., Smolka, H., Seanton, C., Thompson, C. (2016), Academic Practice Partnerships: Sharing the Vision for Advanced Practice Nurse Education (White paper); National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
- HRSA Advanced Nursing Education Traineeships (AENT) (2016) (PI)
- NEGP Nurse Education Grant Program, µÛÍõ»áËù Board of Nursing (2015)
Awards and Honors
- Fellow, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)