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The ASA 2021 conference will be held on 's Athens Campus between March 11-14 2021.
2023 Appalachian Studies Association Conference
AppalachiaFest: From Surviving to Thriving

AppalachiaFest: From Surviving to Thriving | ASA 2023

The annual ASA Conference is scheduled for March 16-19, 2023. The event will explore the theme “AppalachiaFest: From Surviving to Thriving” and celebrate the many successes that have renewed the region in more recent times. Special conference sessions will invite participants to explore the progress that is been made in many key areas, including: health care, the economy, education and the environment.

For additional conference information, contact:

Michele Morrone, Conference Chair,
Tiffany Arnold, Program Chair,
Patti Malloy, Local Arrangements Chair,

Learn more about the

Call for Participation

The annual ASA Conference is coming to Athens in 2023

The invites proposals for panels, papers, posters, roundtables, performances or workshops.

Papers and posters should feature original unpublished work in progress. The full call for participation with details for online submission will go out September 1, 2022. Scholarships are available.


October 3, 2022: Deadline for proposals
January 2023: Preliminary event program to be announced

Special Events




Register for special events like the drag show, fun run, and field trips during the conference


About OHIO's College of Health Sciences and Professions

The College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP) is a place where innovative education and research happen every day. Each year, more than 3,600 students graduate from our Athens and Dublin-based campuses prepared to serve as passionate professionals who are ready to change the world. As one of the largest health-focused colleges in the country, CHSP has a growing portfolio of degree and certificate programs housed in six academic units: the School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness; the School of Nursing; the School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences; the Department of Social and Public Health; the Department of Social Work and the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Studies. All six connect faculty and students across multiple disciplines to explore the best approaches to addressing health and wellness in various settings.