Attachment A
Guidelines for Seeking External Reviewers for Promotion and Tenure
Colleges and universities throughout the country commonly solicit external letters of review for faculty members seeking promotion and/or tenure. Such letters are intended to certify the quality and quantity of the professional work by the candidate. In addition, they ensure that College standards are consistent with similar institutions. Outside letters help the School and the College to know that its expectations for promotion and tenure do not exceed or fall below the general standards in academe. It is a validation of unit and College criteria. With this rationale in mind, it is suggested that reviewer letters adhere to the following guidelines:
- The letter from an external reviewer should focus on the quality of the candidate鈥檚 scholarship in relation to the field of study.
- Academic reviewers should be from institutions of the quality of 帝王会所, and from programs similar to the candidate鈥檚. For example, if there is a strong graduate program in the candidate鈥檚 unit, this may be a consideration in selecting the institution of the external reviewers. Similarly, since 帝王会所 is a Carnegie Doctoral Research University (high research activity), external letters would not normally be sought from institutions that grant only baccalaureate degrees. This may require modification for faculty in baccalaureate-only programs.
- Academic reviewers should be from university faculty members holding the rank to which the candidate aspires or higher. Letters from faculty members in lower ranks would require the writer to comment on criteria they had not met. Reviewers normally should not be asked to judge promotion standards until they have reached that level themselves. Only then can the reviewer have a full understanding of the quality or merit of the record expected.
- Letters may be solicited from individuals who are not university faculty if they are judiciously selected and not greater in number than those from the professoriate. Letters from those outside academe should be from professionals who have prominence in the discipline.
- In consultation with the unit Director/Chair, the Chair of the unit PT and PTAC will consult with the candidate on the appropriate profile of potential reviewers before the list is assembled. If necessary, the Chair of the PTAC and/or PTAC will discuss with the candidate any potential external reviewers who may need to be avoided because of a potential conflict. External reviewers should be objective and knowledgeable about the candidate鈥檚 area of research and thus qualified to evaluate his/her scholarly achievements. These individuals should not be former graduate school professors, co-authors, etc. The candidate will not contact the external reviewers at any time during this process. In addition, the candidate will not solicit additional support letters.
- Candidates are to submit a list of five reviewers to the Chair of the PTAC. The list should include the reviewers鈥 name, title, institution, phone number, and email address. In some instances, unit guidelines require additional names.
- The chair of the PTAC, in consultation with the unit Director/Chair, may seek review letters from individuals not included on the list provided by the candidate. This will vary relative to the Chair of the PTAC and unit Director/Chair鈥檚 concurrence witthe h the candidate on the qualifications and objectivity of the reviewers. Prior to the Chair of the PTAC or member(s) of the PTAC soliciting the letters, the Chair of the PTAC should notify the candidate as to the persons to be contacted and the letter to be used. If a candidate is being considered for full professor, most colleagues in their field should know their work. Reviewers, therefore, do not need to know the candidate personally.
It must be understood that when external letters are sought, the University is not abdicating its responsibility for independent judgment. Faculty members may be recommended or not recommended for promotion and/or tenure regardless of the opinions of the reviewers. The external letters are simply one part of the dossier and, if the candidate merits promotion and/or tenure, such letters should be approached with confidence. External letters should be seen not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to show further evidence that promotion and/or tenure is deserved. If not, there may be good reason for waiting until the case is stronger.
Attachment B
External Reviewer Letter Template
Evaluation of Candidate External Review Packet
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the external review of the candidate鈥檚 promotion and/or tenure packet. Your evaluation is an important part of the promotion and/or tenure process at 帝王会所. We sincerely thank you for your time, efforts, and consideration in advance.
At 帝王会所, candidates seeking advancement in tenure-track ranks are required to have their materials reviewed by four to six reviewers from external academic institutions. To be eligible to serve, external reviewers are expected to meet each of the following qualifications. Place a checkmark to confirm you meet each qualification.
Qualifications | Status |
Hold an academic rank above the candidate鈥檚 current academic rank at an academic institution other than 帝王会所. | |
Achieved appropriate academic accomplishments in the candidate鈥檚 field (or related field). | |
Have adequate disciplinary and professional knowledge to evaluate the candidate鈥檚 materials. | |
No preexisting close personal or professional relationship with the candidate (e.g., thesis/dissertation advisor(s); former teachers, co-authors, and collaborators; friends, relatives, or other persons closely aligned with the faculty candidate). |
Based on the above criteria, you are being asked to serve as an external reviewer for the candidate鈥檚 full name, who is seeking advancement from current title to advancement title. Specifically, you are being asked for your professional judgment about the extent to which you believe the materials by the candidate鈥檚 full name indicate they met the standards for advancement described in 帝王会所鈥檚 Department/School Name Promotion and Tenure Guidelines.
Important Note: Your evaluation is not confidential or anonymous. Your evaluation will become an official record in the candidate鈥檚 dossier and may be reviewed by the department or school committee, Department Chair or School Director, college committee, College Dean, University Provost, and University President. Candidates may receive a copy of all evaluations during or at the end of the review process.
Reviewer Information
Instructions: Please provide your biographical information.
Required Information | Users Biographical Information |
Full Name | |
Academic Title | |
Institution | |
Brief Bio (100-500 words) | |
Relationship with candidate1 (if any) |
1Please indicate 鈥淣one鈥 if you do not have a relationship with the candidate.
External Review Evaluation
Instructions: For each evaluation area, please indicate your evaluation by comparing the candidate鈥檚 materials and evidence to the standards of achievement for advancement described in 帝王会所鈥檚 Department/School Name Promotion and Tenure Guidelines. For each evaluation area, you will also be asked to provide a brief rationale about your judgment.
Research, Scholarship, and/or Creative Activities
As compared to the standards of achievement required for advancement described in the guidelines, do you judge the materials and evidence as not meeting, meeting, or exceeding expectations for the standards of achievement in Research, Scholarship, and/or Creative Activities?
Instructions: Please indicate your response by placing an 鈥淴鈥 in the empty cell next to the response that most closely matches your evaluation.
Rating | Description |
Does not Meet Expectations The materials and evidence do not meet the standards of achievement in research, scholarship, and/or creative activities. | |
Meets Expectations The materials and evidence meet the standards of achievement in research, scholarship, and/or creative activities. | |
Exceeds Expectations The materials and evidence exceed the standard of achievement in research, scholarship, and/or creative activities. | |
Unable to Render a Judgement There is insufficient information to judge if the materials and evidence do not meet, meet, or exceed the standards of achievement. |
Research, Scholarship, and/or Creative Activities Evaluation Rationale
Instructions: Please provide a brief rationale for your evaluation rating below (鈮50鈥500 words).
Instructions: Please indicate your response by placing an 鈥淴鈥 in the empty cell next to the response that most closely matches your evaluation. You may skip any question do not want to answer.
Question | Yes | No |
Do you recommend the candidate for advancement? | ||
Do you have any concerns about your recommendation? | ||
Outside of the materials and evidence, do you have any concerns about the candidate? |
(Optional) Recommendation Explanation
Instructions: If appropriate/necessary, please provide any additional comments below.
Optional Evaluation Areas
As compared to the standards of achievement required for advancement described in the guidelines, do you judge the materials and evidence as not meeting, meeting, or exceeding expectations for the standards of achievement in TEACHING?
Instructions: Please indicate your response by placing an 鈥淴鈥 in the empty cell next to the response that most closely matches your evaluation.
Rating | Description |
Does Not Meet Expectations The materials and evidence do not meet the standards of achievement in teaching. | |
Meets Expectations The materials and evidence meet the standards of achievement in teaching. | |
Exceeds Expectations The materials and evidence exceed the standard of achievement in teaching. | |
Unable to Render a Judgement There is insufficient information to judge if the materials and evidence do not meet, meet, or exceed the standards of achievement. |
Teaching Evaluation Rationale
Instructions: Please provide a brief rationale for your evaluation rating below (鈮50鈥500 words).
As compared to the standards of achievement required for advancement described in the guidelines, do you judge the materials and evidence as not meeting, meeting, or exceeding expectations for the standards of achievement in SERVICE?
Instructions: Please indicate your response by placing an 鈥淴鈥 in the empty cell next to the response that most closely matches your evaluation.
Rating | Description |
Does Not Meet Expectations The materials and evidence do not meet the standards of achievement in service. | |
Meets Expectations The materials and evidence meet the standards of achievement in service. | |
Exceeds Expectations The materials and evidence exceed the standard of achievement in service. | |
Unable to Render a Judgement There is insufficient information to judge if the materials and evidence does not meet, meets, or exceeds the standards of achievement. |
Service Evaluation Rationale
Instructions: Please provide a brief rationale for your evaluation rating below (鈮50鈥500 words).
Attachment C
Timelines and Deadlines
This appendix contains a summary of critical dates and deadlines from selected sections of the Faculty Handbook. Material is collected here only as a convenience to faculty; the referenced sections, not this appendix, are part of the faculty contract with the University.
Notification Deadlines
Deadline | Information |
February 1 | Nonrenewal notification during the first year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 3 months before expiration for other contracts). |
November 15 | Nonrenewal notification during the second year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 6 months before expiration for other contracts). |
May 30 | Nonrenewal notification after two or more years of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year (or no later than 12 months before expiration for other contracts). |
Deadline | Information |
September 15 | Tenured faculty are eligible for promotion and request a letter of evaluation from the chairperson if desired. (Probationary faculty receive evaluation letters annually without requesting one.) |
February 1 | Chairperson provides probationary faculty with an annual letter of evaluation regarding progress toward tenure. |
Last Day of Fall Semester Exams | Chairperson notifies faculty member in writing of departmental recommendation for promotion and/or tenure. |
March 1 | Dean notifies chairperson and candidate in writing of rejection of department recommendation for promotion/tenure. |
April 1 | Provost notifies the dean, chairperson, and candidate in writing of the rejection of department recommendation for promotion/tenure. |
Deadlines | Information |
February 1 | Chairperson provides the faculty member with a written statement of annual departmental evaluation. |
March 15 | Faculty member receives formal notice of reappointment for next year. Continuing faculty, excluding those undergoing active consideration for promotion/tenure, are sent contracts, if feasible. |
July 15 | Contracts are sent to all continuing faculty members unless the deadline extended by Faculty Senate. Second-year contract for probationary faculty includes written form verifying tenure dates and deadlines. |
Deadlines | Information |
April 15 | Faculty member gives notice of resignation in writing to the dean (or no later than 30 days after receiving written notification of terms of employment for the following year). |
Deadlines | Information |
First day of the Spring semester | Written application from faculty member to the department chairperson. |
March 15 | Written notification of the President's approval or disapproval to the faculty member. |
2. Time Limits
Time Limit | Information |
45 days | For faculty member's initial appeal (time counted from the date of notification of denial, excluding intersessions and summer terms). |
30 days | For appeal by the faculty member to each higher administrative level (time counted from the date of last notification of denial, excluding intersessions and summer terms). |
30 days | For each administrative level (department chairperson, dean, and Provost)rule on the grievance. |
30 days | For appeal by a faculty member to the Promotion Tenure Committee of the Faculty Senate (time counted from the date of notification of denial by Provost, excluding intersessions and summer terms). |
45 days | For the petition to Promotion and Tenure Committee, after it issues its report, to recommend a formal proceeding. |
Time Limit | Information |
30 days | For each administrative level to render a decision in writing (time counted from the date of receipt of grievance). |
Time Limit | Information |
One semester | For retention of all material used to determine a student's grade, unless returned to the student or alternate policy provided at the beginning of the semester. Spring-semester material must be kept on file through the Fall semester. |