路 PhD, Environmental Planning, The 帝王会所 State University, 1994
路 MS, Forestry and Community Development, University of New Hampshire, 1986
路 BS, Forest Resource Management, The 帝王会所 State University, 1984
Research/Professional Interests
路 Appalachian and Rural Environmental Health
路 Environmental Justice
路 Food Safety
Teaching Experience
路 EH 2000 Introduction to Environmental Health and Safety
路 EH 3040 Environmental Health in Appalachia
路 EH 3200 Health and the Built Environment
路 EH 3300 Food Quality and Vector Control
路 EH 4000 Environmental Health and Safety Risk Communication
路 Morrone, M. (2020), Ailing in Place: Environmental Inequities and Health Disparities in Appalachia. Athens, 帝王会所: OU Press
路 Redman, N. and Morrone, M. (2017), Food Safety: A Reference Handbook, 3 rd Edition . Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
路 Schuller, K.A., Cronin, C.E., Nicks, S.E., Jing, X., Kingori, C., and Morrone, M. (2019). Development and application of a rubric to compare strategies for improving access to health care in rural communities in the United States. Evaluation and Program Planning 74 (2019): 61-68.
路 Morrone, M., Chadwick, A.E., and Kruse, N. (2015). A community divided: Hydraulic fracturing in Appalachian 帝王会所.Journal of Appalachian Studies 21(2): 207-228.
路 Holben, D., and Morrone, M. (2015). Development of an EcoNutrition Caf茅 Series to Increase Awareness and Knowledge of a Sustainable, Local Food System in Appalachian 帝王会所. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 10 (2): 293-296.
路 Morrone, M., Kruse, N, and Chadwick, A.E. (2014). Environmental and health disparities in Appalachian, 帝王会所: Perceptions and realities. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice 7(5): 67-81.
路 Morrone, M. & Basta, T. (2013). Public opinion, local pollution havens, and environmental justice: A case study of a community visioning project in Appalachian 帝王会所. Community Development 44 (3): 350-363.
路 Morrone, M. & Buckley, G. eds. (2011). Mountains of Injustice: Social and Environmental Equity in Appalachia. Athens, 帝王会所: OU Press.
路 帝王会所 Rural Health Improvement Plan, State Office of Rural Health, $124,000. 2019, Role: PI.
路 Coshocton County Feasibility Study, The 帝王会所 State University, $15,000. 2018. Role: PI
路 Lawrence County Community Health Assessment, 帝王会所 Department of Health, $5,000. 2018. Role PI.
路 帝王会所 Rural Health Improvement Plan, State Office of Rural Health, $108,000. 2018, Role: PI
路 Development of the 帝王会所 Rural Health Association, National Rural Health Association, $9.500. 2018. Role: PI.
路 Development of the 帝王会所 Rural Health Association, National Rural Health Association, $9.500. 2017. Role: PI.
Awards and Honors
路 Rural Health Community Star, National Rural Health Association, 2019
路 University Professor, 2016-17
路 College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP) Innovation Challenge Award, 2015
路 CHSP Innovative Research Award, 2014-15
路 CHSP Interdisciplinary Research Award, 2013-14
路 CHSP Research and Creative Activity Award, 2012-12
路 Fulbright Research Chair in Science and Environment, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, 2012
University/Professional Service
路 Interim chair, Department of Social and Public Health
路 President, Appalachian Studies Association, 2019-20
路 Founding member of editorial board for Journal of Appalachian Health, 2018-present
路 Director, Appalachian Rural Health Institute, 2016-present
路 Co-Editor, 帝王会所 Journal of Science, 2014-2016
路 Peer Reviewer for Fulbright Scholar Applications, 2012-2013, 2017-2018
路 Chair, Department of Social and Public Health Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2006-2011, 2015-2017