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IGNITE Grant Guidelines

Investing in Growth, Novelty, Innovation, Transformation, and Excellence


The College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP) has three internal mechanisms to advance research, innovation, and education through the IGNITE Grants.

The three mechanisms include:

  1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  2. Clinical/Translation/Population Health Research
  3. Research Microgrant
Scholarship of Teaching and LearningClinical/Translational/Population Health ResearchResearch Microgrant
Purpose: To foster innovative and rigorous exploration of pedagogical approaches, techniques, or environments relevant to preparing students to work in healthcare professions. Focus on documentation and analysis of student outcomes.Purpose: To support innovative and rigorous research with good potential for external funding and / or entrepreneurship in health sciences and professions (e.g., aging, chronic disease, wellness, human performance, substance abuse, rural health, infectious disease, health care delivery, mental health, disabilities).Purpose: To provide a small amount of money to get a new research idea off the ground. This could be used for pilot studies, feasibility studies, or to gather preliminary data.

PI Eligibility:

Full-time CHSP faculty members with research expectations in workload who have not received funding through the individual pathway for two years. For example, someone may receive a microgrant in one academic year and be eligible for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grant the following year but would not be eligible for the microgrant.

Funding Level:

Up to two (2) grants up to $8,000 each for meritorious proposals.

Funding Level:

One grant up to $20,000

Funding Level:

Four grants up to $1,000

Award Period:

June 1, 2025- May 31, 2026. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2026.

Award Period:

June 1, 2025- May 31, 2027. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2027.

Award Period:

June 1, 2025- May 31, 2026. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2026.


  1. A peer-reviewed publication
  2. A workshop or seminar presented to CHSP following the year of the award
  3. Presentation at the state of the college following the year of the award


  1. A peer-reviewed publication
  2. Submission of an extramural grant for an amount greater than this award (>$20,000) within 10 months of completing the grant
  3. Presentation at the state of the college following the year of the award.


  1. A peer-reviewed publication


  2. Submission of an extramural grant for an amount greater than this award (>$1,000)

Review process:

All applications will be reviewed by the CHSP Teaching and Learning Committee.

Review process:

All applications will be reviewed by the CHSP Research Council.

Review process:

All applications will be reviewed by the CHSP Research Council.


Recipients must submit a written final report by November 30 following the grant termination date. The final report is a summary of the project鈥檚 accomplishments

Application: Complete an online application at

Due Date: March 3, 2025

Application: Complete an online application at

Due Date: March 3, 2025

Application: Complete an online application at

Due Date: March 3, 2025

Application Requirements:

Cover Page, Research Plan, Budget, Key Personnel, and Biosketch

  1. Project Summary/Abstract  (30 lines of text)
  2. Research Strategy (6 pages)
    1. Specific Aims
    2. Significance
    3. Innovation
    4. Approach
    5. Timeline
    6. Outcomes and Future Directions
  3. Bibliography (1 page)

Application Requirements:

Cover Page, Research Plan, Budget, Key Personnel, and Biosketch

  1. Project Summary/Abstract  (30 lines of text)
  2. Research Strategy (6 pages)
    1. Specific Aims
    2. Significance
    3. Innovation
    4. Approach
    5. Timeline
    6. Future Directions including plan for extramural funding submission and manuscripts
  3. Bibliography (1 page)

Application Requirements:

Cover Page, Research Plan, Budget, Key Personnel, and Biosketch

  1. Project Summary/Abstract  (30 lines of text)
  2. Research Strategy (2 pages)
    1. Specific Aims
    2. Significance & Innovation
    3. Approach
    4. Timeline
    5. Future Directions
  3. Bibliography (1 page)

Other Information:

  • All applications will be reviewed and ranked using a standard rubric.
  • Applications not funded will receive written feedback and guidance on ways to improve the applications.
  • The Teaching and Learning Committee/Research Council will make their recommendations to the CHSP Dean and may make recommendations on budget revisions.
  • Faculty can only be PI on one submission.