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CHSP Grade Appeals Policy - Appendix A


Use this worksheet to work through your appeal. DO NOT submit as part of your appeal-- this is a worksheet to help you follow the steps in the process. What type of appeal are you seeking?

鈽 A grade that I believe is unfair according to the grading policy in a course.

鈽 An action or decision that relates to my academic performance (e.g., academic probation, dismissal, or suspension)

鈽 A disciplinary penalty related to academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, fabrication or falsification, or misrepresentations)

鈽 A grade penalty for professional or academic misconduct articulated by an academic program

鈽 A formal letter of reprimand


What semester are you seeking an appeal for?

Name of course and course number:


Academic Year:


Step 1: Contact your department chair/school director to determine if your program has a grievance procedure of their own?

Who did you contact:



Method:  Email, phone call, or in-person?

Does the program have its own procedure?

If yes, follow that procedure first. If no, continue to step 2.


Step 2: Did you attempt to resolve the matter with your instructor immediately after receiving notice of the grade?

First and last name of instructor:

Date and time of contact: Method of contact:

Email, phone call, or in-person?

Was the matter resolved?

If not, why?


Step 3: Complete Form B no later than 21 days from the beginning of the next semester following the semester in which you received the grade.

Work through each of these steps before completing Form B.

A. What semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) did you get the grade you are appealing for?

B. What will the next semester or term be? (Fall, Spring, Summer, or 7-week term)

C. Look at the academic calendar 

D. What is the start date for the semester or term identified in step B above? 

E. To identify the 21-day deadline, look at a regular calendar, count 21 work/school/business days from the start date of the semester identified in step D. 21-day deadline:

F. Submit your appeal using this .

G. Look at a regular calendar and count 21 work/school/business days from the date you submitted Form B.


21-day Response deadline: 


You should receive a response to your appeal within 21 work/school/business days from when you submitted the appeal.

What is the date you received your response?

If you are satisfied with your response, stop here.

If not, continue to next step.

Step 4. Appeal to the Dean of the College

  1. Looking at a regular calendar, count 47 work/school/business days from the start of the semester (step 3, part D).
    1. 47-day deadline to submit to the dean:
  2. Ask the department chair/school director (the person you sent your appeal to) to forward your appeal documents to the college dean before the 47-day deadline date.
    1. Date of request: 
    2. Look at a calendar and count 10 work/school/business days from the date of request for the decision of merit for the appeal from the dean.
    3. 10-day deadline for merit of appeal: 
  3. Merit:
    1. Did the dean determine the appeal has merit?
      1. If not, the appeal is over and will go no further. Stop here.
      2. If yes, the appeal will go to the committee who will have 15 work/school/business days to review.
    2. What date did the appeal go to the committee?
      1. Look at a calendar and count 15 work/school/business days from the date it was sent to the committee for the 15-day committee deadline.
      2. 15-day committee deadline date:
      3. For disciplinary appeals only: The dean will have up to 10 work/school/business days to review the committee report and/or consult with upper administration and/or legal counsel
        1. 10-day disciplinary deadline date:
  4. Result of the committee appeal:
    1. The majority vote of the committee rules and cannot be appealed any further.