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CHSP College Curriculum Committee Meeting 4.7.23

In attendance: Marion-Fetty (liaison), Jeng, Geng, Shadik, Popescu, Schaumleffel, Gillogly, Russell, Brooks, Raimondi, Sergeev, Buchman (chair), Davidson (admin support) Excused: Buchman (chair), Ephlin


Agenda Item Department Course/Program Name Submission Type Recommendation D&I
SW 2601C SW Social Welfare Overview and Trends Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 3602 SW Social Welfare Policy Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 4801 SW Social Work Practice I Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 4802 SW Social Work Practice II Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 3701 SW  Dynamics of Human Behavior Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 1000 SW Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 3870 SW Research Methods in Social Work Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 4922 SW Field Seminar II Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 4923 SW Field Practicum I Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 4924 SW Field Practicum II Course Change Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
SW 2701 SW Trauma and Human Rights Course Change Approved; with changes DEI already in submission
CFS 3700 SPH The Business of Aging New Course Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
CFS 5700 SPH The Business of Aging New Course Approved; with changes No suggestions for DEI
NUTR 2100 AHSW Lifespan Nutrition Course Change Approved; as is No suggestions for DEI