Choosing an Arts & Sciences Major That Fits Your Interests
Choosing a major can be difficult at times, but it should also be fun. Now is the time to explore YOUR interests. So let’s begin with the most important part – YOU.
Self-assessment involves examining your skills, abilities, interests, personality and values.
- Enroll in a Learning Community for first-year students.
- Enroll in CAS 1130 Career Development for the Liberal Arts.
- Get to know your success adviser and discuss your academic interests — schedule an appointment early in the semester.
- Take the assessment to identify your interests, skills, and abilities and how that relates to majors and careers.
- Take entry level courses in subjects that you have been interested in in the past and don’t be afraid to step outside of your box and explore subjects that you have yet to experience. Sometimes this is when you will discover something that you love.
Explore the various majors and careers that you identified in your self-assessment.
- Attend the Majors Fair fall semester to learn about great academic opportunities.
- Visit Career Services Network to learn about the resources available to you (career coaching, workshops, part-time jobs, internships, career-related events and more).
- Contact a faculty adviser in a department that you are possibly interested in to learn more about the major and career opportunities in that field.
- Visit the “” website to learn about the many career possibilities that one major can have.
- Learn more about daily needed for possible careers.
- Contact Professional organizations ( has as well as major-related groups).
Get Experience by getting out there and finding out what that major/career is all about.
- Get Involved! Join at least one that interests you.
- Ask people in the field. The is an online database that connects you with more than 900 alumni who are willing to help.
- Explore summer internships, jobs, or volunteer opportunities to obtain “hands-on” experience in the world of work.
- Participate in the Foundations- Leadership for First-Year Students.
Things to Remember
The most important fact is to CHOOSE A MAJOR THAT YOU LOVE.
- Think about what subjects you have enjoyed, in what subjects you have done well.
- You will do better in a major that you enjoy.
What you need to know about yourself: things you probably already know.
- Skills (what you do well), interests (what you enjoy doing), values (what things are important to you) and your past successes/achievements.
Things to consider when learning what you can do with a major.
- A major does not equal a job.
- Many majors give you “transferable skills” which can be used in a variety of career fields.
Almost any major combined with experience related to the career field and courses which build skills related to the career field can prepare you for the field of your choice.
Final Thoughts
- Give yourself a chance to learn about your options before making a decision.
- Make the best decision for yourself – don’t let others make it for you.
- If you find that you are not happy in a major, explore other alternatives before you get discouraged and your grade point is affected Changing majors is not the end of the world.
More information
Undergraduate Advising & Student Affairs
College of Arts & Sciences
Gordy 155