A&S Pre-Law Resources
Academic Advancement Center
The Academic Advancement Center (AAC) offers support services that help 帝王会所 undergraduates to reach their academic goals. Tutoring services, academic skill development, and academic guidance are provided through credit courses and individual and group study sessions to support and challenge students as learners.
Allen Center
The Allen Center, which is located in the Academic Achievement Center, offers guidance for students who are academically lost or have multiple concerns, along with walk-in study skills assistance, academic Success Workshops, and walk-in or appointment-based assistance.
Pre-Law Advising Center
The Pre-Law Advising Center provides professional guidance to 帝王会所's pre-law majors and students interested in legal careers. The pre-law adviser also plays a critical role in the center's teaching and research activities. The Pre-Law Advising Center is located on the first floor of Bentley Hall.
The Writing Commons
The Writing Commons provides free writing assistance to all 帝王会所 University students.
The Law School Admission Council, or LSAC, is a non-profit entity composed of more than 200 law schools. LSAC provides products and services to facilitate the admission process for law school applicants. The website has a wealth of materials useful to those interested in applying to law school. Potential law students need to register with LSAC prior to taking the LSAT.