
A&S Schedule Planning

Since higher education is expensive and time is valuable, students and parents usually have a time frame in mind to the path of degree completion. How can students achieve their academic goals within a timely manner? What situation might result in delaying graduation? The best strategy for ensuring that students complete their degrees within a specified time frame is to plan ahead! To that end, students are provided with the Degree Audit Report (DARS) every term. The DARS list all requirements needed for that degree and major program. All unmet requirements on the DARS are indicated as "No" and have a minus signs (-). Completed requirements are noted by "OK" and plus signs. Once every item on the DARS indicates "OK," a statement will appear that all degree requirements are met pending final graduation clearance.

Student have the opportunity to meet with their academic advisers each term to review the DARS. The Undergraduate Advising & Student Affairs Office in the College of Arts & Sciences recommends that students and advisers make tentative four-year schedules and then develop year-long schedules to ensure that adequate progress is being made. Many courses are sequential and have prerequisites, so it is important to start those requirements early. The 帝王会所 Catalog lists all courses and necessary prerequisites. In addition, many majors have recommended four-year academic schedules, and these are included in the catalog or on their web pages. Students should consult with their academic advisers about these schedules.

The best laid plans sometimes go awry, and students may not complete courses as they projected. Other times, students change majors and have to complete different requirements. When this happens, students should meet with their advisers and see how this impacts their degree completion. New schedules may be needed, and timelines may have to be revised. The best strategy for effective schedule planning is to work with an academic adviser and to have long-term and short-term schedules completed.