Andrew H. Tremayne

Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 2015
Heritage Program Manager (Current), Wayne National Forest, µÛÍõ»áËù
Regional Archaeologist (Former), National Park Service, Alaska Region
Research & Specialization
- Archaeology
- µÛÍõ»áËù Archaeology
- Human Behavior Ecology
- Cultural Evolution
- Lithic Technology
- Zooarchaeology
- Prehistory of Arctic North America
Active Research
Southeast µÛÍõ»áËù Archaeology
Southeastern µÛÍõ»áËù Fluted Point Survey – In collaboration with Joseph Gingerich, Gary Argabright, and Jeb Bowen
Radiocarbon Dates as a Proxy for Population Change in the Arctic
Selected Publications
Urban, Thomas M., Jeffrey Rasic, Claire Alix, Douglas D. Anderson, Linda Chisholm. Robert W. Jacob, Stuart W. Manning, Owen K. Mason, Andrew H. Tremayne, and Dale Vinson. 2019 Magnetic Detection of Archaeological Hearths in Alaska: A Tool for Investigating the Full Span of Human Presence at the Gateway to North America. Quaternary Science. 211:73-92.
Tremayne, Andrew H., Christyann M. Darwent, John Darwent, Kelly A. Eldridge, and Jeffrey T. Rasic. 2018 Iyatayet Revisited: Testing Hypotheses for the Progressive Evolution of Maritime Adaptations in Northwest Alaska. Arctic Anthropology. 55(1):1-23.
Tremayne, Andrew H. and William A. Brown. 2017 Mid-late Holocene Population Trends, Culture Change and Marine Resource Intensification in Western Alaska. Arctic. 70(4):365-380.
Tremayne, Andrew H. 2017 Marine Resource Intensification and the Reorganization of Lithic Technologies during the middle-late Holocene in Northwest Alaska. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 0:1-17.
Tremayne, Andrew H. and Bruce Winterhalder. 2017 Large Mammal Biomass Predicts Distribution of Hunter-Gatherer Populations in Alaska. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 45:81-97.
Urban, Thomas M., Jeffrey Rasic, Claire Alix, Douglas D. Anderson, Stuart W. Manning, Owen K. Mason, Andrew H. Tremayne, and Christopher Wolff. 2016 Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic. Remote Sensing 8(1007):1-23.
Tremayne, Andrew H. and Jeffery T. Rasic. 2016 The Denbigh Flint Complex of Northern Alaska. In The Oxford Handbook of The Prehistoric Arctic, edited by T. Max Friesen and Owen K. Mason, pp. 349-370. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Tremayne, Andrew H. 2015 New Evidence for the Timing of Arctic Small Tool Tradition Coastal Settlement in Northwest Alaska. Alaska Journal of Anthropology 13(1):1-18.
Buonasera, Tammy, Andrew H. Tremayne, Christyann M. Darwent, Jelmer Eerkins and Owen K. Mason. 2015 Lipid Biomarkers and Compound Specific δ13C Analysis Indicate Early Development of a Dual-Economic System for the Arctic Small Tool tradition in Northern Alaska. Journal of Archaeological Science 61:129-138.
Tremayne, Andrew H. 2015 The Design of Arctic Small Tool Tradition Toolkits: An Example from Matcharak Lake, Alaska. North American Archaeologist 36(1): 1-31.
Burns, Gregory R., Susan Cook Talcott, Kathryn Demps, Jason L. Edmonds, John M. Lambert, Andrew H. Tremayne, Jelmer W. Eerkens, and Eric J. Bartelink. 2012 Isotopic Evidence for Changing Residence Patterns through the Middle to Late Holocene in Central California. Society for California Archaeology Proceedings 26: 164–171.
Tremayne, Andrew H. 2011 An Analysis of Faunal Remains from a Denbigh Flint Complex Camp at Matcharak Lake, Alaska. Arctic Anthropology 48(1): 33–53.
Tremayne, Andrew H. 2010 An Analysis of Denbigh Flint Complex Burin Technology from Matcharak Lake, Alaska. Alaska Journal of Anthropology 8(1): 73–85.