Barry Tadlock

Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1995
Research Areas
- Appalachian Politics
- LGBTQ Politics
Courses Taught
- POLS 4150: The American Presidency
- POLS 4160: Legislative Processes
- POLS 3060: Politics of Appalachia
- POLS 1010: Politics in the United States
帝王会所 Affiliations
Appalachian Studies Certificate Program
Correctional Education Program
Political Communication (POCO) Certificate Program
About Dr. Tadlock
Barry Tadlock is a Professor in 帝王会所's Department of Political Science. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky (1995), his M.A. from the University of Virginia (1987), and his B.A. from Emory & Henry College (1984). He teaches undergraduate courses in American political institutions, as well as Appalachian politics; he also teaches a graduate seminar on executive and legislative politics. He is the recipient of the Arts & Sciences Dean's Outstanding Teacher Award (2007), was named a University Professor (2008-09), and was selected for the inaugural class of the Bruning Teaching Academy (2013-2014). In addition to his teaching duties on the Athens campus, Dr. Tadlock is an instructor in 帝王会所's Correctional Education Program.
Dr. Tadlock's research interests include the following: LGBTQ politics, Appalachian politics, congressional campaigns/elections, and welfare reform. His work has appeared in the following journals: Public Opinion Quarterly; Political Research Quarterly; Politics, Groups, & Identities; American Review of Politics; Armed Forces & Society; Public Administration Quarterly; Journal of Children and Poverty; Politics and Policy; Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work; Research & Politics; Political Psychology; & Legislative Studies Quarterly.
His work has also appeared in the following edited volumes: Transgender rights and politics: Groups, issue framing, and policy adoption; Remarkable rise of transgender rights; The politics of LGBTQ equality: Marriage and beyond; LGBTQ politics: A critical reader; The change election: Money, mobilization, and persuasion in the 2008 federal elections; Minority voting in the United States; The politics of same-sex marriage; The sociology of spatial inequality; & Communities reform: Welfare, food assistance and poverty in rural America.
Dr. Tadlock co-edited (with Ellen D.B. Riggle) Gays and lesbians in the democratic process; Public policy, political representation and public opinion, Columbia University Press, 1999.