Xiaoping A. Shen

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Research Interests
- Numerical methods for integral equations
- Wavelet analysis
- Signal and image Processing
Xiaoping Annie Shen received her MS degree in computational mathematics from Institute of Systems Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, and Ph. D. in applied mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, USA. She was a post-doctoral fellow of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), a Summer Faculty Research Fellow of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Dr. Shen is the author/coauthor of over 70 refereed publications, including four books and four book chapters. Her past and current researches are sponsored by NSF, Natural Science Foundation-China (NSFC), Australian Research Council (ARC), ONR, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), and AFOSR. She is an accomplished industrial consultant and provided consultancy services for industries and institutions, including AFRL, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., 3i Systems Corporation, REC Electronics Corporation, Electronic packaging Lab at the Arizona State University.
Research Interests
Computational harmonic analysis (wavelets and approximation theory), and nonparametric statistics. Application areas focus on signal/image processing, nonlinear system identification, data processing and random algorithm development.
Current Research Projects
- Driver Risk Assessment Model Using Probabilistic Classifiers. This project is aimed to develop an effective statistical model for driving risk assessment based on the probabilistic classifiers in supervised learning using data driven strategy, in collaboration with , 2019.
- Random Multiscale Learning Algorithm For Nonlinear System Identification, in collaboration with Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division, Sensors Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2019.
- Supervising Naive Bayes Classifier With Copulas, in collaboration with Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division, Sensors Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Oakland University, 2019.
- Slepian Wavelets and Radar Waveform Design, in collaboration with Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division, Sensors Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2015-2018
Books (4)
- X. Shen and A. Zayed, ed., Multiscale Signal Modeling and Analysis, Springer series- Lecture Notes in Engineering, 2012. ISBN-10: 1461441447.
- P. Jorgensen, X. Shen, C-W. Shu, and N. Yan, ed. Recent Advances in Computational Science, World Scientific Publishing Company, Aug. 2008, xi+396 pages. ISBN: 978-981-270-700-0
- G. G Walter and X. Shen, Wavelets and Other Orthogonal Systems, 2nd edition, Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2001. xx+370 pp., ISBN: 1-5848-8227-1.
- J. Chen, G. Liu and X. Shen, etc., Spectral Approximation Of Linear Operator, (in Chinese), translated from English edition, written by F. Chatelin, xx+623 pp., 1st ed., Tianjin University Press, Inc., 1987, Tianjin, China. ISBN: 7-5618-0006-1.
Special Issues (1)
- J. Lakey, E-B. Lin, X. Shen, and T-X. He, ed. Vol. 2 (4), Special Issue of Journal of Applied Functional Analysis. Eudoxus Press, LLC. October 2007. 202 pages. ISSN 1559-1948
Book Chapters (4)
- X. Shen. Gibbs phenomenon: A digression in wavelet sampling series. Recent Advances in Computational Science, P. Jorgensen, X. Shen, C-W. Shu, and N. Yan Eds. World Scientific Publishing, June 2007. ISBN: 981270700X.
- X. Shen, Gibbs phenomenon for orthogonal wavelets with compact support. Advances in the Gibbs Phenomenon, A. J. Jerri ed., 337-369, Sampling publishing, July 2007. ISBN0967301-0-8.
- X. Shen, L. Yang. Shape From Shading Models, Handbook of Medical Image Analysis: Segmentation and Registration Models, Suri/Wilson/Laxminarayan, eds., Vol. 1, 257-298, Kluwer Academic/Plenum US, 2005. ISBN 0306485508.
- X. Shen, J. S. Suri and S. Laxminarayan, Basics of PDEs and level sets, PDE and Level Sets: Algorithmic Approaches to Static and Motion Imagery, Topics In Biomedical Engineering, 1-30 Kluwer Press/ Plenum Publishers, 2002. ISBN 0-306-47353-4.
Journal Article (30)
- D. Kondrul, M. Celenk, and X. A. Shen, State Estimation based Target Tracking and Applications of Multi Sensor Data Fusion, submitted in Int. J. of Foundation of Software Engineering, 2018
- D. Kondrul, M. Celenk, and X. A. Shen, Performance Evaluation of State Estimators for Airborne Target Tracking Using Multi Sensor Data Fusion, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 2018
- A. Mennouni and X. Shen, A Galerkin-Raised-Cosine Wavelets Method for a Class of Integral Equations on the Real Line, submitted to Journal of Integral Equns, 2017.
- X. Shen, A sampling type solution for an Abel-Type Integral Equation, accepted with revision in International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, in press, 2017.
- X. Shen, Approximate Entropy Based Algorithm for Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection Systems, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 2016.
- X. Shen, Runge Phenomenon in image processing, Accepted in Computer Technology and Application, 2015.
- Mu, X. Shen and J. Kirby, Support Vector Machine Classifier Based on Approximate Entropy Metric for Chatbot Text-based Communication, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 15 (2), 2017, 1-16. ISSN 0974-0635.
- D. Chen, X. Shen, et al., An Effective Approach For Mass Transit Routing And Optimization, Vol. 7 (9), 405 – 417, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 2014.
- K. Alam, X. Shen and R. Taposh, Optimization of Heat Spreader Design for Electronic Cooling, Vol. 4, 105-110, Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, 2013.
- X. Shen and J. Gao, Forecasting with multivariate discriminant analysis: an application using bankruptcy data Forecasting, Vol. 5 (2010), no. A10, Special, 104–115, International Journal of Statistics and Economics, 2010.
- H. He, X. Shen and J. A. Starzyk, Power quality disturbances analysis based on EDMRA Method, Vol. 31(6), 258-268, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2009.
- X. Shen. Slepian semi wavelets and their use in density estimation for wireless signals, Vol. 40 (6), 117-131, Journal of Mathematical Study, 2007.
- X. Shen and G. G. Walter. Construction of periodic prolate spheroidal wavelets using interpolation. Vol. 40 (3-4), 445-466, 2007.
- X. Shen. On numerical aspects of a biorthogonal wavelet basis. Vol. 2 (4), 471-491, Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, 2007.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Periodic prolate spheroidal wavelets. Vol. 26 (7-8), 953-976, Journal of Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2005.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. A sampling expansion for non bandlimited signals in chromatic derivatives. IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol. 53 (4), 1291- 1298, 2005.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Wavelet-like behavior of Slepian functions and their use in density estimation. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Method, Vol. 34 (3), 687-711, 2005.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Wavelets based on prolate spheroidal wave functions. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. Vol. 10 (1), 1-26, 2004.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Sampling with prolate spheroidal wave functions. Journal of Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, Vol. 2 (1), 25-52, 2003.
- X. Shen, On Gibbs phenomenon in wavelet expansions. Journal of Mathematics Study. 35 (4), 343-357, 2002.
- X. Shen and G. G. Walter. Meyer wavelet regularization. Journal of Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 23 (1-2), 195-215, 2002.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Positive sampling in wavelet subspaces. Journal of Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 12 (1), 150-165, 2002.
- X. Shen. A quadrature formula based on sampling in Meyer wavelet subspaces. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Vol. 3 (2), 147-163, 2001.
- X. Shen. Extrapolation: From calculation of pi to finite element method of partial differential equations. Applied Mathematics Reviews, Vol. 1, 537--558, 2000.
- X. Shen. A Galerkin-wavelet method for a singular convolution equation on the real line. Journal of Integral Equation & Applications, Vol. 12 (2), 157-176, 2000.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Deconvolution using Meyer wavelets. Journal of Integral Equation & Applications. Vol. 11 (4), 515-534, 1999.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. A substitute for summability in wavelet expansions. Analysis of Divergence, 51--63, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., 1999.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Continuous non-negative wavelets and their use in density estimation. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Method, Vol. 28, 1-18, 1999.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Positive estimation with wavelets. Wavelets, Multiwavelets & Their Applications, AMS Contemporary Math, Vol. 216, 63-79, 1998.
- E. Lin and X. Shen. Approximation methods for eigenvalue problem of Fredholm integral equations. World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts-92, Vol. I-IV, 2001-2010, 1996, de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.
Conference Proceeding (36)
- X. Shen, R. L. Ewing and J. Li, Supervise Learning With Copulas, accepted, Proceedings of The IEEE 2019 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference.
- J. Li, R. L. Ewing and X. Shen, Human Presence Detection via Deep Learning of Passive Radio Frequency Data, Proceedings of The IEEE 2019 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference.
- J. Li, R. L. Ewing and X. Shen, Radio Frequency Tomographic Reconstruction, Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, Proceedings of The IEEE 2018 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, pp 578-582, doi: 10.1109/NAECON.2018.8556653
- S. Snyder and X. Shen, A Review of Brain Signal Processing Methods, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (BIOENG'17), 10-16, ISBN: 1-60132-451-0, 2017
- Y. Li, X. Shen, R. L. Ewing, and J. Li, Terahertz Spectroscopic Material Identification Using Approximate Entropy and Deep Neural Network, Proceedings of The IEEE 2017 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Pages: 52 – 56, 2017.
- S. Snyder and X. Shen, A Review of Brain Signal Processing Methods, Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (BIOENG'17), page 10-16, ISBN: 1-60132-451-0, 2017.
- J. Li, R. L. Ewing, C. A. Berdanier, D. Wetzel, and X. Shen, Sparse Reconstruction of RF Tomography with Dynamic Dictionary, Proceedings of The IEEE 2016 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 391 – 395. ISSN: 2379-2027, 2017.
- X. A. Shen and R. L. Ewing, Slepian Wavelets and its Application in Radar Waveform Design, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE National. 65-68, June 19-25, Dayton, OH.
- X. A. Shen, R. L. Ewing and S. M. Hampton, The Fractional Fourier Filtering Revisited Algorithms and Applications, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE National. 65-68, June 19-25, Dayton, OH.
- X. Shen, M. Souare, R. Ewing and C. Papachristou, Wavelet Entropy Signatures For Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, accepted in Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE National., July 2012, Dayton, OH.
- X. Shen, A. Mostafa and R. Ewing, On Sparse Fast Fourier Transform, accepted in Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), accepted in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE National., July 2012, Dayton, OH.
- X. Shen, J. Kirby, P. R. Havig, Kernel Learning Technique and Automated Communication Systems, accepted in Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), accepted in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE National., July 2012, Dayton, OH.
- X. Shen, F. Mohd-Zaid, and R. Francis, Runge Phenomenon: A virtual artifact in image processing, Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (IPCV'12), 208-214, July 2012, Las Vegas, USA.
- Fairul Mohd-Zaid, X. Shen, and K. Farris, On Using Information-Theoretic Quantities in Characterization Dissimilarity of DNA Strings, The 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'12), 151-157, July 2012, Las Vegas, USA.
- K. Alam, X. Shen and R. Taposh, Design Considerations for Heat Spreader in High Heat Flux Systems, Proceedings of 28th Annual Thermal Measurement, Modeling and Management Symposium (Semi-Therm 2012), 283-287, San Jose, CA. March 18-22, 2012.
- X. A. Shen, A novel support vector machine kernel based on Slepian semi wavelets, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE National. 65-68, July 2011, Dayton, OH.
- X. Shen, K. A. Farries and P. R. Havig, Quantify effects of long range memory on predictability of complex systems, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE National. 69-72, July 2011, Dayton, OH.
- L. E. Lin and X. Shen, Wavelet Analysis of electroencephalogram signals, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE National. 105-110, 20-22 July 2011, Dayton, OH.
- H. He and X. Shen, Multi-scale learning for complex systems: Integration of computational intelligence into smart Grid, Fourteenth International Conference On Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS 2010), Boston, MA, May, 2010.
- Y. Cao, H. He, H. Man, X. Shen, Integration of self-organizing Map (SOM) and kernel density estimation (KDE) for network intrusion detection, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 7480. 74800N-74800N-12, 2009.
- Y. Tan, H. He and X. Shen, DensityRank: A novel feature ranking method based on kernel estimation, Proceedings of 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN), June 14-19 2009, Atlanta GA, USA.
- H. He and X. Shen. Bootstrap methods for foreign currency exchange rates prediction, proceedings of 2007 IEEE INNS Joint Conference on Neural Network, 1272-1277, August 2007, Orlando, FL, USA.
- H. He and X. Shen. Adaptive iterative learning for classification based on feature selection and combination voting. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE and INNS Joint Conference on Neural Network, 2800-2805, August 2007, Orlando, FL, USA.
- X. Shen and H. He. A Multiscale Probability Model for Intrusion Detection Systems. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies & Applications (MLMTA 2007), 190-196, June 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen, H. He and G. G. Walter. A note on orthogonality of finite element multiwavelets, Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC 2007), 198-124, June 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- H. He and X. Shen. A ranked subspace algorithm for gene expression data classification, Proceedings of International Conference on The 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI 2007), 358-364, June 2007 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen. Biorthogonal Sampling functions associated with Meyer type wavelets. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC 2006), 277-283, June 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen and S. Agrawal. Kernel density estimation for an anomaly based intrusion detection system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MLMTA 06), 161-167, June 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen and J. Gao. Statistical modeling for bankruptcy prediction: A brief survey and new examples for e-commence data. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government, and Outsourcing, (EEE 05), 3-9, June 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- M. Rajakumar and X. Shen. Performance analysis of realtime applications on RTLinux kernel. Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'05), 1106-1112, June 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen. An algorithm for removing artifacts in wavelet expansions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS 04), 444-450, June 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen and H. Li. Kernel density estimation for wireless fading channels using Slepian semi-wavelets. Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN 04), Vol. 1, 411-417, June 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- X. Shen, Y. Guo, and G. G. Walter. Slepian semi-wavelets and their use in modeling of fading envelope. Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology (TCWCT-2003), 1-3, (c) 2003 IEEE, October 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Recovery of digitized signals using Slepian functions. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 03), SPTM-P2.2, Vol. 1, 241-244, May 2003, Hongkong, China.
- X. Shen. On Gibbs phenomenon for wavelet expansions. Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific, Computing & Mathematical Modeling, 338-341, May 2000, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
- G. G. Walter and X. Shen. Continuous non-negative wavelets and their applications. Proceedings of International Workshop on Wavelets and Statistics, 12-23, Oct. 1998, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Selected Projects Participated
- Bio-Inspired Systems for Intelligent Information Processing, Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division, Sensors Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2012-2018.
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Venerability of Complex Systems, Battlefield Visualization Lab, Human Effectiveness Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2010-2011.
- Mathematical Modeling of Multidimensional Networks, Battlefield Visualization Lab, Human Effectiveness Directory, Air Force Research Lab, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, 45433. 2011.
- Intelligent Computational Methods - Numerical Algorithms for Computation Of Holder Exponents With Application in Multiscale Modeling of Complex Time Series, Battlefield Visualization Lab, Human Effectiveness Directory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2010.
- Intelligent Computational Methods - Lattice Methods For Posterior Densities In High-Dimension, Air Force Research Lab, Human Effectiveness Directory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Fairborn, OH, 2009.
- Numerical Methods and Algorithms for Analyzing Joint Spatial and Spectral Characteristics of Hyperspectral Images and Geophysical Signals for Object Discrimination, and Other Related Problem, Office of Naval Research/University of California-Davis, CA.
Patents & Inventions
- Invention: Fractal Filter Apparatus Based on Wavelets, D. W. Repperger, X. Shen, A. R. Pinkus, and K. Farris. US Air Force Invention Number: AF# 1092, approved 11/16/2009. Patent application pending.
- Invention: Edge Clarification Device, D. W. Repperger, X. Shen, A. R. Pinkus, and K. Farris. US Air Force Invention Number: AF#1094, approved 11/30/2009. Patent application pending.
Significant Services
Merit Review Panel, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Journal Editorship
- Journal of Sampling Theory in Image and Signal Processing (JSTSP), - An International Journal, 3 volumes each year, published by Sampl. Publ., 69 Leroy St., Potsdam NY 13676, USA. ISSN: 1530-6429.
- Journal of Information and Computing Science (JIC), - An International Journal, quarterly Published by World Academic Press, World Academic Union, England, UK, ISSN: 1746-7659.
- International Journal of Tomography & Statistics (IJTS) - An International Journal, one volume per year, three issues yearly by Indian Society for Development and Environment Research (ISDER). ISSN 0972-9976.
- International Journal of Statistics & Economics (IJSE) - An International Journal, peer-reviewed journal four issues per year. ISSN 0973-7022.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, Signal Processing Society, Communication Society.