Rex Dinneny

A.A. Philosophy and Social Science American River College, Sacramento, California, 2019
B.A. Philosophy and History, Summa cum laude, California State University, Sacramento, 2022
Member of Phi Alpha Theta National Historical Honor Society
Academic Interests
Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy, especially Classical and Medieval Philosophy; Philosophy of History and Philosophical Historiography; Plato and Neoplatonism; Philosophy of Religion, especially Catholic Theology, Jewish Philosophy, Panentheism, Christian Existentialism, Monastic Spirituality, and Platonic Theology, particularly the thought of Origen of Alexandria, St. Augustine of Hippo, John Scotus Eriugena, and Karl Rahner; Philosophy of Mind, especially Idealism; Metaphysics; Epistemology; Metaethics and the History of Ethics; Political Philosophy, especially Thomas More, Machiavelli, Leo Strauss, and Communitarianism; Existentialism and Late Modern German Philosophy, especially Kant, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Miguel de Unamuno, Jaspers, and Edith Stein; Aesthetics, especially Philosophy of Poetry, Music, and Literature; African-American Philosophy, especially Malcolm X, Cornel West, and the Social Philosophy behind Conscious Hip Hop Music