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Sexual Orientation Resources in the ADDRESSING Model

University Resources

Pride Center

Organizations on campus for students:

  • Open Doors
  • Queer Student Collective
  • OUTgrads and non-trads
  • ALLY (Gay Straight Alliance)

Organizations on campus for employees:

  • OUT@work

Training Opportunities

Safezone trainings: Safezone training is open to students, staff, faculty, and even community members. The training is meant to raise awareness about the dynamics of gender and sexual orientation and learning ways to embody inclusive allyship for people of all orientations, genders, sexualities, identifies, and levels of being out. See the website for available trainings; the Psychology Department typically offer this in the department at least once a year through the clinic orientation for second-year students.

For educators: This Preferred Pronouns Faculty FAQ provides guidance to faculty and instructors on the use of pronouns in teaching and working with students, as well as others.

Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates

Community Resources

  • : Facebook group that is a new arm of the OHIO LGBT Center to advocate for and support LGBTQ identified individuals and their families in community.