Paula Popovich

Ph.D. (1983) Michigan State University, East Lansing
Research Areas
- Intervention Design & Outcome Evaluation
- Health, Social Judgment & Behavioral Decision Making
- Industrial/Organizational
Dr. Popovich is not accetping new graduate students.
Research Interests
Dr. Popovich has a background in organizational behavior and personnel psychology (i.e., human resource management). Along with her training in social psychology, this has allowed her to pursue interests in a number of both basic and applied areas in experimental psychology. This is most clearly represented in her work on sexual harassment in organizations. Dr. Popvich’s publications on this topic includes contributions to theory, laboratory research, research in applied settings, and policy papers. She also has been involved in consulting on this, and other organizational issues (e.g., motivation, leadership).
With colleagues and students, Dr. Popovich has been involved in research on a variety of topics that cut across areas in psychology, including such cognitive issues as attributions and scripts; health topics, such as stress and coping; as well as intervention and assessment issues, such as training evaluation, scale development and assessment.
Dr. Popovich’s background and interests have also been proven to be invaluable in teaching, which has included, along with undergraduate and graduate course in I/O related areas (such as organizational behavior and organizational theory), classes in general psychology, and the psychology of gender (diversity).
Popovich, P.M., Scherbaum, C.A., & Scherbaum, K.L. (2003). The assessment of attitudes towards individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Journal of Psychology, 137 (2), 163-178.
Polinko, N.K., & Popovich, P.M. (2001). Evil thoughts by angelic actions: Responses to overweight job applicants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(5), 905-924.
Mastrangelo, P. M., & Popovich, P. M. (2000). Measuring applicants and employees’ attitudes toward specific drug testing policies. Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(1) 3-17.
Chen, P. Y., Popovich, P. M., & Kogan, M. (1999). Lets talk: Patterns and correlates of social support among temporary employees. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4(1), 1-8.
Popovich, P. M., Everton, W. J., Campbell, K. L., Godinho, R. M., Kramer, K., & Mangan, M. R. (1997). Criteria used to judge obese persons in the workplace. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 85, 859-866.
Popovich, P. M., Gehlauf, D. N., Jolton, J. A., Everton, W. J., Mastrangelo, P. M., & Somers, J. M. (1996). Physical attractiveness and sexual harassment: Does every picture tell a story or every story draw a picture? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 520-542.
Chen, P. Y., & Popovich, P.M. (2002). Correlation: Parametric and Nonparametric Measures. Sage Publications.
Courses Taught
- Organizational Psychology
- Advanced Survey of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Organizational Theory
- Introduction to Psychology
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Psychology of Gender
- Organizational Psychology
- Personnel Psychology
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychological Society
- Midwestern Psychological Association
- The Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Academy of Management