Directions to Physics & Astronomy Open House

The easiest way to reach Clippinger Labs is to follow US-50/S.R. 33 to the 682 exit. At the roundabout at Richland Avenue, veer right. Cross the Hocking River and turn right onto South Green. The stadium will be on your right. Continue past Oxbow Trail. Clippinger is the large building on your left just past Emeriti Pond and directly across from the Ping Center.
Parking Suggestions
The following are suggestions for parking. Read signs carefully. The Purple and Green Lots are available on weekends. Metered spaces require payment all of the time, (24 hours a day/seven days a week). An annotated map is below. Green Arrows represent driving routes. Red represent walking routes. A full campus map also is available.
- The Stadium Lot (132), Walter Hall Lot (134) and Walter Fieldhouse Lot (133) are available, but will probably be paid parking because of the basketball game.
- The Ping Lot (93) is probably the first unpaid lot, though make sure to not park in the metered spaces unless you plan to pay for parking.
- There is underground parking available at Nelson Commons (Lots 78 and 79). The entrance is a bit obscure – see the map below.
- Lots 56, 57, and 58 along South Green Drive are available.
- The Morton Lot (90) should be available and is not too far from Clippinger along a major walkway.
- Paid Parking is available at the Baker University Center.